Do I need special preparation before starting a game with my baby?
So that the child is not distracted, it is better to unplug the phone, turn off the television or radio. Parents can also consider having their child play naked, especially in summer. He will move more easily without his clothes and diaper. To avoid minor accidents, install it on a protected surface (plastic canvas, towel, tablecloth, etc.). It is also necessary to provide some handkerchiefs, a glove or wipes in case … If the parents have a playroom, they must ensure that the temperature of the room, like the baby’s room, is between 18 and 20 ° vs.
How long can an activity last for a toddler?
It’s not just a question of duration, but also maturity and timing. At the end of the morning, toddlers start to feel hungry, favor calm activities (reading, manual creations, relaxation with soft music). However, after a nap or after a snack, Baby has regained his strength. He is full of energy for motor games. For the duration, it is better to be patient. A child under the age of 2 gets tired quickly and usually does not pay attention for more than 10 minutes. But it varies from child to child. There are some signs that don’t deceive: if he cries or flees your gaze, it is necessary to take a break.
Are some games not recommended for babies?
Whatever the activity, you must be careful not to allow something that will then be prohibited, such as climbing furniture, crossing barriers, etc.
Some children don’t play. Should parents be concerned?
We must first question the general condition of the child. Did he eat well, sleep well? Is it clean? Is it a whim? If this is the case, you simply have to stop the activity and offer to resume later. SIf the situation persists, for no apparent reason, it is better to consult a pediatrician.
And TV, is it a full-fledged activity?
Television is an exceptional activity. It should not be spontaneous, automatic but discussed. In addition, like any other game, this entertainment must have rules. From the age of two, a baby can watch short sequences lasting a few minutes, but it is only from the age of 3 that the TV can be really watched by the child.