The season for ticks in Poland has already begun, which means that you have to be very careful when out in nature. Ticks are carriers of dangerous diseases that can infect humans. How to get rid of them from your own garden? Specific plants will help.
- The tick screwed under the skin to drink the blood of its victim. It can then infect her with dangerous diseases – incl. Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis
- After each stay in the bosom of nature, you should examine your body for ticks. The arachnid should be removed with e.g. tweezers. It should not be wrung out or greased
- Ticks do not like certain smells. This includes thyme, rosemary and citronella. Ticks don’t like garlic either
- We advise what to plant in the garden so that ticks can avoid us from a distance
- More information can be found on the Onet homepage.
Plants that repel ticks: rosemary
Rosemary is a herb with an aromatic scent. It is eagerly used in cooking – especially in the Mediterranean diet. Rosemary strengthens immunity and has bactericidal properties. This plant can be planted in the garden, but also in a pot on the window. The essential oil in rosemary is known for its tick repellent properties.
Plants that repel ticks: mugwort wormwood
Artemisia wormwood is a bitter-tasting plant that is used, among others, in herbal medicine. Wormwood infusion is used for digestive ailments such as indigestion and heartburn. Artemisia wormwood is a plant that ticks do not like, and it is easy to grow.
- See also: Wrens are attacking deer. We mistake them for ticks and their bites are very painful
Plants that repel ticks: rue
Ruta, like wormwood, is characterized by a bitter taste and, at the same time, an intense aroma. It has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. The smell of rue is very effective in repelling ticks from the garden.
Plants that repel ticks: tansy
Wrotycz is a wild plant growing in Poland. It has small yellow inflorescences. It is characterized by a number of properties – it has an anti-parasitic effect, aids digestion, and improves the work of the liver. It’s also an antiviral agent. The smell of tansy repels mosquitoes and ticks.
Plants that repel ticks: lavender
Lavender is a plant with characteristic purple flowers and an intense fragrance. Lavender essential oil has a calming effect, helps fight insomnia, has a relaxing effect and is helpful in digestive ailments. This plant is a known natural tick repeller.
- Editors recommend: Beware of ticks in cities
Plants that repel ticks: mint
Mint is a herb with a characteristic refreshing smell and taste. In the form of an infusion, it is used, among others as a diastolic agent. Mint also has antiviral and antibacterial properties. This plant is easy to grow in a garden or in a pot. For ticks, the smell of mint is unpleasant. You’ll find peppermint in tick repellant preparations. We recommend, for example, Antykleszcz – a mix of natural essential oils for ETJA ticks.
Plants that repel ticks: pelargonium
Pelargonium is a beautiful ornamental plant with flowers in shades of pink, red or purple. It is highly toxic, also for ticks. Unfortunately, geraniums can also be harmful to pets, so it is better not to plant them in a garden where there are dogs or cats.
Plants that repel ticks: marigold
Tagetes are annuals with yellow-orange flowers. The popular name of the marigold is stink, which is associated with its intense, herbal scent. For ticks, the aroma around these plants is unpleasant, so their presence in the garden can effectively discourage arachnids from being around.
Plants that repel ticks: garlic
Garlic is a natural antibiotic with a number of health-promoting properties. What’s more, it is also widely used in the kitchen, giving the dishes a more distinctive flavor. And planting garlic in the garden can prevent ticks from appearing in it.
However, it is worth remembering that plants do not provide full protection against a tick bite. It can be strengthened by applying tick remedies such as Tick Stop tick cleaner. In turn, if there is a situation that we find a tick in our skin, react quickly. To do this, use the Preparation for removing ticks – TICK EXPERT, which will freeze the tick. After that, you can safely remove it with the tweezers supplied with the product or with the tick remover – TICK OUT – a suction pump, thanks to which you can easily remove the tick from the skin.
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