It turns out that before you go to the surgeon, you need to love yourself.
Fate gave us a certain genetic inheritance: height, body shape, hair density, eye color, bone thickness. Sometimes this inheritance is pleasant, but more often we lack something in one part of the body, and something seems superfluous in another. We talked about women’s inconstancy, love and self-loathing with a plastic surgeon with world experience Adelson Alexandrino, who works in Milan and operates on rich women from all over the world, including pop and film stars, secret mistresses of political leaders and independent businesswomen.
– Undoubtedly, there is a relationship. The more a person loves and accepts himself, the less likely he is to go to a plastic surgeon. For example, French women accept themselves at any age with any of their forms. They believe that everything that is created by nature is beautiful. This means that they are also beautiful, as part of the creation of nature. And that’s why French women are rare guests in my clinic. American and Brazilian women have a good appetite. They have a constant struggle: diet – overweight. Often they get tired of diets and do body shaping. Italian women are in love with themselves. But this is a different love. Here, rather narcissism and self-glorification. They constantly think about what can be improved in their body, and therefore they seek correction of their breasts, nose, and buttocks. They are like Pygmalions, only they do not create Galatea, but themselves. Plastic surgery services are very little popular in Germany. For German women, it just doesn’t matter. The body for them is a purely functional mechanism. He is fed, washed, clothed, satisfied. Everything is automatic for them: youth, maturity, old age, death. Here is pleasure, order and rationalism.
– With the Russians, everything is much more complicated. They often don’t accept themselves. And they want to be like someone else. Someone is even embarrassed to bare and show their body in consultation. And therefore, before the operation, I conduct a special conversation to dispel false expectations. A woman thinks that by making her lips like Angelina Jolie’s and her nose like Madonna’s, she will become this woman. But no. She will remain herself. Only with new lips and a new nose. Will she be able to be herself, but with a new face? This is a serious test.
– Often a woman turns to a plastic surgeon when she is ready for changes in her life. Beforehand, I conduct a conversation and find out why a woman needs a new nose or a different breast size. Indeed, sometimes it is the imperfect shape of the nose that is the very highlight that makes a woman special. I do not have a goal to cut or add something, I want to reveal the natural beauty of a woman and make her even more attractive. Can you imagine what would happen to the world if everyone were clones of Monica Bellucci? Yes, it will be beautiful. But boring. And we just stop getting to know each other. Everyone will be the same. Sometimes I recommend that a woman work with a psychologist and then come to me. If I feel the patient’s psychological instability. No plastic surgery will help here. Tomorrow she wants to get her breasts and her face back. But this will not be possible. Therefore, I operate only when I see that it is really necessary and the woman is ready for it. And of course, after the correction, women’s lives change. They get married, change jobs, go to live in another country. Someone is fulfilling their old dreams. A new appearance becomes a symbolic new birth of a person, where there are no restrictions from the past.
– Love yourself! You are the most beautiful and intelligent nation. Only in Russia every second woman plays the piano, reads poetry and knows Dostoevsky. Do not become Anna Karenina and do not sacrifice yourself and your life for the sake of love for a man!