Plum Eurasia: variety description, photo

Plum Eurasia: variety description, photo

Plum “Eurasia” is an early variety of plum, created by a selection method, which brings not only tasty, but also healthy fruits. Also appreciated by gardeners for its resistance to winter cold and frost.

Description of the variety of plums “Eurasia”

One of the advantages of this plum variety is its good yield. On average, 30 kg of fruit can be harvested from one tree, and sometimes even 100 kg. The fruits of the Eurasia plum, as seen in the photo below, are rounded dark blue with a bluish bloom. Their average weight reaches 30 g.

The fruits of the Eurasia plum are non-nutritive, contain many vitamins, therefore they are used in dietary nutrition.

Eurasia thrives on heavy clay soils with a high calcium content. The height of the tree can reach 6 m with a spreading crown. It is better to plant a plum at a distance of 3 m from each other and 5 m between the rows.

Advantages of the Eurasia variety:

  • ability to withstand frosts down to –20 ° C;
  • high productivity and early maturity;
  • good tasty fruits with a slight sourness;
  • the possibility of long-term storage of the crop.

This variety propagates well by cuttings, about 70% of the planting material is successfully rooted.

The disadvantages of the variety include:

  • constant germination of shoots;
  • irregular fruiting;
  • in case of a lack of moisture, the fruits crack;
  • the friability of the fruit does not make it possible to harvest compotes, and also impairs the transportation of the crop;
  • susceptibility to diseases, in particular clasterosporium.

“Eurasia” refers to hybrid self-fertile varieties. Therefore, to pollinate the flowers of the tree, it is required to plant next to other varieties of plums: “Renklode”, “Volzhskaya krasavitsa”, “Mayak”.

Growing plum “Eurasia” and caring for it

In order for the seedling to take root and take root well, the length of the roots must be at least 10 cm. Plant the tree in a hole about a meter deep and in diameter, into which fertilizers must be applied before planting.

“Eurasia” is a moisture-loving tree, water it 2-3 times a month. Do this in a prepared groove about a meter in diameter around the trunk. After watering, the soil must be loosened and mulched.

The shoots around the tree need to be removed in order to increase the fertility of the plum.

Plum begins to bear fruit in the 5th year after planting. As the crown of the tree grows a lot, it may be necessary to support the branches during fruit ripening. If the soil is infertile, then annual fertilization of the tree is required.

The fruits of “Eurasia” are perfect for making homemade products: jams, fruit purees, preserves. They are even suitable for baby food.

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