The latest scientific advances make it possible not only to create preparations for beauty and youth, but also to use the body’s own resources to the maximum. One of the possibilities is plasma lifting.
Plasmolifting of the face
Plasmolifting is an invention of Swiss scientists who have learned to use the potential hidden in our body. The fact is that peptides, micro and macro elements and amino acids have the ability to restore the body and regenerate tissues. They are especially abundant in plasma and blood cells.
It is scientifically confirmed that blood cells – platelets are involved not only in the process of blood coagulation, but also stimulate the division and growth of damaged cells, the synthesis of collagen and elastin, the production of hyaluronic acid, that is, they are involved in tissue regeneration.
The Swiss have learned to obtain these healing components from the blood of patients in the right concentration. Scientifically speaking, the drug is a plasma free of red blood cells with an effective concentration of platelets.
How does blood help to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin?
What is it for: the drug launches the natural processes of tissue regeneration. Damaged cells are restored, collagen and elastin synthesis is activated, the production of hyaluronic acid is stimulated, microcirculation is normalized. The skin becomes elastic, firm, smooth and fresh. The tone improves. Wrinkles are smoothed out.
How does this happen: First, blood is taken from the patient’s vein using special vacuum tubes. Then, by centrifugation, plasma is obtained, which is eventually injected into the problem area. Plasmolifting resembles conventional mesotherapy, however, the strength of the effect is many times superior to it. It is also nice that the procedure eliminates the risk of developing any side effects. It is shown with age-related changes, with dryness and a decrease in skin turgor, fine wrinkles and the initial stage of ptosis. On the body, plasmolifting helps to get rid of stretch marks, restore the skin after chemical and laser peeling.
Where to do: Plasmolifting procedure can be performed at the Golden Medical Group clinic of medical cosmetology.