Plum Delicate

Plum Delicate is a mid-early variety with large appetizing fruits. Vigorous tree with a stable yield, undemanding to the place of cultivation. The variety resists many diseases characteristic of plums.

Plum Delicate

History of variety breeding

Plum Delicate obtained by Belarusian breeders. The productive tree was bred on the basis of a persistent interspecific hybrid of the selection Eurasia 21 and an old variety from Western Europe Hungarian Azhanskaya.

Description of the plum variety Delicate

The variety is distributed in the climatic conditions of the central regions of Our Country. Plum tree Delikatnaya tall, rises to 3–4 m, the average growth of shoots per season is 30–40 cm. A 3-year-old seedling reaches 1,8–2 m in height. The bark of the branches is smooth, light brown. The variety tree forms a rounded spreading crown. The leaves of Delicate are medium in size, oval-oblong, slightly wrinkled, finely serrated at the edges, with a pointed apex. The upper part of the leaf blade is smooth, dark green, the lower part is matte. The flowers of the Delicate plum variety are small, white, and are created on short bouquet branches.

Large smooth plum fruits are rounded, with a weakly pronounced seam, weigh up to 40 g. The skin is thin, tender when consumed, and is well eaten. The integumentary shade of the variety Delicate is pink-lilac, with a slight wax coating. Yellow flesh is juicy, medium density. A small oval bone with pulp is loosely connected, freely removed from the fruit. To taste plum Delicate, pleasant, sweet, with a pronounced attractive sourness, fragrant. Rated by tasters at 4,3 points.

Plum Delicate

Appetizing and healthy fruits have the following composition:

  • 8% sugars;
  • 14% solids;
  • 0,6% pectin;
  • 12,6 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g.

Characteristics of a variety 

The taste qualities of the fruits of the Delicate plum are tempting, and many gardeners acquire a new variety, at the same time studying the characteristics of wood.

Interesting! Plum Delikatnaya, like the original variety Eurasia 21, is a fertile material for breeding work.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Plum Delicate is characterized as a winter-hardy tree, but sensitive to root decay. In March, the gardener needs to monitor the process of snow melting near the trunk and scatter the packed mass in time or break the crust, forming a future stream so that the water does not collect around the tree, but leaves it. The variety tolerates short hot periods painlessly. But abundant watering once a month in the absence of precipitation must be carried out, especially in the phase of buds and the creation of ovaries. It also helps the plum to prepare for the winter moisture-charging irrigation, which is carried out in late September – early October.

Plum pollinators

Variety Delikatnaya is partially self-fertile. In the garden, 2-3 more plum trees should be planted, which bloom at the same time, to form the expected crop. Some reviews indicate that the best pollinating varieties for Delicate are the long-known European plums Edinburgh and Victoria. Flowering begins in May, fruits ripen in August.

Plum Delicate

Yield and fruiting

The collection of plums from one tree that has reached the age of ten is plentiful: 35 or 40 kg. In industrial horticulture, the figure is 25 tons per hectare. Fruiting in the variety Delicate is annual, begins 3-4 years after planting. Bouquet branches on shoots are often created. At the end of summer, the branches are literally hung with lilac-pinkish plums.

Scope of berries

Appetizing fruits with a dessert taste should preferably be consumed fresh. The surplus is used for home-made preparations: compotes, jams, especially since the fruits are quickly processed due to the easily separated stone. Plums are also dried and frozen.

Disease and pest resistance

The variety is not very susceptible to fungal infections. The resistance of Delicate to causative agents of clasterosporiasis is especially high. With the right agricultural practices: timely watering and top dressing, cleaning of fallen leaves and sanitary pruning – insect pests do not linger in the garden. Preventive spring treatment of the garden with fungicides or copper sulphate is also of great importance.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Delicate owes its popularity to its beautiful appearance, refreshing fruit taste and reliable wood qualities:

  • high consumer performance;
  • precocity, medium early ripening and stable yield;
  • winter hardiness and drought resistance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • low susceptibility to characteristic plum diseases.

The disadvantages can be considered specific features:

  • low or zero self-fertility;
  • obligatory systematic pruning, preventing thickening of the crown of a vigorous plum variety.

Plum Delicate

Features of landing

Plum Delicacy gives a high yield if planted in a convenient place and according to the requirements of agricultural technology.

Recommended dates

In the middle lane, plums are planted in the spring: the tree takes root better. In the southern regions, the variety is planted in autumn, until mid-October. Saplings Delikatnaya in containers do not depend on weather conditions.

Choosing the right place

Loose and fertile soil with groundwater up to 1,5 m is the main requirement for the Delicate variety. Plums take root in any place where there is no stagnant water and cold frontal winds.

Comment! The Delicate variety, located in a sunny place, produces sweet fruits.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby

  • Departing from the seedling of Delicate by 3 m, other plums or berry bushes are planted.
  • A good neighborhood is an apple tree, but care must be taken that it is not a tall variety that shades the sun for a plum. The same applies to pears.
Warning! Coniferous and decorative-deciduous tall plants should not be planted near fruit trees, except as protection from the north wind.

Selection and preparation of planting material

  • One- or two-year-old trees are planted, healthy in appearance.
  • The bark is undamaged, the branches are elastic, with swollen buds, if there are green leaves in containers.
  • The roots are moist, fresh, collected in a voluminous lobe.
  • Before planting, the roots of seedlings are moistened in a clay solution.
  • Containers are placed in large containers so that the substrate gets wet and the roots come out freely.

Landing algorithm

  1. A pit for a plum tree measuring 60 * 80 * 80 cm is prepared 14–16 days before planting.
  2. Put a thick layer of sand and ceramics to drain the soil.
  3. A stable peg is hammered into the substrate to support the plum tree.
  4. The seedling is placed on a mound, spreading the roots.
  5. The root neck of the plum is kept at a height of 4-7 cm from the surface.
  6. Sprinkle with earth, tamp and make sides for a circular watering groove.
  7. After watering, the trunk circle is mulched.
  8. The plum is cut: the central conductor and strong shoots by three quarters.

Plum Aftercare

Caring for the Delicate variety is simple:

  • periodically loosen and after watering mulch the near-stem circle;
  • moisture once a month should penetrate to a depth of 40 cm, where the main accumulation of plum roots is located;
  • plums are fed with balanced complex fertilizers;
  • in autumn, humus serves as mulch, with a layer of up to 10 cm;
  • if a pyramidal crown is formed at Delicate, all branches that grow narrower than at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the conductor are removed;
  • every year, the plum is cleaned of overgrowth, damaged and dry branches, as well as those that cross.

Plum Delicate

Important! The plum is cut before sap flow.

After moisture-charging irrigation, a thick layer of mulch is laid, and before frost, the young plum is covered with a net from rodents and protected with agrotextile or paper.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention






Dry tops of branches, rotten fruits

Remove branches with affected fruits

Treatment with copper-containing preparations, leaf cleaning


Red rounded spots on early falling leaves. The tree is weakening

spring processing

Cleaning leaves, digging the soil

Plum Delicate



Methods of struggle


Codling moth plum

Fruits with holes


Stripping damaged bark

Wrinkled sapwood

Moves in the bark, the death of shoots


Stripping damaged bark

Plum Delicate


Plum Delicate is an unpretentious crop with versatile fruits for winter harvesting and as a fresh dessert. The variety is attractive for the resistance of wood and buds to moderate frosts, low susceptibility to pathogens of dangerous fungal diseases.

Plum variety Delicate, plum fruiting in 2015


Natalya Andreevna Olkhovinskaya, 43, Rudnya
Plum Delicate has been growing for the 10th year. The name justifies the taste of dessert fruits with a slight invigorating sourness. I make jam from them, they are very tasty in pies. It was formed for us by a specialist on a low trunk with long branches, for which we make supports at the end of summer so that they do not break under the weight of the crop. Picking fruits and caring for plums is very convenient. Even the appearance of pests can be controlled directly from the ground. The variety did not suffer from frost – under the protection of the fence.
Marina Olegovna Dubrova, 37 years old, Yelnya
The plum orchard was planted 12 years ago, among the varieties there is Delicate. The yield is stable, it sells well, because the fruits ripen early. We carry out processing regularly, the trees do not suffer from diseases and pests. In the spring we feed with nitrogen fertilizers, in the summer we support with potassium and superphosphate. A year later, we use horse manure – the most effective organic fertilizer. Fortified plums easily tolerate frost. In case of frost, we fumigate the garden.

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