Plum leaves: properties

Plum leaves have healing properties, are rich in vitamin C and are used for various purposes for our health. Teas, tinctures and even ointments are made from its leaves. If a plum grows on your site, then pay attention to its leaves. You can collect and use them.

Besides the fact that plum leaves can be used to brew tea, which is good for our health, they contain a large amount of vitamins. Tea made from them helps in the period of colds, protecting our immunity.

Plum leaves are used both externally and internally in the form of tinctures or tea

Remember that only healthy leaves that are not affected by diseases and pests are subject to collection.

They are used for wound healing externally as well as internally for the treatment of various diseases.

You can use these leaves for different purposes:

  • If you get a wound or scratch, you can attach a plum leaf to help it heal as soon as possible.
  • If the wound is more serious or festering, then prepare a decoction of plum leaves and vinegar and treat the wound.
  • If you have seasonal hair loss or is only at an early stage, boil the leaves in boiling water and leave them for an hour. Then rinse your hair with this infusion, rubbing it into the roots.
  • Also, these leaves are used for stomatitis: take 20 grams of leaves and pour a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes. Let the broth cool and then rinse your mouth.
  • If your gums are bleeding, make a tincture of leaves and wine. Grind them and cover with red wine, leave to infuse for 3 weeks. After that, strain and rinse the mouth with tincture.

Taking the broth inside, you help cleanse the liver and normalize metabolic processes. Also, a decoction of the leaves helps to strengthen the nervous system and fights insomnia.

Leaf tea can be drunk without restriction. It has a diuretic effect and aids in the elimination of toxins. They also contain coumarins, which prevent blood clots from forming in human blood vessels.

You can harvest the leaves throughout the summer, then dry them. Dried leaves can be brewed into tea during autumn and winter, as well as decoctions made from them. Fragrant tea will remind you of a warm summer and create a cozy atmosphere.

Plum is a healthy berry, but its leaves are also useful. The field of their application is wide enough. It will not be difficult to collect and dry them, and the decoctions and tea prepared from them will only benefit.

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