Plum Altai Jubilee

Fruit trees are associated with warm climates, but some of them are able to grow in almost any weather and natural conditions. Plum Altai is a prime example of such a tree.

History of variety breeding

The variety Altaiskaya Yubileinaya belongs to the category of rather old ones: it was bred in Altai back in the mid-70s, and in 1974 an entry about it appeared in the State Register. The progenitors of the home Anniversary were Immune Plum and Manchurian Prunes.

Description of the plum variety Altai Jubilee

Altai jubilee plum is a medium-tall fruit tree that can reach 3 m in height. The branches of the home Anniversary are dark, brown-gray, rather thick, covered with slightly curved pale green leaves without edging on the surface.

The shape of the crown is reverse pyramidal, and since the tree does not have many branches, the density of the crown remains at an average level. Home plum blossoms with large white flowers, 3 from each bud, and an interesting feature is that the flowers on the branches appear earlier than the leaves.

Plum Altai Jubilee

It is very easy to recognize the fruits of the yellow Altai plum. In shape, they are almost round, with a pronounced groove, and in color they are yellow, with an orange tint and a characteristic pale scarlet “blush”. Wax coating is clearly visible on the skin. One fruit weighs an average of about 15 g.

The Altai jubilee variety is grown throughout the country, in almost all climatic zones. It is recommended for planting in the Urals, in the northern regions of Kazakhstan, in Western and Eastern Siberia. This is precisely its main value: homemade Anniversary perfectly tolerates harsh conditions and bears fruit even in cold regions.

Characteristics of a variety

You can understand how well the home Yubileinaya will take root in a particular summer cottage from the detailed characteristics of the variety.

Plum Altai Jubilee

Drought resistance, frost resistance

One of the weak points of the Altai Jubilee is its poor adaptability to arid conditions. Yellow plum does not respond well to stagnant water in the soil, but it loves moisture. If it does not rain for a long time, it is imperative to pour 2–3 buckets of water under the tree trunk every 10–12 days. In addition, additional watering is organized three times a year during the most important periods for the yellow plum: before flowering, after it ends and during the fruiting season.

If the yellow plum does not tolerate drought well, then its frost resistance is very high – and this is one of the strengths of the variety. Despite the fact that in Siberia winter frosts often exceed -30 degrees and spring frosts are not uncommon, this does not affect the health of the Altai Jubilee and its ability to bear fruit.

Plum Altai Jubilee

Plum pollinators Altai jubilee

The yellow plum is not capable of self-pollination – in other words, if fruit trees with similar flowering periods are not planted near the home Anniversary, you can not expect high yields. At the same time, there is one caveat: the yellow plum blooms early, respectively, and far from any pollinators are suitable for it.

The best options would be:

  • Plum Chemalskaya – the tree blooms in early May, and bears fruit in early July. The variety belongs to the category of frost-resistant, therefore it is well suited for planting in the neighborhood of Yubileinaya.
  • Plum Katunskaya – early flowering, fruiting in mid-August. It also has good winter hardiness and is suitable for growing in northern regions.
  • Plum Memory of Plutov – dark plum with May early flowering and fruiting in mid-August. Resistance to low temperatures is good – the variety will easily take root next to the Altai Jubilee in a harsh climate.

Plum Altai Jubilee

Yield and fruiting

Home plum begins to bear first fruits only at 3 or 4 years of age, if an annual tree acted as a seedling. At the same time, the harvest can not be harvested every year, since the variety belongs to the category of irregular.

Comment! At the same time, the yield level of the yellow plum is quite high – up to 40 kg of fruits from one tree.

Plums of the Yubileinaya home variety ripen in the middle or at the end of August.

Scope of berries

Unfortunately, the fruits of the homemade Anniversary are unsuitable for transportation – they can be consumed only immediately after collection. But this does not prevent gardeners from eating fresh yellow plums of this variety, making jams and compotes from them, making jams and adding pulp to pastries.

Disease and pest resistance

Home plum has not very high immunity to diseases and insect pests characteristic of plums.

Frequent ailments of the Altai Jubilee:

Plum Altai Jubilee

  • chlorosis – the disease appears from an excess of lime in the soil;
  • rust – unhealthy yellow spots appear on the green leaves of the Altai Jubilee;
  • dwarfism – the tree refuses to grow normally, its leaves decrease, development slows down, the plum can completely wither;
  • gum flow – the bark of a frozen or overly fertilized yellow plum begins to exude resin, which becomes a habitat for pathogenic bacteria.

In addition, the yellow domestic Jubilee is often affected by seed-eaters and aphids.

Warning! If insects appeared on the leaves or in the pulp of the fruits of the Altai jubilee, it will be necessary to treat them with chemical solutions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

If we summarize all the information known about the yellow Altai jubilee plum, we can highlight the following advantages:

  • increased frost resistance – yellow plum is recommended for breeding even in very harsh climate regions;
  • abundant fruiting;
  • great fruit flavor.

Plum Altai Jubilee

However, the yellow plum has enough disadvantages. These include:

  • poor drought tolerance;
  • the need to plant pollinators in the immediate vicinity of the yellow plum;
  • poor resistance to pests and diseases;
  • the inability to transport the fruits of the home Jubilee over long distances.

Altai anniversary can hardly be called an easy-to-care variety, although it produces very tasty and beautiful fruits.

Planting and caring for the Altai Anniversary Plum

To better understand whether it is worth buying a seedling, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of caring for the plum of this variety.

Recommended dates

It is allowed to plant the Altai jubilee in the ground both in late spring and early autumn – including in Siberia and the Urals.

Plum Altai Jubilee

Choosing the right place

Yellow Altai plum loves the sun and fresh air. It is best to plant a yellow plum on the south or west side. Homemade Anniversary is afraid of stagnant moisture in the soil, so loam is optimal for growing.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby

  • The best neighbors for yellow plums are apple trees.
  • Also, blackcurrants take root near the home Anniversary, and decorative flowers can be planted in the shade of a yellow plum.
  • But the pears are better placed at a distance.
Attention! The homemade Anniversary plum does not tolerate the neighborhood with cherries and cherries, peaches at all.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The main requirement for a seedling of the Yubileinaya home variety is healthy, strong roots. For planting, it is recommended to select a one-year-old or two-year-old seedling, about 1,5 m high.

Plum Altai Jubilee

Landing algorithm

  1. For the Altai Jubilee, they dig a hole half a meter deep.
  2. Fertilizers are laid on its bottom – lime, potassium, organic manure and superphosphate, mixed with the ground.
  3. The tree is placed in the middle of the hole and the roots are sprinkled with earth, leaving the root neck above the surface.
  4. The soil around the trunk is compacted, watered and mulched properly.

Plum Aftercare

  • For homemade yellow plums, high-quality watering is extremely important. About 2-3 buckets are poured under the trunk immediately after planting, then before flowering, after it and during ripening. It is impossible to over-moisten the earth: the yellow domestic Anniversary does not like this.
  • Sanitary pruning for the Yubileinaya home variety is carried out at least once a year, more often if necessary.
  • Fertilizers applied at planting are enough for the first 3 years of growth. After the home Anniversary brings the first harvest, it will need to be fed with organic matter and ash. In spring, the soil around the trunk can be fertilized with nitrogen, and in autumn – with mixtures containing fluorine.

Plum Altai Jubilee

Before the onset of winter, the Altai Yubileinaya should be watered again, fluorine-containing fertilizers should be applied and the soil around the trunk should be covered with spruce branches or agrofibre. The home variety Yubileinaya does not tolerate damping-off even with heavy snowfall, and then it may suffer during the thawing process.

Also, for the winter, the trunk can be wrapped with roofing material: the Altai jubilee tolerates frost well, but sheltering will protect the yellow plum from rodents.

Advice! Also, from pests, the trunk is regularly treated with whitewash or lime.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

The main enemies of the yellow plum are chlorosis, dwarfism, gum disease.

Plum Altai Jubilee

  • The first ailment occurs due to the poor composition of the soil, more precisely, due to the high content of lime. There is only one way out – to transplant the home Jubilee.
  • From gum disease and dwarfism, pruning, Bordeaux liquid and special preparations help.
  • The scourge of the variety are aphids and seed-eaters. To combat them, special compounds are used, for example, Lepidocide and Actellik.
Important! As a preventive measure, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the tree and remove diseased and damaged leaves and branches.


Plum Altai – frost-resistant, but capricious fruit tree. Careful care of the variety is required, although if the rules are followed, the homemade Anniversary will delight you with juicy fruits.

Plum Altai Jubilee


Severtsev Anatoly Igorevich, 47 years old, Tomsk
Home anniversary has been growing on my site for 10 years – and almost every year I am happy to collect 30-40 kg of delicious fruits from it. Undoubtedly, it is rather difficult to take care of the plum: you need to monitor the soil moisture, and most importantly, prevent pest damage. But the result is worth it.
Petrov Yury Ivanovich, 53 years old, Krasnoyarsk
Many complain about the increased capriciousness of the yellow Altai, but I was lucky: for 8 years there have never been any problems. I monitor the regularity of watering, regularly cut off dry branches, feed with fertilizers in spring and autumn – diseases and pests simply do not start. The variety bears fruit annually – I collect about 30 kg from a tree and enjoy the pleasant taste of berries.
Savelyeva Anna Fedorovna, 41 years old, Kemerovo
Altai jubilee is the most whimsical variety that I have ever grown. My plum is already 5 years old, and during this time I had to treat gum and aphids two or three times. However, after the first harvest, all claims to the variety disappeared: the fruits are not only beautiful, but also incredibly tasty.
How to avoid plum rot?

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