Plastic cord helps in the treatment of joint ligaments

Scientists from the University of Porto have developed a flexible plastic cord that temporarily replaces the joint ligament. The material enables the regeneration of diseased areas without interrupting exercise.

A plastic string with elastic properties is surgically inserted into the joint, where its task is to bond the torn ligament. The material does not need to be removed after the treatment is completed, as it is fully biodegradable. Over time, as the diseased areas grow together, the innovative product is absorbed by the tissue.

“This product is aimed mainly at sports medicine. Thanks to it, many professional players can continue their training cycle despite injuries, ”said Andre Vieira from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto.

According to scientists, the invention can successfully take over all functions of the joint ligament.

“The string is flexible and strong enough to withstand intense exercise. Over time, it fuses with the connective tissue of the patient, and the patient does not have to limit the intensity of training or give it up altogether, ”added Andre Vieira.

Portuguese researchers, who are constantly working to improve the biodegradable material, say that their invention can also be used in the treatment of torn tendons.

Joint ligaments are bands of durable connective tissue that strengthen the movable connections between the bones. They can also connect bones outside the joints, thus stabilizing the skeletal system. Medicine distinguishes three types of joint ligaments: capsular, extracapsular and intracapsular.

From Lisbon, Marcin Zatyka (PAP)

Zat/ Corfu/

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