Plogging – training with care for nature

Plogging is the youngest fitness area. It was born in 2016 in Sweden by ecologist Eric Alström. Its name comes from the English word «jogging» (jogging) and Swedish “pick up” (pick up). In 2 years, it has gained popularity faster than any other form of physical activity. And no wonder, it’s not a secret for anyone, how things are with the ecology of the world.

Plogging in the Soviet Union

Earlier, during the existence of the Soviet Union, cleanliness and order were somehow maintained. It was profitable to collect and return bottles, and there was a constant collection of waste paper and scrap metal. Almost all waste was recycled. In fact, the entire time of its existence, the Soviet Union was engaged in Plogging.


Subbotniks were widespread, when, along with the benefits for nature, people received other advantages:

  • Being in the fresh air.
  • Informal communication.
  • Physical activity.

In the 90s, private enterprises became widespread. Bottles, waste paper and scrap metal are no longer collected or handed over. And besides, garbage made of polyethylene and plastic is added. Parks, beaches, trash alleys: plastic, broken glass, cans. And if earlier environmental horrors were presented to us only in words and pictures, today we ourselves face this problem every day in any park and suburban recreation areas.

Let’s go back to sports.


Plogging as a sport

As stated earlier, Plogging literally means “jogging” and “collecting.” In simple terms, you run and supplement your workout with squats, bends, dragging extra weight with you in the garbage bag, which increases calorie burning.

For exercise, you will need sportswear, garbage bags and work gloves. In 40 minutes of training from a small area of ​​about 30 acres, you can easily collect from 4 or more 120-liter garbage bags.

Plogging is widespread in the world. It is becoming fashionable to play sports and take care of the environment. Currents such as Eco-diving and Eco-yaking have emerged to combat the pollution of the world’s oceans.


There are no such directions officially existing in Russia yet. In our country, in principle, only a few are engaged in plogging, of which most of them do not even suspect that they are doing not just a good deed, but are followers of a new sports trend.

Where the hype arises, there are innovations in technology: Instagram introduces a new hashtag #ploging, the Lifesum mobile app for tracking garbage collection has been created. According to his calculations, in a 30-minute workout, an average of 288 kcal is burned.


The only negative of Plogging is polyethylene trash bags. But there is no alternative, this is the most convenient device. And the problem is still not in them, but in the absence and shortage of plastic processing plants.

Who benefits from Plogging?

Plogging is useful for everyone! And that’s why:

  • Children. Brings up a respect for nature. Practice is always more intelligible than theory.
  • Athletes – adds additional movement to the cardio load.
  • Office workers – finally get some fresh air and stretch.
  • Elderly people – that’s who it is useful to break away from the shop and walk.
  • Ordinary hard workers: builders, miners, metallurgists. No matter. It is important to change the environment and diversify your pastime.

Plogging is the same vacation. If you don’t want to run, don’t run. Slow walking with frequent bends is just as good for your health. Being outdoors is also beneficial. Plogging also develops vision and attentiveness. Excitement appears.

Plogging doesn’t force you to leave the couch, armchair, or favorite bench. It only encourages you to maintain a healthy fitness cycle. It is not a shame to collect garbage, it is a shame to pass by.


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