Platelet count and blood clotting. When to do a blood test for thrombocytes?

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Thrombocytes are essential for the blood clotting process to take place properly. In the case of damage to a blood vessel, they adhere to its wall, forming the so-called hemostatic plug. A reduction in the number of thrombocytes may cause bleeding, while an increased concentration promotes blood clots in the blood vessels.

Thrombocytes – definition

Thrombocytes (platelets) are one of the elements that are determined when performing the blood count. In addition to leukocytes and erythrocytes, they are the third type of basic blood counts and play an important role in blood clotting and the storage and transport of some important substances, e.g. adrenaline or serotonin. They are marked as PLT in the study. Thrombocytes are hyphae of cells devoid of a nucleus. A reduction in the number of platelets (thrombocytes) may cause bleeding, while an increased concentration promotes blood clots in the blood vessels. Haemorrhagic diathesis may also result from dysfunction of platelets with their normal number. Thrombocytes live 7-14 days.

Platelet functions:

  1. thrombocytes are part of the coagulation system and are formed in the bone marrow from megakaryocytes;
  2. adhering to the place of the damaged blood vessel, they release chemicals that are involved in the clotting process and stop bleeding by the accumulation and sticking of platelets;
  3. contain a number of granules that affect the coagulation process and contraction of blood vessels.

Among the disorders related to thrombocytes, we mention:

  1. thrombocytopenia (thrombocytopenia) – platelets are below normal;
  2. thrombocytemia / thrombocytosis – platelets are increased above normal;
  3. thrombastenie/thrombopathie – the function of platelets is impaired.

When do we perform a thrombocyte test?

The most common indications for a thrombocyte test.

1. Coagulation disorders: prolonged bleeding following an injury.

2. Presence of ecchymoses, bruises on the skin.

3. Hypercoagulable clinical conditions.

4. Suspicion of intravascular coagulation syndrome (DIC).

5. Suspicion of polycythemia (excessive number of red blood cells).

6. Spleen dysfunction.

7. Poisoning with plant protection products.

Symptoms indicating an indication for a thrombocyte test:

  1. heavy menstrual bleeding,
  2. bruises,
  3. bleeding gums and in the mouth,
  4. bleeding under the skin that looks like a rash
  5. prolonged bleeding after injury,
  6. hematuria,
  7. nosebleeds.

Thrombocytes – study

Material for the study of thrombocytes: blood counts in the blood count are measured with methods: automatic and manual. The latter include: the Fonio method (a direct method of determining platelets with a large error) and the chamber method (platelets after dilution of the test blood sample are counted in the Bürker’s chamber using a special phase contrast microscope). Automatic methods for the determination of platelets have a lower measurement error.

Preparation for the study of thrombocytes: on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours).

The course of the study: one-time blood sampling from a vein in the arm.

Waiting time for the thrombocyte result: 1 Day.

Standard: Platelets (thrombocytes) are identified by the symbol PLT. 150-450 x 109/I.

Comments: Platelet counting is an integral part of the blood count. Thorough mixing of blood affects the thrombocyte result. The formation of microclots in the sample will reduce the number of platelets in the blood and therefore give an erroneous result.

What do abnormal thrombocytes indicate?

Increased number of platelets in the blood (thrombocythemia) can occur:

  1. due to heavy physical exertion,
  2. after pregnancy,
  3. after childbirth,
  4. during diseases (chronic myeloid leukemia, polycythemia),
  5. as a result of inflammation, e.g. RA, tuberculosis,
  6. after various types of infections,
  7. due to iron deficiency,
  8. after removal of the spleen,
  9. in essential thrombocythemia,
  10. due to taking oral contraceptives or estrogens.

Patients should consult a doctor if: they have headaches, problems with their eyesight and hearing are noticed, and if they experience tingling or burning sensation on their feet and hands, and the skin is warm and red there

Reduced number of thrombocytes

Much more often, thrombocytopenia (thrombocytopenia) is observed. Low blood thrombocytes can be caused by:

  1. their impaired production in the marrow,
  2. connective tissue diseases,
  3. radio- and chemotherapy,
  4. infectious diseases, e.g. measles, mononucleosis,
  5. spleen diseases,
  6. infections (acute generalized infections),
  7. alcohol abuse,
  8. cirrhosis of the liver,
  9. deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid,
  10. anemia,
  11. the influence of certain painkillers, antibiotics and oral antidiabetic drugs,
  12. autoimmune diseases (e.g. lupus),
  13. bleeding stomach ulcers
  14. intravascular coagulation syndrome,
  15. destruction of thrombocytes by bacterial toxins.

WARNING! In women, the number of thrombocytes may be reduced by up to 50% during menstrual bleeding. For this reason, it is not recommended to perform blood counts during menstruation as the test result may be unreliable.

In all cases of thrombocytopenia, a doctor should be consulted, especially when it is accompanied by symptoms of infection and skin ecchymosis. People with persistent platelets and an unknown cause – hospitalization and further diagnosis required. Sometimes a bone marrow puncture is even performed. Therefore, this condition should not be ignored, as thrombocytopenia can lead to complications in the form of bleeding into various organs.

Any abnormalities such as thrombocytopenia and thrombocytopenia are medical conditions that require treatment.

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