Plums are used to make jams, compotes, pastries, second courses, as well as fresh, so this plant is a must-have in the collection of every amateur gardener. Below we will tell you about how to grow a plum from a stone and what stages this laborious process is divided into.
Seed collection
In order for an event with the cultivation of a plum tree at home to be successful, first of all, you need to select and properly prepare the seed material. When buying plums for sprouting, pay attention to the origin of the product. Imported fruits will most likely not work in an unfamiliar climate. It is best to buy ripe and soft plums in the markets from local residents in order to immediately increase the survival rate of the future tree.
Use the pulp of the fruit for its intended purpose, and leave the bones. They will need to be thoroughly rinsed and completely cleaned of the remnants of the pulp. Then place the pit on a windowsill or anywhere else that is sunny, dry, and warm. The bones will dry out for a few days. Now it’s time to get the core, the seed itself. To do this, use a nutcracker. Be careful not to crush the seed.
In order for the plum from the stone to germinate with a high degree of probability, the seeds will need to be checked for suitability. Take a glass of water at room temperature and place the seeds in it. Fertile seeds will fall to the bottom, while the empty ones will float on the surface.
Video “How to grow a plum yourself”
How to germinate a seed
The first stage of germinating plum tree seeds at home is called stratification. This is a slow germination method at low temperatures. It is necessary to carry out the procedure before winter, no later than November, so that the seeds are ready by the time they are planted in open ground. Take a tight plastic bag, bowl or glass jar and fill the container with fertile compost.
The soil should be moist, but not wet. Now put the seeds in a jar and shake it well. Such manipulation will help to make the soil loose and evenly distribute the seed material in the ground. The prepared container with seeds is sent to the refrigerator with a temperature of + 2- + 4 ° С. Thus, future plums should be stratified for 5-6 months. Planting of prepared seeds is carried out in mid-May.
Now you need to properly select and prepare a plot in the garden. The place should be comfortable, sunny and fairly spacious so that it is convenient to mulch and cover the young shoots with burlap or film in case of frost. It should be noted that temperatures below 0 ° C have an extremely negative effect on tree sprouts.
The earth must first be fertilized to a depth of 30-40 centimeters. For 1 square meter of land, you will need 50 grams of superphosphate, 50 grams of potassium salt and 2-3 kilograms of humus. The sowing depth should be about 6-7 centimeters, and the distance between the seeds should be at least 5-6 meters. In the prepared holes, carefully lay out the seeds that have been stored in the refrigerator all winter. Before planting, they should already have elastic white roots. Fill the holes with soil and water well. In the future, make sure that the landing does not dry out and is protected from all kinds of negative external factors.
From seed to tree
First of all, it should be noted that at least 4-5 years will pass from the moment the seed is collected to the receipt of the tree. The grown plant will begin to bear fruit only for 5-6 years. In this case, the first harvest, most likely, will not impress you with its quality. In the first year of fruiting, plums grow small. But if they did appear, then in subsequent years the tree will definitely delight you with juicy and sweet fruits.
When the first shoots appear on the surface of the earth, it is important to ensure that the plant forms an even trunk. The shoots, which still continue to grow by autumn, are pinched in early September so that the tree can endure the winter more easily. In cold weather, a young plum must be insulated. It is better to postpone the formation of the crown until the first abundant harvest appears.
Growing a plum from a stone, there is always a chance that it will not turn out to be a fruitful cultivated tree, but a game with small and sour plums. To prevent this from happening, experienced gardeners recommend germinating the seeds first in a pot and carrying out several transplants throughout the year. Only after that, a stronger tree is planted in open ground.
Video “Plum in a cold climate”
From the video you will learn how to grow plum and other fruit trees in cold climates.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina