Plasma cell tumor isolated

Syn.: Tumor plasmocellularis solitaris, plasmocytoma cutaneum, plasmocytoma solitare, myeloma solitare.

Def .: Malignant neoplasm originating from plasma cells.

Epid .: It is very rare.

Etiol .: Unknown.

Pat: Tumors are related to myeloma, they can precede its symptoms by up to several years. Gammopathy does not occur until symptoms of myeloma are established.

Clinical: Lumps or lumps, often single or few, of the color of the skin or bluish-violet, fused with the skin. Chronic course. Metastases to nearby lymph nodes. The first extra-cutaneous symptoms concern the nasopharynx. Until the symptoms of myeloma, the general condition of patients is good, without bone involvement or changes in the bone marrow.

Lock: Various, mostly on the face and arms. It can affect the bones, mucous membranes of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, collateral cavities of the nose, nasopharynx.

Hist .: Demonstration of plasma cell infiltration with the determination of light chains.

DL: Symptoms of gammopathy can only be shown when myeloma develops.

DR: Reticosarcoma.

Treatment: Melphalan and prednisone are used when myeloma develops.

Year: The prognosis depends on the type of myeloma and complications mainly related to the kidneys, CNS or existing infections.

Lit.: [1] Müller RPA, Krausse S., Rahlf G.: Primary cutaneous plasmacytoma. Dermatologist 1990, 41; 232-5.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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