Planting phlox seeds and seedlings
Phlox planting is carried out in several different ways, depending on whether it is a perennial flower or an annual. If you plant this plant correctly, it will delight you with its flowers all summer long. Here are some helpful tips for gardeners.
Phloxes are beautiful flowers with an amazing scent. It is impossible to describe them with a couple of words, since all varieties are very different from each other.
Phlox planting is carried out in late autumn.
Seeds are most often propagated by annual phloxes, and seedlings are prepared for perennials. If the seeds are planted in the fall, about 70% of the seeds will sprout, which is a very high rate. But if you plant seeds in the spring, then this figure will decrease significantly.
Seeds are collected in early autumn and planted in late November – early December. Here is a diagram of their landing:
- If snow has already fallen, set it aside.
- Spread the seeds directly on the frozen ground, about 4-5 cm apart.
- Cover them with sifted earth 1 to 1,5 cm thick.
- Cover the ground with snow if it came first.
- Seedlings will appear in early spring.
When the shoots have 2 pairs of strong leaves, you can plant the shoots if they grow too thick. The distance between flowers should be about 20 cm.
If you do decide to plant seeds in the spring, lay them out at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other, as fewer will germinate. Do not crush with earth from above, but cover with cellophane. Remove cellophane daily for ventilation. You can completely remove cellophane when the first shoots appear.
How to plant phlox seedlings
For seedlings, seeds should be planted in pots at the very beginning of spring. In just a week, seedlings will appear. They need good lighting, moderate temperatures, and regular, moderate watering. Three weeks after emergence, dive them. In the first two to three days after the pick, the seedlings are especially sensitive. Protect them from direct sunlight during this time.
Before planting in a flower bed, feed the sprouts twice with any mineral fertilizer.
Phlox should be transplanted in May. Pick a piece of land for them in partial shade. It is there that they will bloom most profusely. Plant the shoots 15-20 cm apart.
You can create amazing colorful flower beds using several different varieties of phlox. Try to come up with interesting combinations for your garden design. Well, and let the landing method be the one that you like best.