- plastic surgery in samara
- Samara women are not afraid of silicone!
- Myth 1. You can not breastfeed your baby after breastfeeding.
- Myth 3. Silicone can break through the shell
- Myth 4. After the operation, the sensitivity of the lips and chest decreases.
- Myth 5. Liposuction allows you to get rid of fat in problem areas once and for all
- Plastic is also popular among men.
plastic surgery in samara
Plastic and vascular surgeon of the highest category Alexey Novozhilov told the whole truth about plastic – is silicone dangerous, what men want to correct in their appearance, as well as the top 5 myths.
Samara women are not afraid of silicone!
Plastic surgery in Samara is popular recently
– Most Popular – correction of the shape and size of the breast, abdomen after childbirth, eyelid surgery, liposuction. More and more women are doing intimate plastic surgery – no one even thought about it 10 years ago. Ladies strive for perfection in everything! Operations to reshape the nose and a circular facelift are always in demand. But the operations on the installation of gluteal implants, which are popular in Latin American countries, do not cause enthusiasm among Samaritan women. Few of our women want to enlarge their lips – this fashion has passed. In addition, now, not operations and implants are used for this, but cosmetic techniques in the form of filler injections. In recent years, surgeries have become more affordable. Now more clinics have appeared, prices are decreasing, and more gentle methods are developing.
Many women fear that after a facelift, the face will turn into a “mask”… Previously, operations to eliminate wrinkles on the face were aimed at strongly stretching the skin of the face to the sides and excising its excess. Modern techniques are aimed at moving tissues upward and, most importantly, at displacing not only the skin, but also deeper tissues. At the same time, the individuality of the face is preserved and the mask effect does not occur.
Do I need to stay in the hospital for a long time after plastic surgery? If the operation is performed under local anesthesia, it is performed on an outpatient basis, without hospitalization. But even if the operation is carried out with anesthesia (for example, plastic surgery of the abdomen, chest, circular facelift), then hospitalization is carried out for only 1 day.
Only plastic should be used healthy people, fully examined, without a lot of severe concomitant diseases. For patients who have some minor defects or increased requests, I would also not recommend plastic surgery. In Soviet times, it was a good practice – for any plastic surgery, a psychiatrist’s consultation was required. Now this, alas, no longer exists.
Myth 1. You can not breastfeed your baby after breastfeeding.
-This is wrong. Breast enlargement is achieved by placing a silicone implant. But it is installed under the gland or even sometimes under the pectoral muscle. Thus, the structure and blood circulation of the own mammary gland are preserved, which are necessary for milk production and subsequent feeding.
– No, it is not dangerous, and it does not lead to breast cancer either – this is another myth. Women are constantly in contact with silicone in their lives – from plastic bags to gloves for washing dishes. But silicone almost never causes any allergic reactions. Numerous studies carried out in different countries have shown that the incidence of tumor diseases in women with silicone breasts and in “natural” women is the same. Moreover, after breast cancer removal, oncologists restore its shape using silicone implants.
Myth 3. Silicone can break through the shell
– These fears are also from the past, when they used liquid silicone. Modern implants have a special rough shell, in which there is a gel of such a consistency that even if the shell breaks, it does not flow out. The strength of these implants is such that they cannot be ruptured.
Myth 4. After the operation, the sensitivity of the lips and chest decreases.
– After lip augmentation with fillers, the sensitivity of the lips will not change, because hyaluronic acid is placed in the muscles, and it is almost impossible to damage the nerve fibers by this. In case of breast plastic surgery, in 20% of cases, the operation leads to a loss of nipple sensitivity – you need to be prepared for this.
Myth 5. Liposuction allows you to get rid of fat in problem areas once and for all
– Fat cells in our body are not restored. Deleted – that’s it. Another thing is that there are other fat cells that are in a “dormant” state. And they can gradually gain the same volume. And I want to say that liposuction is not a way to lose weight on the body. There is another type of plastic surgery to remove extensive fat deposits. Liposuction is needed to correct the contour of the body – in places that are “fat traps”. These are the lateral parts of the abdomen, the outer parts of the thighs (the so-called breeches area).
Plastic is also popular among men.
“There is one man for every 50 patients”
– Of course, women often resort to the services of plastic surgeons. There is only 50 man per 1 patients. Representatives of the stronger sex most often ask for an operation to correct the shape of the nose and to correct the auricles. By the way, there is a misconception that protruding ears can be corrected by wearing some kind of hats and bandages. This is not possible because the ear cartilage is very elastic. It is better to do such an operation at the age of 6-7 years (before school), or already at 19-20. Also, men undergo surgery for gynecomastia – this is a disease that consists in an enlargement of the mammary gland in men similar to that of a woman.