Plum Harmony

Plum Harmony is a famous fruit tree. Due to large, juicy, sweet fruits, the variety is in great demand among gardeners in the southern and northern regions. The plant surprises with its unpretentiousness, precociousness. The absence of flaws makes Harmony a desirable planting in every garden.

History of variety breeding

Variety Harmony – a hybrid form. It was obtained in the course of selective experiments at the Michurin Research Institute.

Plum Harmony

Description of the plum variety Harmony

Variety Harmony is widely cultivated in the southern regions of the country:

  • Krasnodar region;
  • Rostov region;
  • Astrakhan region, others.

The appearance of the plum is characterized by certain features:

  1. The height of the tree is medium. An adult plant grows up to 4 m.
  2. The crown is not wide. During the ripening of the shoots, it changes. The leaves are oval in shape, pointed at the end.
  3. The shoots are very close to the trunk.
  4. During the flowering period, Harmony plum is covered with white large buds.
  5. Dark blue round fruits with a wax coating weigh up to 30 g. With good care, favorable conditions, the weight of one plum can reach 70 g. The inner pulp is yellow. The fruit is sweet, with a hint of sourness. The bone separates well.

Characteristics of a variety

The characteristic of the Harmony variety indicates the specific features of the plum, which must be taken into account when choosing a planting area and caring for a tree.

Plum Harmony

Acquaintance with a few nuances, applying the recommendations in practice will ensure a bountiful harvest every year.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Plum Harmony is a versatile plant. It can be grown in the southern, northern regions. The variety tolerates dry summer climates well. Moderate drops in low temperatures do not cause significant damage.

Attention! From excessive precipitation in the form of rain, the plum can crack.

Plum pollinators Harmony

The variety is self-fertile. It does not require insects for pollination. There are exceptions among plums: partially self-fertile options. In this case, you should not expect a bountiful harvest. The placement of pollinators nearby will solve the problem. Best of all, the Hungarian plum will cope with this task. Harmony blooms early. In July, you can already see ripe fruits.

yield, fruiting

Grade Harmony is a mid-season hybrid. In some regions, the first fruits appear in the second half of July. During the season, plums can change their shape: from round to elongated. Harvest is plentiful of large fruits.

Important! With an excess yield, the plum can hang on the branches for a long time. From this, it becomes smaller, changes the taste, it is necessary to collect the fruits in a timely manner.

Plum Harmony

Scope of berries

Harmony plum berries are very juicy and sweet. This is ideal for cooking compotes, jams, jams. Dessert variety can rightfully be considered the best summer treat.

Disease and pest resistance

Plum Harmony has a high level of resistance to disease and insect damage. Preventive measures will protect the landing from a possible pest attack.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Plum Harmony has many advantages that made it more in demand than other garden crops:

  1. Frost resistance. Due to this, the variety is cultivated in many regions of the country.
  2. Self-fertility. There is no need for additional pollination to obtain an abundant harvest of Harmony plum.
  3. Precocity. In mid-July, the first plums will ripen.
  4. Large, juicy, sweet fruits.
  5. Unpretentiousness in care. Harmony will not require significant time, material costs when growing.
  6. High resistance to diseases and pests.

One of the important features of the plum is a poor reaction to excessively moist soil. It is worth monitoring the level of groundwater in the area, conduct moderate watering.

Features of landing

The standard planting of the Harmony variety is a labor-intensive process. The algorithm of actions does not require significant experience, special skills. It is enough to follow simple recommendations.

Recommended dates

Plum Harmony is a heat-loving plant. It is recommended to plant it in the earth warmed by the sun. The middle of spring is the best time for this process.

Choosing the right place

A suitable option for Harmony seedlings is the sunny part of the garden plot. The territory must be protected from drafts and wind. The variety grows well on a hill. You can create a high slope yourself.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby

Neighborhood with pears, cherries, cherries will not do any good. Plum will not give a bountiful harvest. A beneficial effect on the Harmony variety will be produced by black elderberry, maple. The latter option contributes to an increase in the number of fruits.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Planting material should be prepared in advance. To plant Harmony seedlings, you will need a standard set of tools:

  1. Shovel for the formation of holes.
  2. Hoe, chopper for loosening the soil.
  3. Fertilizer.
  4. Wooden stake to support the handle.
  5. Soft fixing rope.

Landing algorithm

Preparation for planting the Harmony variety begins a month before planting the seedlings. The root system of a young plum should be of high quality, healthy. Dry, yellow shoots should be removed. When the earth warms up to the required temperature, proceed to the phased planting of cuttings:

  1. The formation of holes is carried out in advance. Dig holes according to the size of the plum roots. Depth not less than 50 cm, width – from 70 cm.
  2. Part of the soil is mixed with humus, wood ash.
  3. A wooden peg is placed in the center of the hole.
  4. Harmony plum sapling is lowered into the pit. Straightened roots should be at a distance of 5 cm from the bottom. It is covered with prepared earth, rammed.
  5. With a flexible rope, the stalk of Harmony is tied to a peg.
  6. The plum is watered, the soil around is loosened, and mulched.
Important! The plum variety prefers space. The distance between trees should be at least three meters.

Plum Harmony

Plum Aftercare

Plum Harmony does not require careful maintenance. Regular watering, fertilization, pruning, disease and pest prevention are a necessary set of measures to keep the variety healthy. Proper implementation of basic care procedures will ensure a bountiful harvest:

  1. Watering. Variety Harmony needs timely moisture throughout the warm season. The first time was in early spring. The second, third watering – before, after flowering. During fruit ripening, the amount of water is doubled. Before the onset of cold weather, up to 80 liters of liquid are consumed per plum. This will increase frost resistance.
  2. Fertilizer. In spring, plum prefers nitrogen fertilization. Before the appearance of the first flowers, at the stage of fruit formation, the tree is fertilized with potash, phosphorus preparations. In autumn, the soil under the plum is dug up, adding compost and manure to it.
  3. Pruning, crown formation. In the first years after planting, a significant cut of the central conductor is carried out. This stimulates the growth of other branches. Two years later, they begin to cut all the shoots. Be sure to remove dry, damaged branches.
  4. Disease protection, pests.
  5. Preparation for winter. Variety Harmony is considered frost-resistant. Particular attention should be paid to young trees. Spruce spruce branches are an excellent insulation for the trunk. The soil around is mulched. To do this, use fallen leaves, sawdust.
Plum pruning. Seminar. Groomed plum, seedling. Learning process.

Important! Every spring, root shoots form around the Harmony plum. It feeds on the tree, making it weak, the growth should be carefully removed.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Disease / wrecker

Method of struggle



You can fight pests with folk, chemical methods:

1. Digging the earth around the trunk with the addition of ash.

2. Spraying plum Harmony with biologically active preparations – Akarin, Iskra, Aktara.

3. Fast-acting chemicals – Karbofos.

During the use of insecticides, aphids on a tree die two hours after treatment

The main measures to prevent the appearance of aphids include mechanical:

spraying plums with soapy water;

preventive pruning of leaves, branches


To combat such a pest, folk, chemical, biological preparations are used:

1. Treatment with biological substances is carried out on a calm day. In case of precipitation, spraying is carried out again.

2. After flowering, in the second half of July, Harmony plums are treated with insecticides – Alatar, Karbofos, others.

3. Coniferous, coal solutions are used

Preventive measures include the timely collection of garbage from the garden plot. Fallen fruits should not be left near the plum. They should be burned. Bad branches, leaves cut off. Carefully, regularly dig the ground around the plum


Plum Harmony is a popular garden plant. An unpretentious tree brings abundant harvests of delicious juicy fruits. The variety does not require careful care. For its growth, flowering, fruiting, a sunny place on the site, regular watering is enough. This is a great option even for beginner gardeners.


Korolev Valery, Krasnodar
The first Harmony plum was planted on the site a few years ago. They did not take into account that groundwater is too close to the roots of the plant. The tree has deteriorated due to excessive moisture. Having learned from their mistakes, they chose a more suitable place in the garden. Plum needs light, warmth, calmness. We regularly carry out moderate watering, prevention from pests. Looking forward to the first harvest.
Lykova Lyudmila, Tambov
I really wanted this variety in my country house. I was afraid that the tree would not withstand frost. The weather in our area is changeable. Winters can be mild or with extreme temperature changes. Decided to take a chance. In early spring, she planted a seedling of Harmony. Over the summer, the tree took root very well. Cover it carefully before winter. For three years, the plum has been growing well, does not get sick. The first harvest has not yet taken place.

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