The pear is the second most popular garden crop after the well-known apple tree. It belongs to the pome group and the Rosaceae family. Due to its poor frost resistance, it is best to plant this fruit tree in warm climatic zones. A pear is capable of producing good harvests for many decades, the first harvest can be expected as early as the fifth year. How to choose the right place for planting her seedlings in the spring, and how to care for the culture that has taken root in your garden plot?
Planting time
In order to carry out the correct planting of seedlings in the spring, you should first think about which variety of fruit tree is preferable for your area, choose a good pear seedling and the best place for it on your site. When is the right time to plant a pear tree? Usually planting such a tree is done in spring or autumn. If you decide to plant a fruit tree in the spring, then you should meet the deadlines before the last month of spring. The only exceptions are the southern regions, where this time of year tends to start early, so it is best to plant pears there in the fall. Specific dates for spring planting vary from late April to early May (you need to be in time before the leaves appear). One of the main advantages of planting trees in spring can be called, without exaggeration, that a pear seedling will have time to grow a normal root system and bark over the summer, which will contribute to its better wintering.
Site Selection
To properly plant a fruit tree in the spring, you need to choose a place for planting it on the site.
Since the pear reacts quite negatively to the transplant, experts advise giving preference to a dry place that is well heated by the sun’s rays.
The soil should be loose and not particularly wet, as well as fertile. It is also worth paying attention to the presence of groundwater – if they are close to the surface, then rotting of the root system of the tree is not excluded. In this case, you definitely won’t have to wait for a harvest from him. The distance between trees and buildings planted in spring should not be less than three meters. For the purpose of good pollination of pears, it is recommended to plant various varieties of fruit crops in the garden in the immediate vicinity of it.
Selection of seedlings
In order to choose the right pear seedlings for planting, you should know some rules. Seedlings up to three years old are best suited for these purposes. Since older cultures tend to take root worse. To identify an annual seedling, just look at the trunk of a tree – its height will be no more than 1 m, and the thickness of the trunk is unlikely to exceed 2 cm. Do not forget to carefully examine the seedling – its bark should not be too dry, and the buds should be well developed .
It is not recommended to purchase planting material with leaflets already visible. In high-quality pear seedlings, about three thick, powerful main roots are clearly visible – for a one-year-old tree, their length will be about 20 cm, for a two-year-old tree – about 30 cm. If the bark on the roots is peeling, you should not buy such a seedling – most likely, this is a sign of freezing.
Landing instructions
In order to properly plant a pear, it is first necessary to dig holes of a suitable size – they should contain the root system of the tree in such a way as to avoid bending the roots. In order for the seedling to take root well in a new place, it is advised to add nutrient soil, as well as potassium sulfate, superphosphate and humus, to the prepared pits. If you are dealing with fairly dense soil, adding coarse-grained river sand when planting will give a good effect – one bucket will be enough.
Before planting the seedling directly, a wooden peg is driven into the pit, the height of which is about half a meter. It is best to place it on the south side. He will be able to protect the tree from overheating and at first protect it from the wind.
The hole should be dug about 60 – 70 cm deep and about 70 – 80 wide. It should be with sheer walls, when it is created, clay or sand recline in the opposite direction from ordinary earth. It is imperative to add humus, sod, upland, fertilizers to the pit, make a mound where a wooden peg will be driven in. A seedling is placed on a mound, the roots are straightened with a beautiful fan, when falling asleep with earth, it is necessary that the root collar is approximately 6 cm above the soil surface.
Holding the tree by the trunk, shake it a little so that there is no unnecessary emptiness between the roots. After planting, the seedling should be securely tied to a peg. It is also necessary to form a hole for watering around the tree, the diameter of which should be about 25 cm. After the seedling is watered for the first time, it is recommended to mulch such a hole with humus or peat.
Care after
The scheme of formation of the crown of fruit trees
To get a good harvest, you need to know how to properly care for a young tree. Its important components are timely and sufficient watering of the crop (especially in hot weather), as well as decorative crown formation. You also need to carefully monitor that unwanted weeds do not appear on the trunk circles, for which experts advise to loosen the soil without fail.
A pear does not need fertilizer in the first few years, since it is quite enough for her to feed on those that were added during the spring planting. When the cold sets in, don’t forget to tie tree trunks with spruce branches. This will be an excellent protection for the pear bark from possible damage by rodents. If you follow all the recommendations for planting and take good care of your fruit trees, they will certainly thank you with their juicy sweet pears.
Video “Pear planting”
The recording shows how to correctly plant a pear.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina