Planting violets: how to plant and root a violet
For its beauty, tenderness and variety of species, violets are called “the queen of the windowsill”, besides, planting violets is not difficult. But in order for this charming girl to grow and develop well, you need to know some subtleties.
Rooting methods for violets
There are more than 500 species of violets in the world, the flowers of which differ in shape and color depending on the variety. On one peduncle there are 3-7 flowers of the same or different shades. With proper care, flowering can last up to 8 months.
Planting violets is a pleasant experience.
Violets with large flowers do not grow from seeds. Sowing seeds, get a plant with small flowers. Varietal violets are propagated only in a vegetative way:
- sheet;
- stepsons or side sockets.
The easiest way to propagate and root this plant is with leaves. Choose medium-sized healthy leaves, carefully separate from the mother plant, cut the stem at an angle of 45 ° and place in a plastic cup with chilled boiled water. For disinfection, an activated carbon tablet is placed in the water.
After 3-6 weeks, roots will appear about 1 cm long. Now the leaf is transplanted into a pot with a drainage hole for aerating the roots. A drainage layer is placed on the bottom of the pot, on top of the soil for flowers. Perlite and vermiculite (¾ earth, ¼ vermiculite and perlite) are added to the soil. The leaf is planted at an angle of 45 ° to a depth of 1,5-3 cm, watered.
You can immediately plant a leaf in the ground, in a very loose substrate, but the formation of roots and children in this case is more painful and takes a long time.
Leaves that take root in water give babies faster. Such plants get used to the soil better and bloom faster.
If the task is to obtain the exact color of the flowers of the mother plant, then the violet is propagated and rooted with the help of stepsons. They are either immediately planted in the ground, or they are first rooted in water in the same way as the leaves, and then planted in the ground.
So that babies appear faster in the leaves planted in the ground, part of the mother’s leaf plate is cut off, then more nutrients will go to the formation of strong, healthy shoots. In this case, the planting of violets in the ground and adaptation will take place without complications.
A pot or a cup is placed under a plastic cap, a “greenhouse”. From time to time, the greenhouse is removed, gradually accustoming the plant to the surrounding conditions. After 1-1,5 months, babies appear. They are separated from the mother leaf and seated in separate pots..
The seated children are planted in adult pots after 2 months.
Violets grow well in light, loose soil with the addition of vermiculite and perlite. When planting a violet in the main pot, gently straighten the roots and make sure that there is no air between the roots. The earth is not tamped, but, pouring it in gradually, they lightly tap on the pot so that the soil is evenly distributed. A drainage layer must be placed on the bottom.
A standard pot has a diameter of 9 cm. As a rule, it should be 3 times smaller than the diameter of the plant’s rosette.
Observing these rules, you can be sure that a beautiful violet will reward the grower with long and abundant flowering.