According to Tibetan Feng Shui, not all the greens in pots are equally good for your nest.
The main thing is the weather in the house – it’s hard to disagree with Larisa Dolina’s song. After all, the house should still be our fortress, where we gain strength, relax and rest our souls. Therefore, we carefully equip comfort, including with the help of indoor plants.
Feng Shui generally has a very positive attitude to home greens.
“There is nothing better for attracting positive energy than indoor plants,” experts say.
But for the energy to be positive, the flowers must be correct. Several types of plants Feng Shui still prohibits.
Ban No. 1. Cacti
And other prickly plants. It is believed that they create tension in the atmosphere, attract negatives into the house and even generate bad energy themselves, making us feel wary. It’s all about the leaves. Feng Shui claims that the larger they are, the more positive the energy that the plant produces. And the cactus has no leaves at all, only needles. From here and discomfort which is created by these unpretentious and in general nice plants.
Ban No. 2. Withered plants
It doesn’t matter in pots or in vases. If the plant feels bad, the leaves and petals are wilted, it is necessary either to urgently save it, or to get rid of it just as urgently. According to one theory, the plants in the house die, taking upon themselves the charge of the negative, intended for the owner. Therefore, you need to thank the flower, take it out and bury it.
Also banned are plants where the leaves themselves grow down – like a Christmas tree in children’s drawings. But these are quite difficult to imagine, among the most popular indoor plants there is nothing like this.
Ban No. 3. Artificial flowers
Here, even without Feng Shui, it is clear that fake plants do not belong in a modern interior. They look bad and cheap, and they even carry dead energy into the house. And live, that is yours, is taken away. For the same reason, it is not recommended to keep dried flowers at home, unless you collect herbariums for scientific purposes.
By the way
Some people think that the plant of sansevieria, or teschin tongue, is a bad choice from the point of view of fenshui. Experts say that there is nothing terrible in it, if you put the flower in the right place. For example, in the bathroom, sansevieria feels good in a warm, humid climate, and at the same time it cleans the air of formaldehydes contained in cleaning products and toilet paper.
Feng Shui assures that it is not enough just to bring a flower into the house, you also need to place it correctly. Forbidden places:
– southwest and northeast sectors. In the first case, the presence of a flower will have a bad effect on the relationship between husband and wife, in the second, it will lower the children’s ability to learn;
– Northwest sector. A large plant in this place can undermine the health of the breadwinner, ruin his career;
– kitchen. The energy of a tree element from plants can increase the energy of fire that reigns in the kitchen, and this is unsafe.
And here about a bedroom of opinion are divided. Some believe that plants cannot be placed in the bedroom, and others that it is undesirable only for established couples, as plants in the room where you sleep attract the attention of the opposite sex.
Plants that bring grief to the house. 8 plants that are believed to bring misfortune to the house
Few people know that there are indoor plants that bring misfortune to the house. Sometimes this happens for a good reason – many of them cause allergies in residents. But often superstitions are based on the fact that some flowers have negative energy, attracting troubles and troubles to the house.
It is believed that cyperus has a very strong energy that suppresses the human biofield.
The plant negatively affects the health of residents. The one who keeps cyperus in his room usually gets sick a lot and often.
To date, there is no scientific evidence that the plant is capable of sending a disease to a person, but people continue to be afraid to plant a flower in their home.
Monstera is a plant with carved leaves. In China, it is customary to give Monstera to people of age in order to increase the number of days left to them before death.
However, in Russia there is an opinion that this flower is a vampire plant that drinks human energy. It is strictly forbidden to start families where people with heart disease and respiratory system live. People are afraid that Monstera will be able to “strangle” them at night.
Scindapsus is popularly called the flower-husband.
There is a belief that the liana can affect the relationship of the spouses. Families in whose houses the plant lives often and loudly scandal. As a result, eternal quarrels lead to divorce and the man leaves home.
Some superstitious ladies claim that scindapsus “expels” not only husbands, but all males (grandchildren, sons, brothers, etc.) from the house.
Hibiscus is called the flower of death due to the fact that its flowering begins out of season. This phenomenon indicates an imminent death in the family.
Hibiscus is also not recommended for unmarried ladies, otherwise they will never meet their love. If a girl already has a young man, then soon he may leave her and leave forever.
There are two completely opposite opinions about the fern.
In our country, people believe that together with a flower, troubles come to the house. While the fern lives in the family, it attracts difficulties and troubles to the house.
In other countries, people believe that the plant, on the contrary, brings happiness to the house.
In ancient times, ivy was a symbol of devotion, as well as a talisman for all unmarried girls. Ivy helped ladies get married successfully, attracted wealthy and strong men.
Today, in the post-Soviet territories, it is widely believed that ivy attracts only misfortunes to life. It is forbidden to put it in the apartments where the newlyweds live. Otherwise, the newly-made spouse may leave the family.
There is a well-known superstition that a young girl should not put a violet in her room. If she does this, she will never marry, or she will marry, but by calculation.
In addition, the violet is not recommended to be kept in the house, so as not to bring diseases of the reproductive system to the girl.
In pre-war times, ficus was considered a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Almost everyone tried to get this plant, as it, according to legend, attracted wealth and prosperity to the house.
But after the war, it turned out that in the houses to which the men returned from the front, there were never ficuses. From that time on, the flower began to be called the “widow plant”.
Of course, you can not believe in superstitions and signs and plant any plant at home. But why tempt fate and go against folk wisdom when there are still so many other beautiful flowers in the world.
Flowers that bring money to the house. Top 13 flowers that bring good luck and money to the house
We have already written about the most useful indoor plants. But at that time, it was mainly about those home-made herbs that have a good effect on human health and the microclimate in the apartment.
Today we will talk about those flowers for the home that bring love, money, good.
Crassula oval
Crassula is also called a fat woman, a money tree. This is perhaps the most famous plant in our country among all the flowers that bring good luck and money to the house.
Crassula has fleshy, oval-shaped leaves that look like coins. Hence the name “fat girl” and the attribution of the force of attraction of money.
How powerful the magical energy of a plant is is indicated by its growth rate and appearance. So, the flowering of a fat woman is a sure sign of imminent enrichment, for example, winning the lottery or receiving an inheritance. But the drying up of the money tree is a bad omen, promising bankruptcy.
The representatives of the ancient Slavic tribes attributed magical properties to the fern. They believed that finding a flower of this plant could attract good luck, protect against evil spirits and indicate the location of treasures hidden underground.
Unfortunately, the fern does not bloom, but still brings material well-being to the house and contributes to the rapid career growth of its owner.
Zamioculcas, or Dollar tree, is an unusual plant from Africa. Refers to flowers that bring good luck and money, protect against diseases.
It is believed that the dollar tree has a very sensitive energy field, therefore it favors only those owners who truly love it. T
There is an opinion that the magical properties of zamiokulkas are enhanced in cases where the flower serves as a gift for a birthday, New Year or other holiday.
The main distinguishing feature of any cactus is the thorns. In money magic, it is commonly thought that the plant uses them to open and expand “money channels”.
So, for enrichment, it is worth having several cacti at once. It is desirable that they belong to different species. After all, the more various spines – money antennas, the better.
The only drawback of these plants is the dual energy. No wonder there are so many signs associated with cacti. For example, they are believed to destroy love vibes. Therefore, to attract money and good luck, you will have to pay with loneliness.
Bougainvillea brings prosperity to the homes of those people who aspire to it. This plant will be an excellent choice for workaholics and those whose professional activities involve high risks, such as investors and traders.
Bougainvillea seems to be following the owner and, if he sees that he is interested in improving his financial situation, helps him.
The positive energy of the plant can be enhanced by hanging a sword next to it, decorated with bronze coins.
Geranium is not the most effective flower for attracting money into the house. Its magical properties in this respect are not strongly expressed. Therefore, with the help of this plant, it is unlikely that you will get rich quick. But to save and slightly increase the accumulated will come out without difficulty.
Geranium changes the owner’s attitude towards money. And he begins to plan expenses in more detail, show frugality, and avoid unnecessary spending.
Geranium easily “gets along” with other indoor flowers. A good neighbor is an azalea. Being next to her, geranium will enhance monetary properties.
A pot of mint in the kitchen is the key to attracting wealth. The leaves of the plant spread a special aroma, which is among the smells to attract money. This fragrance plays the role of a lure on which coins flock.
The rich minty smell of grass speaks of its powerful energy, which contributes to the disclosure of “money channels”. But if the smell is weak, the plant does not work.
It is important to remember that a mint bush grown from seeds is much better than a purchased plant. Its magical properties are more pronounced.
Aucuba is an evergreen plant with large leaves with small patches. The Japanese believe in its ability to attract financial well-being and good luck, which is why they call it the golden tree.
The energy of the aukuba directly depends on the relationship with the owner. Given this, it is better to refuse to purchase an adult plant and grow it yourself.