- Fact 1. Most often “make” the chest, nose and eyelids
- Fact 2. Nose like Charlize Theron and Liv Tyler
- Fact 3. Implants are a thing of the past
- Fact 4. Ufa plastic surgery is done because of personal and family problems
- Fact 5. Men choose liposuction instead of a fitness club
- Fact 6. Plastic surgery in Ufa is, in principle, affordable
Photos of what stars do Ufa pictures bring to plastic surgeons? Is it true that it is possible to enlarge breasts without implants, who is not allowed to have plastic surgery, and why do men lie under a scalpel? Woman’s Day learned the answers to these and other questions from the famous Ufa plastic surgeon, Ph.D. Ruslana Gareeva.
Fact 1. Most often “make” the chest, nose and eyelids
25% of operations are for breast augmentation
“The most popular plastic surgeries performed by Ufa women today are the correction of the shape of the nose (rhinoplasty), ears (otoplasty), eyelids (blepharoplasty), as well as breast augmentation (mammoplasty) and face and body rejuvenation. On average, we perform about 1500 plastic surgeries in our clinic per year. Of these, 25% are for rhinoplasty, 25% for mammoplasty, 20% for facelifts, 15% for blepharoplasty and 15% for otoplasty and body correction.
As a rule, women under the age of 30 apply for enlarge breasts, do rhinoplasty and otoplasty… Those over 30 are asked to remove first age-related changes and also come for breast surgery. Patients after 40 years of age mainly seek correction of body contours – this is liposuction, various lifting of the trunk, buttocks, abdominal plastic (abdominal surgery). And, of course, ladies after 40 years of age want to get rid of wrinkles and other age-related changes. “
Fact 2. Nose like Charlize Theron and Liv Tyler
Ufa women want to be like Charlize Theron
“Before carrying out an operation, especially if a face correction is to be performed, we ask patients to bring photographs taken by them in their youth, as well as pictures they liked from magazines and the Internet. In the first case, this is necessary so that doctors can bring the shape and outlines of the face closer to what it was 10–20 years ago. Patients bring photos from gloss and the Internet to show what kind of nose or, say, lips they would like to make. Most often, Ufa women want to be like Liv Tyler and Charlize Theron (many people like the noses of these actresses). Angelina Jolie? Her pictures rarely bring».
“There are situations when patients underwent an operation with another doctor, but were unhappy with the result and asked to“ redo ”it. Reoperations are a big responsibility and risk, so I personally undertake them, if only I am 100% sure that it will turn out better than it is now. “
Fact 3. Implants are a thing of the past
Victoria Beckham: was “one” – became “C”
“Today, plastic surgery is gaining more and more popularity, when the patient’s own fat and plasma are used instead of synthetic materials. By the way, you can make almost everything from fat: from breasts of any size to seductive “Brazilian” priests… Where can I get it from? Fat is easily “extracted” from many places, the main thing is that the patient is not thin. By the way, for some women, such lipofilling operations help not only to acquire the desired breast size, but also get rid of problem areas and extra pounds. A big plus of such operations is that they do not use synthetic, which means, foreign materials. But there is also a minus in lipofilling – not all fat cells survive after transplantation, so the operation often needs to be repeated.
Gentle surgeries in hard-to-reach and at the same time sensitive places – the neck area, décolleté, in the area above the upper or lower lip – are performed using blood plasma… Moreover, for plasmolifting, it is enough to take 30–40 ml from the patient and enrich the plasma with platelets. By the way, the rejuvenating effect of such a procedure lasts much longer than, for example, from cosmetic procedures. “
Fact 4. Ufa plastic surgery is done because of personal and family problems
New breasts are unlikely to save a relationship, but will make ex-spouse bite their elbows
“You can hear different things from patients during conversations and consultations. Someone decides on plastic surgery, because they do not like the shape of the nose, eyes and believes that it is because of this that personal life does not develop. And someone wants to get a new breast to save a shaken marriage from divorce… Or vice versa – revenge in this way ex-spouse… But, alas, I don’t know anyone who would help keep the family together. ”
“We are also faced with the fact that patients place unrealistic expectations on plastic surgery.
– I want to greatly reduce the nose, period!
“But you’ll have breathing problems.
– I do not care!
In such cases, I do not follow the lead of the clients and say goodbye to them already at the stage of consultation. Because after the operation, you will have to deal with complaints like “Doctor, it’s hard for me to breathe! What have you done?!”.
Fact 5. Men choose liposuction instead of a fitness club
It is better to lie under a barbell than under a surgical scalpel
“According to statistics, today a plastic surgeon has one man out of 10 patients. In Ufa, representatives of the sterner sex often come to rhinoplasty after suffering nose injuries. Up to 30 years of age, men usually undergo ear correction, after 30, they seek liposuction or a lower eyelid lift. By the way, men are less patient, but not in terms of physical pain. Representatives of the stronger sex want postoperative discomfort to go away as soon as possible, swelling subsides and the final result is visible. “
“I don’t want to offend anyone, but I believe that liposuction is the operation of lazy people. Judge for yourself: today, fat removal operations cost about the same as an annual card to a fitness club. “
Fact 6. Plastic surgery in Ufa is, in principle, affordable
Breast augmentation costs an average of 120 thousand rubles.
The average cost of the most common operations in Ufa looks like this:
Rhinoplasty – 70 thousand rubles
Breast augmentation with the use of implants – 120 thousand rubles.
Breast augmentation with autologous fat transplantation – 60 thousand rubles. (at least two operations will be required).
Facelift – RUB 65
Blepharoplasty – 15-25 thousand rubles.
Otoplasty – 15–35 thousand rubles.
Liposuction – 25-50 thousand rubles.
Finally, about who should not have plastic surgery. These are people with cardiovascular, oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, as well as patients suffering from blood diseases, chronic respiratory failure, bronchial asthma.