Cedar pine, or Siberian cedar, purifies the air and has an incredible coniferous aroma. To grow a tree in your garden, you need to know the secrets of growing.
Trees survive frosts down to -60˚С. In nature, pine grows up to 45 m in height, the trunk reaches 2 m in diameter. The crown is dense, sometimes several peaks are formed.
In nature, cedar pine reproduces thanks to birds that carry seeds.
Description of the coniferous tree:
- The barrel is brown-gray. The branches are thick and powerful, with a dark brown bark. Wood has bactericidal properties.
- The needles are soft, deep green. The needles reach 14 cm in length, collected in bunches of 5 pieces. The needles contain a lot of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, ascorbic acid and carotene.
- Cones are large – up to 13 cm long and 5-8 cm in diameter. Fruits ripen in 15-18 months. The pine begins fruiting at the 60th year of its life. Up to 12 kg of pine nuts can be harvested from one tree.
- The root system is powerful, the roots grow up to 2-3 m deep into the soil.
The pine tree looks beautiful in any season. The air around her is always sterile, it is very easy to breathe.
The tree can be propagated by seedlings, grafting with cuttings or seeds. The first method is the simplest. For planting, choose a seedling at least 5 years old. The optimal size of the planting material is no more than 1 m in height and 2 cm in the trunk diameter.
Young Siberian cedar pine is very delicate, so it is easy to damage it. Buy seedlings with a closed root system. Plant them in early spring. A sunny area is suitable for planting, although the tree will grow in partial shade. Does not tolerate high air pollution. Prefers sandy loam or loamy soil.
- Prepare the soil. If the site is clayey soil, drainage is needed with a layer of 10-20 cm.With high acidity of the soil, add lime, no more than 300 g per hole. Add fertilizers, peat and humus will do.
- Dig a hole 1,5 times the size of the root system. Place the seedling in the center, carefully sprinkle the roots with soil.
- Pour in 5-10 liters of water. Tie the seedling to a support. Mulch the soil with sawdust or conifer bark.
Plant other seedlings no closer than 6 m from each other.
Pine is undemanding to care for. It only needs watering during a dry summer.
The cedar pine is the tree that will remain for your great-grandchildren, since it has lived for more than 500-800 years. Take responsibility for choosing a site for planting.