
Plastic, coins, wood… We all wonder how long the coronavirus can survive on different surfaces. A study published in the New England Journal of Medecine lets take stock.
According to this study, the lifespan of the coronavirus on copper, which for example makes up coins, could be up to 4 hours. On cardboard, it could be up to 24 hours, while on plastic or stainless steel, the Covid-19 virus could persist for up to 2 or 3 days.
In addition, according to another study published at the end of February by The Journal of Medical Infections, the virus could be present for 4 days on wood, 5 days on metal and paper, but this time on the other hand, up to 9 days on plastic.
Concretely, how to protect yourself?
In a concrete case, a doorknob most likely has a trace of the virus if it has been touched fairly recently by a person with the coronavirus, who has not washed their hands after having just coughed while carrying their hand. to his mouth.
Hence the interest in all cases of washing your hands regularly and going out as little as possible to limit contact, even indirect, with the virus.
At home, it is also advisable to wash regularly used surfaces or objects several times a day: mobile phone, doorknobs, jewelry (it is even advisable not to wear rings during the coronavirus epidemic), glasses, switches, computers, taps, etc …
When doing essential shopping, it is also recommended not to touch products with cardboard or plastic packaging that you will not buy to limit the number of possible contacts, and not to put your hands on your face during the races. Of course, washing your hands when you get home should be your first instinct.
Update September 1, 2020 – Transmission of Covid-19 through the air is more than a theory, supported by several studies. So there is some evidence. This is not a total affirmation for the moment, but as a precautionary principle, measures are taken by the health authorities. The World Health Organization confirms that a potential air contamination is possible. This mode of transmission of the virus would rather be in closed environments with poor ventilation or areas in which there is a high concentration of people. A report published by the WHO briefly tells us the modes of transmission of Covid-19, namely “Contact, droplets, airborne transmission, fomite, faecal-oral transmission, blood transmission, mother-to-child transmission, and animal-to-animal transmission.” The droplets emitted in certain places, such as restaurants, hospitals or public transport, can remain suspended in the air. This is what an American study has proven. Note that the amount of virus found in the air would be tiny. In addition, the research carried out is based on hypotheses. Although they are credible, scientists still lack evidence. Research is extensive.
The question of wearing a mask outdoors for fight against the coronavirus, as is the case in the streets of Paris, still debated. However, France wants to make every citizen responsible and above all, the government wants to protect the population. Indeed, the observation is established: in summer, the French have less respect for barrier gestures. Since the end of the holidays, there has been a slight increase in the number of people infected with Covid-19. The wearing of the compulsory mask is subject to resistance, in particular to United States. Some Americans demonstrate against wearing masks, qualifying the act “Anti-democratic” and not very comfortable. Laws are passed in Florida and California for example, forcing individuals to wear their masks in certain places (open or closed). Other protests also took place in Canada or London. The coronavirus epidemic is global and many doctors agree that wearing a mask can help control the transmission of this virus, which has already caused nearly 851 deaths worldwide. |
For now, studies do not agree on the lifespan of the coronavirus in the air. Tests carried out in the laboratory by vaporizing the virus via an aerosol, seem to conclude that the coronavirus could remain in the air for up to 3 hours. But nothing has yet been confirmed. Only direct or indirect human-to-human contact would make its transmission possible.
Does the Covid-19 virus persist on food?
Health officials agree that the virus does not survive on food.
As a precautionary principle, when shopping, do not touch the fruits and vegetables that you are not going to buy.
At home, wash your hands well before cooking and of course, wash your fruits and vegetables very carefully before preparing them or even peel them systematically!
All the answers to your questions about the coronavirus can be found in this article.
What about clothes, hair, etc…?
Porous surfaces such as fabrics or hair would not allow the virus to adhere and therefore survive for a very long time.
But once again, as a precautionary principle because we are learning new things about this virus every day, and for the duration of the epidemic, do not hesitate to wash your hair as soon as you go out and also to wash in machine the clothes you have worn. Better to prevent …
Find in this article other advice on the small steps to follow to protect yourself from the coronavirus
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Article published on 21 March 2020