Planting potatoes in a ridge way

Ridge planting potatoes quickly gained popularity. This method can be mastered even by beginners in gardening. Landing in this way saves time and does not require expensive equipment. Many gardeners have been planting potatoes this way for a long time, and are very pleased with the results. But in order to properly land, you need to know some of the features and nuances of this method. With the help of this article, we will learn how to plant potatoes in beds, find out all the advantages and disadvantages of this method, and also see how to properly care for the beds.

Planting potatoes in a ridge way

Features and advantages of the method

Planting potatoes in this way provides a special way of preparing the soil. Combs are prepared manually or with a walk-behind tractor, in which potatoes are planted. They must rise above the ground. This allows the tubers to grow well, resulting in a more generous harvest. During normal planting, the earth squeezes the potatoes, which interferes with full growth. Therefore, planting potatoes in ridges is considered a more productive method. Of course, it has both pros and cons.

The most important benefits include increased yields and ease of tillage. Due to the fact that the earth does not squeeze the potatoes, the tubers can grow without obstacles. This greatly affects the amount of the harvest.

Attention! Gardeners note that using this method, it has become much easier to dig up tubers. In this case, you can not even use a shovel. The roots are not deeply buried in the ground, so they are easy to reach.

Planting potatoes in a ridge way

It also became much easier to process the beds. Since the planting is more superficial, the soil does not need to be plowed deeply. You can simply loosen the upper part of the soil, and then use the sap to cover the tubers with earth. This method is especially valuable for planting potatoes on heavy and wet soil. Since it is difficult to handle by hand, a ridge plant will be just right. Moreover, if potatoes can grow freely in loose soil, then in heavy soils it will not have enough space. In order for the potato not to fall ill with late blight, it needs a sufficient amount of light. The combs warm up much better, and thanks to this, the potatoes will grow healthy and strong.

Disadvantages of planting potatoes with ridges

One disadvantage is that the soil in the ridges dries out very quickly. Especially in regions with a hot climate, this can cause some inconvenience. In such cases, regular watering is indispensable. And since potatoes are usually planted more than other crops, it will take a large amount of water. This nuance does not allow residents of the southern regions to use the ridge planting method. Most often it is used in areas with wet soil or in cold regions. Of course, if it is possible to water frequently, then you can plant potatoes in this way and in warm places. Industrial enterprises can equip an automatic irrigation system.

Planting potatoes in a ridge way

Too light and crumbly soil is not suitable for this method. It will be very difficult to form ridges from it, because the soil will constantly crumble and weather. Another reason is that such soil dries out even faster, and the tubers can simply burn out in the sun.

Important! Loose soils are a favorite place for various insects and pests to live. It will be difficult to preserve the crop in such soil.

Site Preparation

For planting to be successful, you need to properly prepare the soil. This preparation involves several stages:

  1. Loosening the soil.
  2. Fertilizer.
  3. Removal of weeds and plant debris.
  4. Destruction of pests.

All these points are very important. Only by completing them, you can achieve a good result of your work. It is also important to have time to do everything in time, so as not to start planting potatoes too late. Or, conversely, start preparing very early, when the soil is not yet dry and cannot be processed.

Advice! Remember that you cannot plant potatoes in the same place every year. It is possible to return nightshade cultures to their original place only after 3–4 years.

Planting potatoes in a ridge way

Begin tillage with its loosening. With this planting method, only the top layer of soil needs to be loosened. If you are digging the garden by hand, then you need to deepen the shovel only 1/3 of the entire length of the bayonet. After the done, loosening and leveling of the soil is carried out. Choose in the garden plot those places for planting tubers where legumes such as peas, soybeans, and beans grew last year. They enrich the soil with substances necessary for the growth of potatoes.

The next step is to fertilize the soil. For these purposes, both mineral and organic fertilizers can be used. In this case, the main thing is to know the measure. An excess of organic matter can lead to late blight, and an excess amount of mineral fertilizers can burn the roots of plants. The main components of fertilizers should be phosphorus and potassium. Choose in specialized stores those fertilizers that contain these substances. Superphosphate, potassium nitrate, wood ash and bone meal can be used for this purpose.

Planting potatoes in a ridge way

Before planting tubers, you need to get rid of pests and diseases that may appear in the future. The most dangerous for potatoes, as for many other vegetables, is late blight. Soil treatments with fungicides and pesticides can alleviate this and other dangers. It is very important to use these chemicals according to the instructions so as not to contaminate or damage the soil.

Preparing the tubers for planting

Tubers before planting must be removed from the cellar and carefully sorted out, you need to throw out all the rotten potatoes. For planting, only tubers without cracks and flaws are left. They should not be lethargic and sprouted. Choose only the best varieties for planting in the garden that have a high yield. Such preparation is very important, because by planting unsuitable potatoes, you will simply waste time and space on the site.

Advice! Tubers for planting should be small in size, about the size of a chicken egg.

Planting potatoes in a ridge way

Planting potatoes in ridges according to Dutch technology

Planting potatoes with the ridge method can be done in different ways. There is classical and Dutch technology. The Dutch way requires more effort, however, is considered more productive. Planting in this way will increase the yield of potatoes. To do this, it is necessary to observe the timing of planting and the time of harvesting potatoes. It is also very important to prepare the tubers for planting in time, and to carry out other preparatory work.

When the site is already prepared, you need to get the tubers for planting, and plant them in the ground. Moreover, potatoes are placed very densely, at 1m2 should be located up to 35 tubers. When 5-7 eyes appear on the tubers, they are dug up and re-selected suitable for germination.

Planting potatoes in a ridge way

Tubers can be germinated or simply left in a warm place. Sufficient sunlight will speed up the growth process. Sprouted potatoes are planted to a depth of about 4 centimeters. Between the bushes leave up to 35 centimeters. The distance between rows should be at least 80 cm. After that, manually or with a walk-behind tractor, the ground that is between the rows is covered with tubers. The height of the combs should be from 20 cm to 30 cm.

Important! Since the potatoes are germinated, there is a high probability of damaging them during planting. You need to be very careful when burying the tubers.

Care and harvest

This planting method makes it easier to care for the beds. Preliminary preparation contributes to the fact that in the future you will not have to spend a lot of time in the garden. The site does not need to be weeded, and treated with insecticides or fungicides. The only thing the bed needs is timely watering.

Attention! 2 weeks before harvesting, it is necessary to collect all the tops, and leave the potatoes in the ridges so that the peel is strengthened and fully ripened.

Planting potatoes in a ridge way

When the time comes to harvest the potatoes, the ridges are torn open and the ripened tubers are taken out. The soil must then be leveled so that it is prepared for further processing. Do not forget that, like planting in another way, you can plant potatoes using the Dutch method in one place only once every 3-4 years.

Planting potatoes in ridges in the classic way

This method is often used by gardeners whose plots are located on moist clay soils. Such dense soil does not allow potatoes to grow normally, and also threatens the development of late blight. As you know, this disease can completely destroy the crop. Therefore, the ridge landing method in this case is a real salvation.

Planting potatoes in a ridge way

To begin with, rows are marked on the site. This is done with twine. It is stretched where the middle of the row should be. Each next rope is pulled at a distance of at least 1 m from the previous one. Further along this rope, tubers are laid out at a distance of about 30 centimeters. Cutting ridges for planting potatoes is carried out using ordinary glanders. This method does not require the use of expensive equipment, therefore it is available to absolutely everyone.

The height of the ridges should be about 25-30 cm, and the width between the rows should be about 65 cm. Further care consists in regular watering as needed. From time to time it will be necessary to restore the combs, simply by giving them their former shape with a hoe.

Harvest and site preparation

Potatoes are harvested by hand, simply by sliding the top of the comb, and picking up the tubers. Thanks to this method, you can harvest potatoes without much physical effort.

Advice! Remember that you can not leave the tops in the garden, as it can provoke the appearance of pests.

Planting potatoes in a ridge way

Next, the ridges are leveled and grass and leaves are laid on the ground. Over the winter, they will be an excellent fertilizer. Next year, it is better to plant various legumes in this area. This will restore soil fertility.


The advantages of this method of planting potatoes clearly outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, many gardeners have been using it on their plots for many years. Having seen all the technology and features of this method, you can see for yourself how much the yield of potatoes will increase, and how easy it will be to care for it.


Maria, Ivanovo
Ridge planting is the best method for planting potatoes. Before, I was so tired of eternal weeding and hilling. Now it’s just beauty. In the spring, the tubers were well buried, and in the fall they were all harvested. Of course, you need to remove weeds and water, but this is not as difficult as weeding the entire area.
Evgenia, Voronezh
I really love this landing. I try to take out the tubers in the sun early so that they have time to germinate, then the potatoes grow even faster. The harvest is very generous, the potatoes grow large and without flaws.
Potato. Planting potatoes in ridges

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