Planting seedlings on seedlings and caring for them in the open field

Planting seedlings on seedlings and caring for them in the open field

Planting and caring for a celia is troublesome. But the magnificent sight of these plants, similar to flaming torches, is well worth the investment of time and effort.

Planting cellosis for seedlings

In regions with frosty winters, cellosis is grown as an annual, as it does not tolerate even the slightest cold weather. Therefore, every season, lovers of these flowers have to sow the seeds again.

It is also possible to plant cellosis in the container, this is not displayed in the care.

The best time to plant seedlings is the first week of April. First, the seeds must be soaked in a solution of zircon and epin, since they have a too dense shell. After 4 hours, the seeds can be sown sparsely into the prepared substrate. They do not need to be sprinkled with earth, just press firmly against the soil and spray with water from a spray bottle.

The container should be covered with foil and placed in a bright and warm place. Regular watering, heat and light will do their job – in 7-8 days the first shoots will appear. The sprouts need a lot of light, so they have to be illuminated for another 4-5 hours. When the seedlings have 2-3 leaves, they need to dive. If possible, it is better to transplant seedlings into peat-humus pots so as not to injure the roots when planting in open ground. After that, you can feed the seedlings for the first time with a weak solution of ordinary mineral flower fertilizer.

Planting cellosis in open ground

You can plant plants on the street after the threat of the return of frost has passed. It is better to choose a well-lit, sunny and wind-protected place for cellosis. The flower does not like too moist and acidic soil. Plants of low-growing varieties are planted at a distance of 15 cm from each other, tall ones – 25 cm.

It is important not to damage the root system, so the transplant must be done very carefully.

Once every three weeks, young plants need to be fed with complex mineral fertilizers. This promotes more abundant flowering.

Celosia grown by seedlings is very tender and can die from an abundance of moisture. Young plants are especially vulnerable and often die from blacklegs. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to water the celosia only in sunny and hot weather in the morning; on cloudy days, the plant does not require watering. If the disease has already affected some plants, the soil should be loosened, covered with a layer of ash and watering should be immediately reduced. The rest of the plant is unpretentious.

Choosing the right varieties of celosia, you can admire their bizarre inflorescences all season.

Also interesting: the tips of the leaves dry

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