Plastic containers are the cause of headaches in people

Plastic containers are the cause of headaches in people

Plastic containers are the cause of headaches in people

Plastic packaging for water, cups, plates and trays made of synthetic material, can become, according to doctors, the causes of migraines… And to affect not only the potency of men, but also to increase the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women.

This theory has been confirmed in recent studies with mice. Subjects were injected with bisphenol A – a compound that is part of plastic dishes. And they found that under the influence of it, rodents not only became more fearful and less active and avoided lighting and loud noises, but began to suffer from migraines. Moreover, scientists have noticed that bisphenol not only caused migraines, but also made them worse… But as soon as the scientists stopped giving the test subjects a toxic element, its level in the urine rapidly decreased. And along with it – all the manifestations that accompany the entry of the substance into the animal organism.

Try to cut back on foods from toxic containers, in connection with the data obtained, doctors warn us. They offer us to look at the full report on the conducted research in the publication ToxicologicalSciences.

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