Plum (cherry plum) Found

Sometimes gardeners think about what kind of new culture you can diversify your garden. It should be a great addition to existing plants. The variety of cherry plum Nayden can be safely considered unique and fertile, which will surely please the gardener with its yield and sweet fruits.

History of breeding

Cherry plum Naidena is a fruit of medium or large size. It was originally bred in the Crimea with the support of Belarusian breeders. It is important to note that the variety of cherry plum Naidena was the result of a hybrid crossing of the Chinese Quick-fruited and Dessert Plum, and this is how the new variety Naidena was formed. Mass cultivation has established that the fruits are distinguished by productivity and excellent taste. But breeders liked the fact that this plum variety is able to adapt to the most unfavorable growing conditions more. That is why it has spread to the territories of Our Country, Ukraine and Belarus.

In 1993 it was included in the State Register.

Photo of cherry plum Found

Plum (cherry plum) Found

Description of the culture

The description of the variety of cherry plum Found must begin with the features of the area on which the culture prefers to grow. It grows well in southern regions, but can also tolerate cooler climates. The place itself should be as closed as possible from winds and cold. In such conditions, the tree reaches an average height, from 2,5 to 3 meters. The leaves are oval in shape, slightly pointed at the top.

Plum cherry plum Found blooms in spring, in April. The tree is decorated with white flowers with round petals. The fruits themselves ripen by mid-summer. They are oval in shape, purple in color, the ventral suture is absent. In the middle, the fruit is yellow with a brown stone, which is poorly separated from the pulp. The fruit itself has a sweet and sour taste. It can be used both raw and canned.


Characteristics of the cherry plum variety Found:

  • straight trunk;
  • medium density tree crown;
  • flowering up to 8 days;
  • bears fruit after 2-3 years from the moment of planting;
  • resistant to cold;
  • bears fruit regularly
  • self-infertility;
  • adapted to different regions.

Drought resistance, winter resistance

Plum cherry plum Found has an average drought resistance, but it has a high winter hardiness.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

Important! Since this variety is self-infertile, Nayden’s cherry plum pollinators will occupy a special place in subsequent fruiting and require a special approach.

The pollinator can be a variety that originated from a similar region, as well as a variety that has the same flowering phase. Suitable varieties will be Mara, Vitba, Pramen, Rocket Seedling, Pchelnikovskaya, Gift to St. Petersburg. Chinese plum may also be suitable.

The flowering period lasts 7-8 days, at which time the tree becomes a noticeable decoration of the garden.

The fruit itself ripens within 2-3 months.

Plum (cherry plum) Found

yield, fruiting

Cultivation of cherry plum Found will not be in vain, as the culture is characterized by high productivity and fruiting. Every year she will delight the gardener. In the southern regions, a yield of up to 100 kg per tree has been recorded. Fruiting begins in mid-July.

Scope of fruits

From sweet and sour fruits, you can make various desserts, compotes. In its raw form, it is often used due to its taste, as well as the content of nutrients.

Disease and pest resistance

The characteristics of the cherry plum variety Found as a disease-resistant crop can be safely regarded as high. If the disease has already happened, then it belongs to the fungal. Plum pests are various kinds of beetles and butterflies. They tend to lay their eggs on leaves and flowers, later caterpillars appear on them. You should start fighting insects in early spring, spraying the tree with special preparations.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the variety of cherry plum Naidena include its winter hardiness, regular yield, precocity, disease resistance. It should also be noted its dessert taste, large fruits, as well as their strong shell (they do not break when dropped).

Disadvantages – the difficulty of separating the pulp from the stone, self-fertile.

Features of landing

This culture is unpretentious in the choice of soil.

Advice! It should be planted on those soils that are not flooded and not swamped. Also keep away from cold winds. Such protection will be the wall of the building, a fence or trees planted near.

Recommended dates

Seedlings are usually planted between April and October, but with a closed root system. In the case of an open system, the crop is planted in early spring.

Choosing the right place

The place must be chosen protected from the cold. Preferably on a southern slope, where on the other side the tree will be protected from the wind.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherry plum

It is undesirable to plant fruit trees next to cherry plum, it positively tolerates only an apple tree. The tree gets along well with various shrubs such as gooseberries and blackcurrants. A tree from one group will become a pleasant neighbor for cherry plum.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The choice of seedling should be stopped on a plant with a good root system. It should be two years old, have a healthy crown and be free of cracks. The choice should be made in the fall, because the range of seedlings will be much higher. It is necessary to leave the seedling in a cool place, for example, in the basement, where the temperature will remain from 0 to +5 all winter0C.

Landing algorithm

Already at the landing itself, a hole should be prepared with a depth of 70-80 cm, the diameter may be the same. The soil is prepared with nutrients and covered with a material that does not allow moisture to pass through. In this state, the pit remains until spring.

In the spring, the seedling is taken out of the shelter. At the bottom of the pit, a mound should be formed, along which the roots of the tree are neatly laid out. Then you need to fill the hole and the seedling with earth. Further, cherry plum is abundantly watered with water, after a few days it is recommended to loosen the earth.

Plum (cherry plum) Found

Culture aftercare

The description of the yellow cherry plum variety Found in relation to subsequent care will be as follows:

  • mandatory watering once a month;
  • after the first fruiting, top dressing should be done;
  • timely pruning will bring more fruit.

Pruning is carried out in the spring, but is also required at the first planting.

Preparation for winter should be taken with special responsibility, since the life of a tree may depend on it. In the fall, you should remove the fallen fruits and leaves around the cherry plum, dig up the soil near the trunk. Just do it carefully, without damaging the roots, because they are located close to the surface. Since this culture requires protection from cold and winds, it is advisable to whitewash the tree first, and then wrap the branches with special materials.

To prevent rodents from damaging the tree, it should be protected with a special mesh.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention


Methods of control and prevention

Coccomycosis (fungal disease)

In autumn and spring, trees are treated with a Bordeaux mixture solution.


It is necessary to cut off the affected shoots. Next comes the fungicide treatment.


Spray generously with Bordeaux mixture solution.

Plum (cherry plum) Found


Methods of control and prevention


Cleaning old and damaged bark. Insecticide treatment

Slimy sawfly

Spraying trees with Fufanon or Novoaktion

Plum aphid

Trees are sprayed with Karbofos or Sumition, while the lower surfaces of the leaves are treated

Plum (cherry plum) Found


Cherry plum Naidena is a hybrid variety of plum, which has a number of advantages. This tree is able to survive the most difficult climatic conditions and at the same time bear fruit in the season. This culture is unpretentious in care, it will surely please the gardener with a harvest.


Cherry plum reviews Found:

Gorovenko Alexey Alexandrovich, Volgograd
A few years ago, a variety of cherry plum Naydena was planted. I can say that there were no special difficulties in caring for her (perhaps due to our geographical location). It survived the last winter well, and in the summer they got a decent harvest.
Maskaeva Elena Nikolaevna, Nizhny Novgorod
I love this variety very much, I once accidentally learned about it from a friend. Fruits every summer are enough to close the compote and jam. We also eat as a family only plucked fruits. In general, we are satisfied.
Cherry variety Naidyona

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