Plum Alenushka

Plum Alyonushka is a bright representative of Chinese plum varieties, which differ significantly from the usual varieties of this culture. Proper planting and caring for Alyonushka will allow you to enjoy unusually beautiful flowering every year and collect numerous crops of juicy rounded fruits.

History of variety breeding

The variety of Chinese plum Alyonushka was obtained by crossing Chinese and Red Ball. It is an achievement of the breeders of the All- Research Institute of Fruit Crops Breeding in the city of Orel. In the State Register, this plum has been listed since 2001 and is suitable for cultivation in the Central Black Earth Strip.

Description of the plum variety Alyonushka

The fruits of Alyonushka have a round shape and large sizes characteristic of Chinese plums. The weight of one copy can reach 70 g, but fruits weighing about 35 g mainly grow. The main color of the fruit is red with the presence of a wax coating. Alyonushka plum pulp is yellow-orange, very juicy and tender, sweet and sour in taste. The tasting score of the variety is 4,6 points out of 5. Fruit transportability is high, keeping quality is average.

Plum Alenushka

One of the advantages of Chinese plums is their height, which does not exceed 2,5 m. Alyonushka is no exception, so it is convenient to harvest from it. The crown of a tree of medium density, pyramidal shape. Red-brown shoots are straight, hairless. The leaves are dull and oblong, unlike the usual varieties – rounded.

Recommended growing regions: Voronezh and Kursk regions and other areas belonging to the Central Black Earth zone.

Characteristics of a variety

A detailed description of the characteristics of the Alyonushka plum is given below as an assessment of the most important varietal indicators.

Frost resistance plum Alyonushka

The winter hardiness of the tree is average, it is estimated at 4 points. The cold resistance of the buds is increased, so this plum variety can be grown in regions with unpredictable climatic conditions, for example, in the Urals.

Plum pollinators Alyonushka

Plum Alyonushka belongs to partially self-fertile trees, so even without the presence of any pollinator nearby, you can harvest from it. For maximum yield and high quality fruits, it is necessary to organize its pollination. The recommended pollinator is the Skoroplodnaya plum. To obtain numerous harvests from Alyonushka, it is recommended to pollinate it with any varieties of cherry plum.

Alyonushka blooms in early May, the fruits ripen in mid or late August.

Yield and fruiting

The maximum yield of the Alyonushka variety is about 2 kg per bush, and the average is 0,9 kg. This figure is not considered high, but the variety bears fruit annually. Fruiting occurs early, the first fruits can be harvested already in the third year after planting the seedling.

Plum Alenushka

Scope of berries

Alyonushka fruits are consumed fresh and used for processing. The variety is suitable for winter canning, jam, jam, compotes and other desserts are made from it.

Plum Alenushka

Disease and pest resistance

The Alyonushka variety is distinguished by increased resistance to the most common stone fruit diseases – moniliosis and perforated spotting (clasterosporiasis).

Among pests, aphids cause the greatest damage to young shoots and leaves of the Alyonushka plum.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Among the advantages of the Alyonushka plum variety are:

  • dry detachment of fruits from the stalk;
  • high commercial and taste qualities;
  • decorative flowering;
  • the versatility of the use of fruits.

The disadvantages of the variety are:

  • tendency to infestation with aphids;
  • bark at the base during heavy rains and snowmelt.

Planting and caring for plum Alyonushka

Plum Alyonushka is a Chinese variety, so it may seem capricious when grown. But knowing all the features of planting and caring for it, you can collect high yields of delicious plums every year.

Recommended dates

Despite the fact that the spring is preferable for planting domestic plums, Chinese varieties are planted in the fall. Its roots withstand low temperatures in the thickness of the earth, the seedling has time to take root before frost, and with the advent of spring it begins to grow actively. Landing is carried out 1,5 months before the cold weather.

Choosing the right place

For the overseas beauty Alyonushka, an open place is chosen, well lit by the sun from all sides. The main requirement when choosing a landing site for this plum is the absence of lowlands in which water can accumulate, so it is placed on a hill. Such a planting will help to avoid debate and rotting of the root collar of the seedling during heavy rains and melting snow.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby

Near Alyonushka, you can plant some berry bushes, for example, blackcurrant, gooseberry. Cherries and cherries will be extremely undesirable neighbors. They also include pear, walnut, hazel, birch and poplar.

Tall trees should not be grown near the undersized Chinese plum, which will create a shadow.

Plum Alenushka

Selection and preparation of planting material

When choosing a plum seedling Alyonushka, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • it should not have traces of pests and diseases (spots, cobwebs, damage and growths on the bark);
  • the age of the seedling should not exceed two years, otherwise the probability of its survival after planting is low;
  • if possible, you need to assess the state of the root system, the more roots, the better.
Important! Preparation before planting a seedling (shortening pruning) is not carried out in the autumn.

Landing algorithm

Landing of Alyonushka is carried out according to standard technology.

  1. 2 weeks before disembarkation, a landing pit 40 × 50 cm is prepared and a peg is installed.
  2. The seedling is placed in it, gently straightening the roots. If the plum root system is closed, then it is transplanted along with a clod of earth.
  3. The remaining space in the pit is covered with nutrient soil, gradually compacting it so that underground voids do not form.
  4. After planting, it is watered, after which the trunk circle is mulched.

Plum Alenushka

Planting a gardener’s favorite plum “Alyonushka”

Plum Aftercare

In the first years of life, Alyonushka can be pruned only if the branches are damaged by frost or diseases. The crown is formed when the tree reaches the age of five.

Young plum in some regions needs careful preparation for winter, namely, the trunk is insulated with spruce branches or by any other means. As protection against rodents, the trunk is wrapped with a net.

Unlike ordinary plum varieties, Alyonushka needs careful and regular feeding in the first two years of life, and responds equally well to the application of mineral and organic fertilizers.

The organization of watering is standard, on dry days it should be plentiful.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Diseases and pests of plum Alyonushka are given in the tables.

Table 1 – Possible plum diseases

Name of the diseaseMethods of strugglepreventive measures
KokkomikozSpraying with copper-containing preparations (copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture).Collecting autumn leaves around the tree, burning it. Timely weeding of the near-stem circle from weeds.
ComedyTreatment of the trunk with a solution of copper sulfate (1% concentration), putty wounds with garden pitch. Shoots heavily affected by the disease must be removed.Whitewashing, warming for the winter, preservation of the old bark, protection from sunburn.
Smallpox (sharka)Burning all diseased plums.Timely treatment of trees from pests that spread smallpox.

Table 2 – Alyonushka plum pests

Name of the pest

Methods of struggle



Folk: a solution of ash with soap, an infusion of marigolds. Chemical: treatment with 15% karbofos. The agent is applied to the lower surfaces of the sheet plates.

Timely weeding of the trunk circle, the destruction of anthills on the site.

Plum moth

Preparations: Fitoverm, Iskra Bio, Fufanon, Karbofos.

Folk methods: infusion of coniferous needles, a solution of ash with soap, baits and traps, herbal infusions.

Cleansing of dead bark, preventive spring and autumn treatment with karbofos, collection and destruction of debris from the trunk circle.

Black, yellow sawfly

Preparations: Entobacterin, Lepitocid. Folk remedies: treatment with infusions of wormwood or needles.

Autumn digging of the trunk circle, preventive spring and autumn pest control.


Plum Alyonushka is a relatively new variety that has already gained popularity among gardeners. The size and taste of its fruits, good yields and early fruiting largely influence the choice of plum for a summer cottage.


Below are reviews of the Chinese plum Alyonushka left by experienced gardeners.

Pavlova G. A., 50 years old, Moscow
I planted Alyonushka 5 years ago, when the variety was still quite a novelty, so no information about this plum came from my friends. I tried and have no regrets! My garden is on a hill, so I had no problems with warming the root neck of the tree. I have been harvesting excellent crops for 2 years now, as plum grows on a neighboring plot. Gift to St. Petersburg. A plum cannot lie for a long time, so I use it for jams and other winter preparations. Home happy, they say, lick your fingers!
Fazylov A. V., 61 years old, g. Chelyabinsk
Alyonushka has become a real gem in my collection of plums on the site. Of course, you have to carefully look after it – process, whiten, cover the trunk for the winter, but for the sake of such tasty and large fruits, you can try. Separately, I want to note the beauty of its flowering. The whole tree is simply strewn with large white flowers. It is a pity that it starts so early and ends quickly, but I try not to miss the moment and come to the garden. I collect the highest possible harvest from Alyonushka, because in my collection there are several pollinators suitable for her – several varieties of hybrid cherry plum.

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