Plum Anna Shpet

Plum Anna Shpet is a popular variety among all representatives of the species. It withstands temperature fluctuations, unstable climate and weather events. The variety is suitable for growing in different regions of the country.

Plum Anna Shpet

History of variety breeding

Plum is considered a cultural species that has existed for several millennia. In Our Country, it appeared in the distant 17th century. And towards the end of the 18th, they began to use it almost everywhere. Each land owner could plant a variety for commercial purposes. Plum Anna Shpet grows beautifully in central Our Country, but received more recognition in the Crimea, Ukraine and Moldova.

The plum variety Anna Shpet was bred at the end of 1870 by the German breeder Ludwig Shpet. He practiced his activity by crossing lilacs, and a plum tree randomly grew next to it. Plum seedlings Anna Shpet are considered free in pollination. In the USSR, in the mid-1940s, the Anna Shpet variety became widespread, and later they became interested in the Rostov Region and the Krasnodar Territory. By the end of the last century, plums were grown “with neighbors” in Belarus.

Description of the plum variety Anna Shpet

The trunk of Anna Shpet is very high, has a dense crown of a pyramidal shape. Bark greyish. Shoots thickened and dark. They have brown internodes. The variety bears fruit until the very “old age”. The kidneys on it are pointed to the top, the tips are thin. Color – light green. The structure is matte, sometimes there are jagged edges on the edges. There are no stipules, petioles are shortened.

The flowers are large, bright, grow immediately in pairs. The pedicel is medium in size, and the plum petals are oval in shape with beautiful wavy edges. Stamens abundant, anthers yellow. The fruits themselves of the Anna Shpet plum variety are very massive, up to 50 g. They have dark purple colors, sometimes with burgundy barrels. Oval in shape, do not have pubescence, like other varieties. The skin is not thick, but not transparent, easily separated from the pulp of the plum, sometimes covered with wax. The bones are grayish.

Plum Anna Shpet

Plum pulp Anna Shpet is sweet, dessert, yellow-green in color. The consistency is thick but not hard. The juicy inside becomes tart when fully ripe, and the stone grows small. It is easy to separate it from a ripe plum. This is a heat-loving tree that is best planted in sunny cities and countries. The southern regions have more advantages for its growth and fruiting.

Characteristics of a variety 

Plum Anna Shpet is a late variety of fruit seedling, where fruits ripen only in the middle of autumn. They do not fall or rot, and can remain on the drain for a long time even until fully ripe, despite the cold weather. There are such advantages of this variety:

  1. High fecundity of the Anna Shpet plum – the fruits can be stored for a long time, and the tree, thanks to self-pollination, can bear fruit every year.
  2. Large and tasty plum fruits. Small plums usually spoil immediately after ripening.
  3. Early fruiting of Anna Shpet – still half-ripe plums can be collected for conservation.
  4. Late ripening varieties Anna Shpet.
  5. Unpretentiousness in the care of plum varieties Anna Shpet.
  6. Possibility of storing fruits in blanks for more than 2-3 years.
  7. Increased degree of plum regeneration Anna Shpet.

Such characteristics make it possible to collect large sweet fruits even from an adult 20-year-old plum. One crop yields about 130-140 kg of plums. Anna Shpet will bear fruit already 4-5 years after planting for several decades.

Drought resistance, frost resistance 

The variety of this plum is not very resistant to frosty weather, but even with frost it can recover itself. Still not suitable for growing in cold regions, since Anna Shpet is a heat-loving plant. The harvest will be, but small, not rich. In the southern region, the plum will hurt less, although it does not impose special requirements on soil and care. But the drought for Anna Shpet is not terrible, she tolerates it well and gives an abundant amount of fruits.

Plum Anna Shpet

Plum pollinators

Plum Anna Shpet is self-fertile, but she needs cross-pollination for rich fruiting, otherwise you can count on a meager harvest. Plums are considered the best pollinators:

  • Victoria;
  • Catherine;
  • Ranclaud Altana;
  • Renklod green.

Shpet plum bears fruit every year and is very plentiful. But even she needs to provide good care in order to collect delicious fruits.

Plum Anna Shpet

Yield and fruiting 

The stability of the crop of the Anna Shpet variety is achieved through agricultural technology, and if an adult tree once gave a rich harvest, it will always produce at least 100 kg of ripe fruits. Plum bears fruit, starting from 5 to 15 years, 60-80 kg each, and an adult is twice as much.

Scope of berries

Plum berries Anna Shpet are more often exported, and due to the characteristics of the variety, they may not lose their taste for a long time. Farmers do not process the fruits, they only place them in commercial cold stores to preserve their appearance and taste. It is good to make various twists and compotes out of them, and in cosmetology, seed oils and plum seeds are used.

Disease and pest resistance

Anna Shpet is not very resistant to moniliosis and polystigmosis. The latter is a disease expressed by spotting on plum leaves. You can notice the infection at the beginning of the summer season after heavy rains. Yellow spots cover the leaves, and then rot, forming reddish spots.

Important! If you do not cure Anna Shpet, when the leaves are already orange, you can forget about the yield. The leaves will fall, the tree will weaken, and frost resistance will decrease.

To protect the fruits of the Anna Shpet variety, you need to treat the bark with Bordeaux liquid or substances with fungicides. After harvesting, before severe frosts, the leaves are sprayed with copper sulphate, as well as the soil around Anna Shpet. Fallen leaves will serve as a breeding ground for pests, so timely collection is a must.

Plum Anna Shpet

Moniliosis affects not only the leaves of the plum variety. Shoots become reddish, dry quickly. Anna Shpet’s berries have a pronounced gray growth, which is why they rot. The fight against this disease is the same as in the case of the previous one, only all diseased branches and infected shoots are already subject to treatment.

Rodents also like to eat fruit tree trunks, so the plum is covered with a dense cloth or polymer mesh. Hares and mice will also not be able to get close to the trunks, and frost will not damage this variety so much.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The characteristic of the Anna Shpet variety suggests that the fruits of this variety are very sweet, juicy, like a summer dessert. This is an incomparable advantage, because few fruit trees can “boast” of fruits of this quality. A rich harvest, the ability to withstand the winter is a big plus for many farmers. Of the shortcomings, only diseases and attractiveness to small pests are distinguished.

Features of landing 

Plum varieties Anna Shpet loves heat, so the soil should be open. The soil needs processing, as the end of the winter season means warming and the appearance of diseases.

Recommended dates 

Autumn and spring are considered the optimal period for planting seedlings – it is best to do this in April, when the soil has not yet warmed up, but is no longer frozen. Plum loves the south side, so the planting material must be protected from possible gusts of wind. Drafts should also be excluded, do not plant trees along the walls of houses or garages. This blocks the flow of sunlight.

Plum Anna Shpet

Choosing the right place 

The soil for growing the Anna Shpet variety is good almost everywhere in the middle latitudes. The main thing is fertile loose soil, which should not have a highly acidic. Drain does not tolerate stagnant groundwater. Trees of this variety should be planted at the lowest point in the landscape, where the water table is above 2 meters.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby 

For a richer harvest, you can plant a Hungarian or Catherine. Since the domestic plum Anna Shpet is partially self-fertile, it is recommended to plant Raisins-Erik. Altana will improve the taste, and the Crimean variety will add “blue” to the fruits.

Plum Anna Shpet

Selection and preparation of planting material

Seedlings should have a clear central part of the branch, from which two or three side branches extend. What you should pay attention to:

  1. There should be no noticeable defects on the rootstock and scion. Open roots are well palpable, matured.
  2. The trunk should have a smooth surface of the bark. This is the main condition, otherwise the tree will not take root or fall on its side.
Advice! It is best to buy a two-year-old seedling of a zoned plum.

Landing algorithm 

The landing pit is prepared in the fall. If the event is held in the spring, you need to fertilize the soil three weeks before planting Anna Shpet’s seedlings. In autumn, the land is fertilized with 100 grams of potassium magnesia or pure manure. Taken 7,5 kg per 1 m2. To lower the level of acidity, sprinkle the soil with dolomite flour or lime:

  1. For one pit, 9 kg of compost is taken.
  2. 160 g wood ash.
  3. 1 bucket of sand.

Plum Anna Shpet

The yield and growth rate of the seedling will depend on how nutritious the composition is. The pit is dug with parameters 0,5 deep and 0,7 wide. Plum roots are dipped into clay. An eggshell is placed at the bottom of the pit.

Next, the bottom is covered with humus. Then clean soil and superphosphate are added – 500 g. A peg is placed in the center. The neck of Anna Shpet’s seedling should be 5 cm above the soil level. Around the hole should hold 25 liters of water.

Then everything is covered with sawdust and dry earth. More algorithm in the video

How to plant a plum

Important! Plum planting should be done in calm weather, when there are no drafts, preferably sunny.

Plum Aftercare

After planting, plums need to be processed. Care is in compliance with agricultural technology. The culture of the variety, although unpretentious, still needs mineral fertilizer. Activities need to be carried out systematically. It is necessary to water the plum 3 times:

  • when the shoots went;
  • when the fruits appeared;
  • after the plum harvest.

On average, the figure is 40-45 liters per plum of this variety, but the total amount depends on the age of the Anna Shpet plum. The earth is moistened to work better with it, the soil becomes pliable at a level of 20-30 cm, but you should be careful with water – the tree does not like either drought or excessive flooding.

Plum Anna Shpet

Pruning is carried out immediately after planting Anna’s seedling. The branches are cut by a third in the first 4 years, then by a quarter. When forming the crown, a sparse-tiered technique is used. After each time, treatment with garden pitch is necessary.

Plum Anna Shpet

Top dressing is carried out by months:




Fertilizers and proportions



Before flowering

Prepare a solution of urea and potassium sulfate 1: 1 with the addition of 30 liters of water for one tree

During flowering

A mineral-type solution is prepared with the addition of urea and water in a ratio of 2:1. They need to water the plum – 4 liters for each seedling


A solution of mullein and water 3:1. One tree accounts for approximately 40 g of superphosphate



The beginning of June

3% urea solution – spray the tree



Mid – end of September

Potassium chloride and superphosphate 2:3 per 10 liters of water. Water 30 l one tree

Here you need lime, which will moisten the soil – disinfection is carried out by introducing a solution of chalk and ash. Once every 5 years as needed

Before digging, sprinkle with manure or compost (15 kg) with the addition of ammonium nitrate – 50 g

For wintering, trees need to be covered with synthetic material, whitewash the stems. Use and kapron mesh, if there are rodents. So growing plum Anna Shpet will be a pleasure, and will not cause trouble.

Plum Anna Shpet

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention 

If you properly care for the Anna Shpet variety, rodents and pests will not be scary. However, to combat them, it is still worth stocking up on some means:

  1. A solution of carbamide is used against the plum codling moth.
  2. You can get rid of the sawfly by using Karbofos or Cyanox.
  3. “Nitrafen” and “Metaphos” are used against the red fruit mite.
Important! Cleaning plum leaves of the Anna Shpet variety is prevention, and so that pests do not breed and spoil the plum, you need to constantly whitewash the crown and trunks with branches.


Plum Anna Shpet grows in the southern regions, is famous for its sweetness and good resistance to frost. Care is simple but thorough. To get large rich harvests of Anna Shpet, you need to take care of the seedlings and prepare the soil. Then the plum will please with juicy pulp.


Morov Arkady Semenovich, 56 years old, Kostroma
I like plum for its durability, as it is cool in our latitudes. Every year it gives large fruits, although he planted a tree only 5 years ago.
Afonov Sergey Mikhailovich, 25 years old, Sochi
I did not think that I would be engaged in gardening, but I planted a plum for my daughter. Everything turned out the first time, no rodents were observed. The tree does not get sick, I only fertilize the soil.
Nikiforova Olesya Vladimirovna, 67 years old, Donetsk
I do not see any problems with landing and leaving. I didn’t fertilize almost, I just check that the tree does not hurt. It always gives a big harvest, and I don’t know what to do with it. In the summer, there is always a plum for all the neighbors on the tables.
Nikiforova Olesya Vladimirovna, 67 years old, Donetsk
I do not see any problems with landing and leaving. I didn’t fertilize almost, I just check that the tree does not hurt. It always gives a big harvest, and I don’t know what to do with it. In the summer, there is always a plum for all the neighbors on the tables.

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