Plum Black Tula

Plum “Black Tulskaya” refers to varieties of late ripening. Its popularity among gardeners is explained by delicious juicy fruits, excellent yields, and resistance to many diseases.

Plum Black Tula

History of variety breeding

How this black plum appeared is not exactly known. According to some gardeners, this is a seedling that grew up after accidental pollination of a tree of the Hungarian home variety.

The agronomist G. Ya. Serebro was the first to describe the black plum in the last century.

Description of the plum variety Black Tula

The variety has several other names:

  • Tula prunes;
  • Winter blue;
  • Prunes Meshchovsky;
  • Bryansk late.

The tree and fruit have their own special characteristics.

Plum “Tulskaya” grows up to 4,5 m high. It has a small, dense, oval crown. The leaves are dark green in color.

According to the photo of a black plum, the fruits look like an egg. They cannot boast of large sizes. Plum weight reaches a maximum of 30 g. The color of the fruit is dark blue, sometimes with a red tint. There is a bluish coating on the skin.

The pulp of plums is yellow-green, dense, juicy. She tastes sweet. According to tasters, it deserves a rating of 4.1 points out of 5 possible for taste.

Plum Black Tula

Attention! A tree grown in the southern regions brings more delicious fruits.

Cultivation of plum “Black Tulskaya” is best in the Moscow region. Also, the variety is widely used in the Tula and Kaluga regions.

Characteristics of a variety

The main characteristics of the plum of this variety relate to its resistance to adverse weather conditions, fertility, resistance to certain diseases.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

The lack of moisture in the plum variety “Black Tulskaya” does not tolerate very well. Due to drought, unripe fruits fall to the ground.

Reviews of the Tula Chernaya plum in the Moscow region indicate that it has an average level of winter hardiness. The tree quickly recovers after a frosty winter.

Plum pollinators Black Tula

The variety is considered self-fertile. For stable fruiting, he does not need pollinators. This is one of its main advantages.

Plum Black Tula

Yield and fruiting

Variety “Black Tulskaya” bears fruit regularly. Gardeners watched her for 17 years. During this period, the harvest was not only 4 times.

The yield level of the variety is average. Usually it is about 10 kg of fruit per tree. The maximum figure is 35 kg.

Scope of berries

Plum “Black Tula” is used for cooking various dishes, preparations. This is juice, compote, jam, jam, liquor. But it is worth remembering that due to the high juiciness of the fruits, jams and jams turn out to be too liquid.

Disease and pest resistance

A pleasant characteristic of the Black Tulskaya plum variety is resistance to certain types of diseases and pests. The tree is not subject to klyasterosporiosis, fruit rot.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Plum “Black Tula” has a number of advantages.

  1. fruiting stability.
  2. Good yield (maximum 35 kg per tree).
  3. High ratings of taste indicators.
  4. Easy to separate pulp and pit.
  5. The tree does not suffer from klyasterosporiosis and rot.


  • average level of winter hardiness;
  • shedding of fruits with a lack of moisture;
  • influence of weather conditions on taste.

Another significant disadvantage is the susceptibility to pachyderm.

Features of landing

How well the tree was planted depends on its health and productivity.

Plum Black Tula

Recommended dates

The time of planting seedlings is highly dependent on the region. If this is the Moscow region and the surrounding areas, it is better to plant in the spring. In a few warm months, seedlings will not only be able to adapt to new conditions, but also prepare for winter.

It is better to start planting 5 days after the snow melts. The whole process takes 2 weeks. If you start it later, during the period of sap flow, the plum will take root poorly.

In regions with mild winters, autumn planting is preferable. We need to get there before the cold weather sets in. The ideal month for planting is October.

Attention! Plum seedlings of the Black Tulskaya variety, which have a closed root system, can be planted in the ground at any time of the year.

Choosing the right place

As mentioned above, the taste of the Black Tulskaya plum directly depends on the amount of sunlight. The more sun, the sweeter the fruits will be. That is why seedlings should not be planted in the shade, but in a place open to light. However, they must be protected from the wind. Therefore, the best option is the space near the house or fence.

From the soil it is better to choose loam. It is good if groundwater occurs at a depth of 1-1.2 m.

It is not recommended to plant the plum on heavy, acidic, alkaline or cold soil. Clay will not work either. On it, the root system will be partially located on the surface, because of which it may suffer from severe frosts or air deficiency.

Plum Black Tula

Restrictions are also imposed on sandstones. In such soil there are no nutrients at all, in addition, it dries quickly.

Too low areas are also not suitable for planting the Black Tulskaya plum variety. They collect cold air. In addition, they are more prone to flooding than others.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby

It is not recommended to plant such plants next to the Black Tulskaya variety tree:

  • Walnut;
  • hazelnut;
  • fir;
  • birch;
  • poplar.

The neighborhood of a plum with a pear is also considered unfavorable. However, this applies to cases where the trees are very close to each other.

Plum “Black Tula” has a good or neutral relationship with an apple tree and black currant. Also near it you can plant thyme, tulips, daffodils, primrose.

Plum Black Tula

Selection and preparation of planting material

The Black Tula plum seedlings selected for planting must meet a few simple requirements.

  1. Age no more than 2 years.
  2. The presence of one conductor and three side shoots at least.
  3. Roots 35-40 cm long. It is important that the root system does not have growths and sagging.

To protect seedlings during transportation, their roots must be covered with a cloth soaked in water. Wrap with polyethylene on top.

Plum Black Tula

Landing algorithm

Planting plum “Black Tula” is carried out in several stages.

  1. About 2 weeks before planting, dig the ground (radius 2 m) and apply fertilizer to it (8 kg of humus, 50 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium salt).
  2. Dig a hole (depth 60 cm, width 70 cm). Connect the earth with peat (2 buckets), superphosphate (300 g) and potassium sulfide (80 g). Pour the mixture into the hole to 2/3 of its volume.
  3. Drive a small peg into the hole.
  4. Put the Black Tula plum seedling in the hole, carefully straighten the roots, sprinkle with earth. It is important that the root neck is 5-7 cm above the ground.
  5. At a distance of 40 cm from the tree, form an earthen roller.
  6. Water the ground with 2 buckets of clean water.
  7. As soon as the water is absorbed, cover the soil with humus or peat (10 cm).

Several plums of this variety should be planted at a distance of 3 m from each other.

Plum Black Tula

Plum Aftercare

Proper planting and caring for the Black Tulskaya plum is a guarantee of tree health and a good harvest. You can’t miss a single little thing, whether it’s phased pruning or fertilizing.

Pruning of a tree of this variety is of two types: forming and sanitary. It is held every year.

  1. After planting, it is necessary to shorten the central trunk of the tree so that it is 25 cm higher than the branches.
  2. At the age of 2, the formation of a sparsely tiered crown begins. It is recommended to leave the 3 strongest branches. Cut the shoots to 60 cm. It is important that the central trunk still remains 20-25 cm higher than the other branches.
  3. At 3 years old, the formation of the 2nd tier of the crown should begin. It is located 40 cm from the first and consists of 2 branches.
  4. At 4 years old, you need to make a 3rd tier.
  5. Starting from the 5th year, it is necessary to cut only those branches that make the crown too dense.

Plum Black Tula

Sanitary pruning of plants of this variety is carried out as needed and does not depend on the age of the plum. It involves the removal of damaged or diseased branches. It is also recommended to remove root shoots, which adversely affect the process of nutrition and growth of the tree.

As mentioned above, the Black Tulskaya plum does not cope well with drought. For this reason, watering should be given special attention. During the growing season, you need to water the tree 6 times:

  • after the flowers have fallen;
  • 2 weeks after the first watering;
  • 2 weeks after the second watering;
  • during fruit ripening;
  • after the harvest is done;
  • in September – October.

Seasonal feeding is also carried out.


young tree

Tree that bears fruit

Consumption for 1 tree


2 tbsp. l. urea, 2 tbsp. l. liquid humate and 10 liters of water


20 l


3 art. l. nitrophoska and 10 liters of water


20 l

August-beginning of September

3 art. l. potassium sulfate, 3 tbsp. l superphosphate, 10 l water


20 l

Early spring


25 g urea, 20 g potassium chloride, 60 g superphosphate


September October


10 kg manure (rotted) / 10 kg compost


Plum Black Tula

Another important part of caring for the Black Tulskaya plum is its preparation for winter. It starts in October. First of all, the soil around the tree must be freed from fallen leaves and dug up (by 20 cm). After, you need to fill the drain with 70 liters of water and cover with sawdust or a 10-centimeter layer of peat.

To protect the plant from rodents, the trunk should be whitened. After that, wrap it with a layer of roofing material, glass wool and reflective foil.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Klyasterosporiosis and fruit rot plum varieties “Black Tulskaya” is not subject. However, it can suffer from other diseases or pests.





Plum pockets

The fruit is stretched and becomes flat. The bone does not appear. Up to 30% of the total crop is affected.

Treat the tree with a 0.2% solution of copper oxychloride.

Destroy infected fruits, thin out the crown, feed the plum with calcium-based fertilizers.


Small, honey-like drops appear on the trunk. An infection enters the tree through wounds.

Clear the trunk of growths. Disinfect wounds with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and cover them with garden pitch.

Carry out pruning according to the schedule. Protect young trees from frost. Regularly check the state of the tree as a whole.


Withering branches, flowers and leaves.

Before flowering, treat the tree with 3% Bordeaux liquid or copper chloride.

Timely treat the plum from pests. Burn fallen leaves and branches.


A viral disease that affects leaves and flower stalks. The former change shape, become more dense and at the same time fragile.

There is no cure. A sick plum must be dug up and destroyed.

Buy seedlings only from trusted gardeners or nurseries. In the process of work, use only clean tools. Get rid of pests promptly.


Spots appear on the leaves. Dark dents form on the fruits.

Uproot the tree and burn it.

Preventive measures are the same as in the previous case.

Plum Black Tula

Of the pests, the Black Tula plum is most often affected by the pachyderm, yellow sawfly and codling moth.

  1. Chlorophos, Karbofos or Mospilan, diluted in water according to the instructions, will help get rid of the pachyderm.
  2. The same preparations as in the previous case help to fight the yellow sawfly.
  3. Chlorophos can protect the plum from the codling moth. Processing is usually carried out in mid-June.
Important! Timely digging and destruction of damaged fruits will help prevent damage to plums by pests.

Plum “Black Tula” fell in love with many gardeners. It has a good yield, excellent taste, resistance to some diseases. Like any other fruit tree, it requires constant care. If everything is done correctly and according to the schedule, the plum will delight you with fruits for many years.


Viktor Vladimirovich, 43 years old, Moscow
Black Tula has been growing in our garden for a long time. I like this variety. First, it brings a bountiful harvest every year. And secondly, it does not require special care. And it tolerates frost well. True, if the frosts occurred at the time of flowering, the yield decreases. Therefore, I advise you to wrap the tree with lutrasil. Thanks to him, the flowers will not freeze, and, therefore, the harvest will be good. From plums we usually make jam or liquor. But the jam is watery. But the liquor is just right, tasty and fragrant.
Maria Alekseevna, 58 years old, Moscow
I always preferred dark plums, in which you can easily separate the stone. They are delicious and are processed quickly. Somehow I didn’t really like Black Tula, although it has been growing in my garden for a long time. But the past year has changed my opinion about the variety. The other plums must have had little sunlight or too much water. Their fruits turned out tasteless and watery. But Black Tula pleased. She was the sweetest.

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