Plum Gigantic

Plum grows almost throughout Our Country and Ukraine. The number of new varieties is increasing, and lovers have the opportunity to try not small and sour fruits, but large, sweet and even honey plums. Plum Gigantic – the same variety that pleases with its taste, size, and is great for compote, jam and pies.

History of variety breeding

Giant plum obtained by crossing two other varieties. Back in the 19th century, Americans crossed the Hungarian Azhanskaya variety and the Ponda Seedling. The name fully justifies the properties of the resulting variety. After all, “Giants” are giants or giants in Hebrew. The fruits are large, round and very tasty.

Description of the plum variety Gigantic

The trees are strong. After all, on the branches you need to keep large juicy fruits. Most often medium-sized and reach 4 meters in height. The crown is dense, wide, resembles a pyramid. The leaves are dark green, the flowers are white and very fragrant. Plums are egg-shaped, maturity takes a long time. The fruit itself is bright red, but it has a waxy coating that gives off blue on thick skin. One fruit weighs an average of 50 grams. They are elastic, and this makes it possible to use them in a very diverse way. High stability during transportation is noted. 1 hectare brings about 230 centners of plums to the gardener! The taste depends on the region of germination. Sunny areas give more sweetness. The variety takes root well in the central and southern regions. The pulp is very dense, juicy, does not move away from the bone and has a yellow color.

Plum Gigantic

Characteristics of a variety

Those who want to grow plums with high yields should familiarize themselves with the main characteristics of the Giant variety. To achieve good results, it is important to know about plum planting, tree care and disease prevention.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Variety Gigantic is not picky. This is one of the most important advantages. Winters are not terrible, but the warmer, the better the plums. They are also not afraid of drought. But in the first years of the life of the plum, she will need constant watering. In winter, plum can survive in frost -34 degrees.

Plum pollinators

Variety Gigantic does not require pollinators. It is not necessary to plant other plums near it. It begins to bloom in late April or early May. And towards the end of August or in the first decade of September, you can pick sweet and juicy plums.

Yield and fruiting

The Giant variety begins to bear fruit three years after planting. This is a rather short period compared to other plums. For a season, a gardener collects an average of 45 kilograms of plums from one adult tree.

Plum Gigantic

Scope of berries

The Giant variety is unique in that it is used both for preparing various dishes and sweets, and for fresh consumption. Plums are sweet and juicy, they allow you to cook delicious compotes, jam, make marmalade.

Disease and pest resistance

Giant plum varieties are resistant not only to frost. The tree has the ability to resist those pests that easily infect other trees. But it is not excluded that this variety is also sick, in order to protect it, it is necessary to carry out preventive procedures.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Of the advantages, one can single out high productivity, early maturity, taste, transportability, unpretentiousness. Drought resistance and frost resistance are at a sufficient level for central Our Country, but the figures are slightly lower than some other varieties.

Plum Gigantic

Features of landing

In order for the plum to bring a good harvest, it is important not only to properly care for it, but also to choose a planting site, time, and properly prepare the place. Each variety requires special suitable conditions for itself.

Recommended dates

The ideal planting time for the Gigantic plum variety is spring. You need to transplant in April, when the buds begin to bloom.

Choosing the right place

Even before buying a seedling, it is important to determine where it will grow. And here there are several recommendations or even rules. The place should be well lit. Shade leads to a small harvest. It is advisable to place the tree near buildings such as a garage, summer kitchen, etc. This is due to the fact that it is important for any variety to grow in warmth, no matter how stable it may be. The north side should preferably be closed from the winds. Not the best choice would be a pit for landing, you need to choose a hill or the area where there is no stagnant water. Groundwater should not approach the root by 1,5 meters. To the soil, the Giant plum is not as picky as cherries or cherries.

Plum Gigantic

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby

Each tree has compatibility with others. Some further carry pests, some harm the roots, shade, take all the nutrients from the soil. It is undesirable to plant all plum varieties next to raspberries, currants, apple trees and pears. If elderberry and maple grow nearby, then the plum will only get better. This is a real salvation from aphids.

Selection and preparation of planting material

It is important to choose the right seedling. It is worth buying a plum in trusted places, preferably with documents. The root system is what people first of all pay attention to. It must be developed. It is not recommended to take a seedling without a tag. There should be no spots or damage on a healthy trunk. Height – from 1 meter. It is better to take a two-year-old seedling.

Landing algorithm

In order not to damage the seedling and plant it correctly, you need to follow the algorithm:

  1. A post is dug into the hole, which will support a small tree.
  2. The pit is fertilized, soil is poured above the edges of the pit.
  3. Prepare a seedling, cut off the damage.
  4. The drain is installed so that the roots do not rest strongly against the walls of the pit.
  5. Water carefully so as not to damage the still weak roots.
  6. At the trunk have yellowed leaves, straw.

Plum Gigantic

Plum Aftercare

Proper pruning of plums helps to further increase productivity, get good big fruits, and protect against diseases and pests. Immediately after planting a young tree, about a third of each branch is cut into the ground. If growth has stopped, then cut off the branch to the older wood. A good time for pruning is the beginning of spring, April. You can’t do this in the fall. If full pruning is carried out, then hemp is not left. If there are many fruits, and they pull down the lower branches, then they should be cut. There is no need to chase the number of branches, on the contrary, it is important to thin them out, so there will be more harvest. Weak, sluggish and damaged shoots should not remain on the tree, they are removed. Each pruning procedure is limited to one quarter of the pruned shoots. When the plum has grown by 2 meters, its growth should be limited to increase the number of fruits.

Urea, potassium sulfate in amounts of 40 grams are used as top dressing in the spring. When the plums begin to pour, the substances interfere with 30 grams of each and fertilize. When all the fruits are ripe and fallen off, superphosphate is added in the same amount. In autumn, you can not feed with nitrogen.

To protect against mice and hares, gardeners use special nets.

The giant plum loves moisture. It takes two buckets of water a day if the tree has already grown. The middle of summer is a dry time, and the fruits are pouring, so at this moment you need to pay special attention to moisture. In August, watering is stopped.

For the winter, the tree is covered.

Plum Gigantic

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Gigantic plum varieties are often affected by such diseases:

  1. Klyasterosporiosis.
  2. Moniliosis, rot.
  3. Rust.
  4. Coccomycosis.
  5. Sooty fungus.
  6. Root cancer.
  7. Marsupial disease.
  8. Milky shine.
  9. Harm silkworms.
  10. Goldilocks.
  11. Sawflies.
  12. Hawthorns.
  13. Fruit trees.

For the prevention and treatment of trees, gardeners use copper chloride, Bordeaux mixture 1%, fungicide. To protect against pests, Nitrofen, Karbofos, Benzophosphate are bred.

Plum Gigantic


Plum Gigantic – one of the best varieties. The tree boasts good winter hardiness, high yields, tasty, sweet and very juicy fruits. In general, the gigantic variety is unpretentious, but in order to get a large healthy tree in the future, you need to follow the basic rules for planting, caring for and preventing diseases.


Alexander, Krasnodar
Among all the varieties offered to me, I chose Giant. Immediately attracted large, beautiful fruits. Before buying a seedling I tried them. Juicy and sweet. The tree is unpretentious. I followed all the fit recommendations and am happy with the performance. I live in the southern region, so I can’t say anything about resistance to harsh winters.
Veronika Sergeevna, Ufa
Already in the third year of planting, the Giant Plum began to produce. Of course, in the first year we did not see a large number of fruits. But then they collected 50 kg of sweet fruits, no less. The main thing is proper care. And the tree survived the winter, and quite severe. The fruits are perfect for jam, and for compotes, pies, dumplings.
Sergey Stepanovich, Volgograd
My garden is small. Therefore, I chose a variety that did not require pollinators. The tree is not very large, which I can not say about the fruits. For three years I was looking forward to seeing the result of leaving. I waited, and as soon as I increase the territory of the garden, I will plant a couple more seedlings of this particular variety. Pleased with a large harvest and unpretentiousness.
“To help gardeners” Grades of plums

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