Plum Juice

Plum juice, made from a specific type of plum fruit, has many health benefits, including improved digestion. Drinking a dark purple drink can also help prevent chronic diseases due to the antioxidants it contains. The sweet and slightly tart juice provides the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to maintain overall health.

Useful Properties

Has mild laxative effects. Plum juice has long been considered an effective remedy for constipation, especially in the elderly population. However, constipation is a condition experienced by people of all ages, and pharmaceutical laxatives can be very dangerous when used in large amounts. Plum juice is a natural laxative with a mild effect, which will not only remove the consequences, but also improve intestinal motility.

The product can help stop the growth of colon cancer – the composition of the product contains special substances that have a destructive effect on cancer cells. The drink stops the growth of colon cancer and can cause apoptosis (cell death)

Prevents Heart Disease – Rich in antioxidants, plums have great potential to prevent and slow down many diseases, including coronary heart disease. Plum drink lowers blood cholesterol levels, strengthens blood vessels, saturates the body with potassium and magnesium. Plum natural juice contains a large amount of vitamin K, it is this vitamin that prevents and eliminates the effects of calcification of the arteries.

Plum drink is widely used not only for medicinal purposes, but also often used in cosmetology and cooking.

In cosmetology, pulp with plum juice is added to face and body masks, scrubs, tonics, serums, etc.

To care for combination skin, you can wipe your face with a sponge dipped in freshly squeezed plum juice with pulp.

In cooking, plum drink is added to syrups, impregnations for cakes, sherbet, ice cream, jelly, wine, tonic drinks and juices.

Chemical composition

The plum freshly squeezed drink contains a large amount of natural sugars with an easy degree of absorption, and also contains healthy carbohydrates, dietary fiber, organic acids, vegetable proteins and fats. Fats in the composition of the minimum amount.

If we compare plum juice with other fruit juices, then it contains many times more minerals and vitamins. The drink is rich in:

  • beta-carotene;
  • vitamins E and C, PP and A, vitamins of group B;
  • macronutrients: sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium;
  • trace elements: nickel, cobalt, silicon, molybdenum, fluorine, chromium, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, iron.

Calorie content and BJU plum juice

Due to the low calorie content of the product, it can be added to the diet of losing weight people, as well as to the diet of athletes.

Caloric valueThirty-nine kilocalories per hundred grams of product
Proteins0,8 grams
Fats0 grams
Carbohydrates9,6 grams

Plum juice in cooking

Plum juice is a versatile product, as it can be used to prepare appetizers, salad dressings, main courses, and desserts. It is worth noting that this product will add a special flavor to any dish, and a delicate plum sweet and sour taste.

To make plum juice at home, you need freshly picked ripe plums. Wash the berries thoroughly, separate the seeds from the pulp. Pass the plum halves through a juicer. If there is no juicer, the berries should be poured over with boiling water in order to make it easier to separate the pulp from the skin. Then grind the pulp through a sieve. You get a puree that can be placed in cheesecloth and wait until the juice drains, and can also be consumed in the form of juice with pulp. Homemade plum juice is healthy, nutritious and natural.

Freshly squeezed plum drink can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of thirty-six hours. But what if you want to enjoy this incredible product all year round? The answer is simple, you need to prepare blanks for the winter. How to make plum juice for the winter at home? Step-by-step recipe: the prepared drink with pulp should be placed in a pressure cooker or juice cooker, cook in a pressure cooker for two hours (in a juice cooker – 3), then place the drink in bottles or jars and close tightly.

In order to diversify the taste of a plum drink, it can be mixed with juices of other fruits, berries and vegetables.

Apple-plum juice for the winter: for preparation you will need one kilogram of plums, half a kilogram of sweet apples and four tablespoons of sugar. Rinse apples and plums thoroughly, cut into quarters and remove pits. To facilitate the process, you can use an automatic juicer, if there is no juicer, you will have to work hard (the cooking method is described a little higher). From this amount of product, one liter of apple-plum drink will be obtained. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add sugar, bring the liquid to a boil. After boiling, immediately remove the pan from the heat. Pour hot berry-fruit liquid into pre-sterilized jars and tightly roll up the lid. The drink can be stored in the cellar or refrigerator.

Plum milkshake – for preparation you need to take two hundred milliliters of milk, fifty grams of ice cream, three tablespoons of plum juice, one teaspoon of powdered sugar. How to cook – mix powdered sugar thoroughly with plum juice, add milk and ice cream. Beat the mass with a mixer or in a blender.

Mogul-mogul – for cooking, you need to take two glasses of cold milk, half a glass of cold water, half a glass of plum natural drink, two eggs, three tablespoons of powdered sugar, a pinch of salt. How to make a cocktail? The yolks must be separated from the proteins, using a mixer, beat them separately. Add the icing sugar to the whites and beat, and add the salt to the yolks and beat. Add all the liquid ingredients to the yolk mass, mix thoroughly with a mixer, combine gently with the proteins. Serve immediately after preparation.

Plum-vanilla cocktail – for preparation you will need one hundred milliliters of ripe and sweet plum juice, fifty milliliters of grape juice, fifty milliliters of vanilla syrup, fifty grams of canned and chopped fruits or berries. Place fruits / berries in a shaker, pour in syrup and juices, shake well, pour into glasses with ice.

Refreshing cocktail – one hundred and sixty milliliters of milk, one hundred milliliters of plum drink, forty milliliters of sugar syrup, twenty grams of ice. Using a blender, mix all the ingredients and pour into a narrow but tall glass. Garnish the glass with a straw and a lemon wedge.

Classic cocktail – for preparation you need one hundred milliliters of a blackcurrant drink, eighty milliliters of a plum natural drink, twenty milliliters of mint syrup to decorate the berries and ice for a refreshing effect. Without mixing all the components, place in a wide glass with ice, garnish with berries, a straw.

Plum chocolate cocktail – take chilled ten percent cream (eighty milliliters), plum drink (fifty milliliters), chocolate syrup (twenty milliliters). Mix all the ingredients in a shaker, pour into a glass – prepare before serving.

Plum juice wine – for preparation you will need ten kilograms of fully ripe berries, clean water at the rate of one liter of water per kilogram of berries, two hundred and fifty grams of granulated sugar for every liter of plum juice, a large fermentation tank, multilayer gauze.

Plums should be washed, pitted, berries turned into porridge, water added, placed in a fermentation container, covered with gauze and left for three days.

After three days, pulp and juice will appear in the barrel. For further manipulation, only juice is needed, it must be filtered and placed in a container. Add sugar to juice and mix well. Put on a rubber glove on the neck of the container (pierce one finger) and leave to wander in a dark and warm place. The wine will ferment for at least a month and a half. Pour the fermented wine into bottles and close tightly. After six months, there will be a cloudy liquid in the bottles, which must be passed through the filter, poured back into bottles and left to mature in the cellar or basement for three years.

To prepare plum juice at home, you need to use only natural, ripe, environmentally friendly plums (in the season of their ripening). Fill your diet with healthy and nutritious foods.

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