Plaster from corns on the legs

A corn is a damaged area of ​​the dermis. A corn appears due to prolonged friction of the skin or excessive pressure on the same area. On the lower extremities, corns most often form due to the fact that a person wore uncomfortable or unsuitable shoes. Where the pressure was maximum, there the corn is formed. Corns can be dry or wet. In the latter case, a certain area of ​​the skin exfoliates, and the gap between it and the leg is filled with a clear liquid.

What can be corns?

Plaster from corns on the legs

Corns can be of the following types:

  • Dry corn. It is also called hard corn. It can have the shape of a circle or an oval, the skin dies on it, so such a corn often has a yellow color. If the corn is shallow, then it will not cause physical discomfort to a person. Such skin growths are exclusively a cosmetic defect. If dry callus is large and deep, then it can cause pain while walking.

  • Wet corn. When this happens, the skin exfoliates with the formation of a bubble. It will be filled with lymph. It is a clear liquid that contains blood cells that perform a protective function. If the bubble bursts, then the resulting gap can become the entrance gate for infection. Wet corns should not be specially opened, you need to wait until they pass on their own.

  • Dry corn. Such a callus is an outgrowth of keratinized skin cells, in the center of which there is a rod. It goes deep into the sole. If you do not get rid of the rod, then the corn will appear again and again. Therefore, the treatment of such growths should be targeted. Often, dry corns are combined with various infectious processes, for example, with a fungal infection.

Calluses most often form on the lower extremities. You can get rid of them with a patch. There are several types of patches. All of them have a different shape, and are also impregnated with different medicinal compounds.

Which patch to choose?

Plaster from corns on the legs

Most callus patches contain salicylic acid. The patch itself is an adhesive tape, which is equipped with a gasket and a hole. It is in this hole that the main active substance is located. The surface of the patch is most often covered with a silicone film. Sometimes the medicinal substance is simply applied to the fabric, which is covered with cellophane.

The silicone patch compared to the salicylic patch has the following advantages:

  • It relieves pain better.

  • It adheres securely to the surface of the skin.

  • Silicone is moisture resistant.

  • Silicone protects the skin well, but at the same time allows the dermis to breathe.

  • It makes rough skin softer, which is very important in terms of treating dry corns.

Silicone plaster can be used to treat any type of corns, but it may not help with rod growths. If the root is located deep, then surgical intervention will be required.

If the corn is young and small in size, then it can be dealt with using a regular patch. Sometimes skin growths go away on their own. Conventional patches contain benzoic acid, which softens the stratum corneum well. At the same time, the patch should not affect the healthy dermis, for which it is necessary to minimize their contact with each other.

Corn patches: types and names

Plaster from corns on the legs

There are many plasters for the treatment of corns.

The best of them are considered to be patches such as:

  • Salipod. This patch allows you to get rid of old calluses that have a stem. It is not used to treat wet calluses. Applying a patch to the skin allows you to have a pronounced bactericidal effect. Salipod contains not only salicylic acid, but also sulfur. These components soften even the roughest parts of the dermis well.

  • Compid. This is a practical and convenient patch, which contains colloidal substances in its composition. They make the main active substance viscous, so it does not spread. Compid can be used not only for the treatment of dry, but also for the healing of wet corns. For this, a special form of release of the patch is commercially available. They protect wet calluses from friction and pressure. Moreover, the manufacturer has taken care of the release of patches that have a shape that is ideal for use in the interdigital spaces.

  • Urgo. This patch can be used to treat calluses with and without a nail. The patch has a foam padding that prevents medicinal substances from contacting healthy skin and damaging it.

  • Leyko. This patch is presented in the form of a thin ribbon. In its very center is a plastic membrane. It contains the main active components of the patch. At the same time, it has excellent air permeability.

  • Hartmann cosmos. This patch is suitable for treating wet calluses. After it is applied to the skin, the patch will absorb the released secret, creating a gel-like consistency. It contributes to the speedy regeneration of tissues, reducing pain. Due to the presence of a patch on the corn, pressure is reduced on it. Dirt, water and bacteria will not get into the wound. The patch contains a hydrocolloid.

  • salipodny patch. This patch is suitable for the treatment of dry corns, corns and core skin growths. It is impregnated with sulfur and salicylic acid. In combination, these substances soften the keratinized areas of the dermis well, thanks to which it is possible to get to the root of the corn and remove it. The main effects of the use of salipod patch: antibacterial, antiseptic, keratolytic and analgesic. Enhance the effect of sulfur and salicylic acid rubber and lanolin. Rosin, which is part of the patch, prevents the growth of bacterial flora.

Chinese plasters are highly effective. They are limited by a special mesh, which securely fixes the device on the skin, but at the same time allows it to breathe.

The best Chinese patches include:

Plaster from corns on the legs

  • Dr. House. This patch allows you to deal with dry corns. As part of its impregnation, salicylic acid is present, which has a pronounced keratolytic effect. The patch is attached to the steamed corn and left on it for 2 days. During this time, the build-up will soften and it will be easier to remove it. It may take 3-4 treatments to completely get rid of the callus.

  • Shuyangsuan – This is a corn plaster, which is saturated with components actively used in Chinese medicine. It is represented by adhesive tape, which is equipped with a large membrane. It must be used within 6 days. During this time, corns or dry corns will become softer and peel off. Using the patch may cause reddening of the skin, but this reaction is normal.

  • Plaster from dry corns and corns SalicylicAcid and phenol Plasters. The impregnation of the patch includes salicylic acid, phenol, wax, petroleum jelly and mutton fat. Together, these components have a pronounced keratolytic, antibacterial and analgesic effect. A patch is glued onto the corn steamed in a hot bath, and then left for a day. Then the patch must be replaced with a new one. The course of treatment is 3-4 procedures. For the treatment of wet corns, this Chinese patch is not used.

Before using a patch to remove corns, you need to consult a doctor. Each such patch contains medicinal components in its composition, so they should be treated as a medication.

Video: getting rid of corns with a COMPEED patch:

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