Plaque on the tongue in adults

Why does plaque appear on the tongue?

Many perceive plaque in the language as the norm. In fact, a healthy tongue should be pink, without any deposits and spots. A slight whitish coating is allowed, which is formed during sleep and is easily removed when cleaning the oral cavity. White or yellow coating on the tongue in adults can appear for various reasons. But in any case, plaque is a sign of disturbances in the functioning of the body. Therefore, in addition to fighting the plaque itself, it is necessary to find out the reason for its formation.

What is the raid like?

Plaque on the tongue in adults

Plaque on the tongue varies in color, layer thickness, localization and form of deposits. Healthy plaque can change its structure depending on the season. In late autumn, it becomes almost imperceptible, and by the summer it becomes denser.

The shade of plaque can vary from white and yellow to dark gray and almost black. The deeper and darker the color, the more serious the reason that caused the appearance of plaque may be. Thickness is also an indication of the severity of the disease. A thin layer of plaque may indicate the initial stage of the disease, when the infection has not yet spread throughout the body. With acute respiratory infections or SARS, a thin layer of plaque may also appear.

 A thick coating, through which the surface of the tongue is not visible, may indicate a severe infection in the body or the presence of some chronic diseases. Usually, such a plaque is accompanied by a number of other symptoms. For example, with an infection, a significant increase in temperature is likely to be observed.

The form distinguish dry, wet, greasy and cheesy plaque. By the structure of deposits in the tongue, it is also possible to determine which disease caused the formation of plaque. They also distinguish between diffuse plaque, which evenly covers the entire surface of the tongue, and local plaque, which is located in one or more small spots.

Reasons for the appearance of white plaque

There are a number of diseases, a symptom of which is the formation of a white coating on the tongue. Also, deposits on the tongue can occur due to insufficiently thorough oral hygiene. The shape and thickness of such plaque can tell about certain problems in the body.

A thick and fairly dense layer of white plaque indicates problems with the intestines that lead to constipation. With the accumulation of toxins in the large intestine, a large spot of deposits can appear at the root of the tongue. Dense plaque, accompanied by fever, indicates the development of an infectious disease.

In case of malfunction of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (hereinafter referred to as the gastrointestinal tract), a loose layer of slippery plaque may appear on the tongue. It can also be observed in various disorders of the liver and gallbladder. If such a plaque thickens on the root of the tongue, then an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract is possibly going on. Often, a violation of the lungs is accompanied by a whitish coating on the front and extreme parts of the tongue. The appearance of a plaque patch closer to the root of the tongue may indicate poor functioning of the kidneys.

Thrush of the oral cavity (candidiasis) is a common disease in children, but often occurs in adults. Candidiasis is caused by a fungus and is often accompanied by tonsillitis and stomatitis. One of the symptoms of the disease is a cheesy white coating, which can cover the entire tongue or be localized in spots.

A symptom of dehydration is a dry whitish coating on a pale tongue. This nature of the deposits can also occur with violations of the spleen. The presence of an infection in the liver or gallbladder may be indicated by a slippery white coating, which is localized on the left side of the pink tongue.

Why is yellow plaque formed?

Plaque with a yellow tint is most often formed in the language of those who have certain problems with the functioning of the digestive tract. The rule also applies here: the darker and denser the plaque, the more serious the problem.

Loose plaque, which is easily removed during hygiene procedures, may be evidence of the accumulation of toxins in the body. In this case, yellow plaque will appear again and again if all harmful accumulations are not removed from the body. It is also necessary to monitor your diet, as toxins enter the body in large quantities along with food that is not distinguished by a healthy way of preparation.

Yellow plaque combined with bad breath can be a sign of stomach problems. With the development of the disease, nausea and bitterness in the mouth may also be added to them. Such symptoms should alert and be the reason for going to the gastroenterologist. Often the tongue turns yellow when taking certain medications, usually antibiotics. This is due to the increased load on the liver and the release of toxins into the body. The drugs themselves do not cause the appearance of yellow plaque, but they can provoke malfunctions in the digestive tract, which leads to the formation of plaque.

With angina and acute respiratory diseases, the appearance of a yellow coating is also often observed. This symptom is accompanied by fever. Viral infections weaken the body’s defenses, as a result of which various pathogens actively multiply in the oral cavity, which, settling on the tongue, teeth and gums, form a dense layer of yellowish deposits.

What does the dark shade of plaque indicate?

Plaque on the tongue in adults

Gray plaque can be formed due to the darkening of white plaque, which occurs during an exacerbation of the disease or its transition to the chronic stage. The black color of the plaque indicates a critical stage in the development of the disease.

Dry plaque with a gray tint can form when the body is dehydrated, which occurs under the influence of a very high temperature. Wet gray coating indicates that the body has an excess amount of mucus.

Black plaque is often formed during severe febrile diseases of an epidemic nature. It can also be a symptom of Crohn’s disease or cholera.

An unusual shade of plaque on the tongue may indicate the development of serious diseases. For example, with typhoid and dysentery, deposits on the tongue with a bluish tint may appear. The purple color of the plaque, which is located on the tongue in spots, may be a symptom of blood stasis. Greenish-brown deposits on the surface of the tongue can occur when an excessive amount of bile accumulates in the body due to improper functioning of the gallbladder or liver.

How to deal with plaque on the tongue?

It must be remembered that plaque can be a symptom of a dangerous disease and do not delay a visit to the doctor if the formation is dense, has a dark shade or is accompanied by bad breath. If the plaque on the tongue is easily removed and does not return within three hours, then it is worth reviewing your diet. Lifestyle adjustments can completely eliminate the problem.

If a white or yellowish coating appears in the morning, then it may be necessary to carefully carry out hygiene procedures. Be sure to also clean your mouth before going to bed, rinse your mouth with water after each meal, use dental floss if necessary. Eliminating food debris will prevent the growth of bacteria and the appearance of plaque.

Some bad habits can also cause plaque formation. The nicotine and tar in cigarettes turn the healthy whitish coating yellow. Alcohol can cause the formation of a yellow coating on the root of the tongue. Drinking coffee in large quantities also leads to staining of the tongue and teeth in a yellowish tint. The easiest way to get rid of plaque of this nature is to give up bad habits and over time the tongue will acquire a healthy pink hue.

The appearance of a small plaque is a normal condition. It can be caused by certain foods or medications. But if the deposits on the tongue tend to thicken, change their shade to a darker one, then this is a reason to contact a specialist. It is recommended to observe the state of your tongue for a week or two. And if careful hygiene and diet did not bring results, then you should first of all contact a dentist who will conduct an initial diagnosis and, if necessary, refer you to the appropriate specialist.

Treatment of plaque in the tongue should be aimed at eliminating the cause of its appearance. If the plaque appeared due to contamination of the body with toxins, then it is necessary to clean the body. If there are certain problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is worth visiting a gastroenterologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment after diagnosing the disease.

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