There are more than 400 varieties of onions in the world. Each variety of seeds has its own characteristics – color, bitterness, size, fruiting period, shape of green feathers. Whichever variety of onion seeds you end up choosing for your yard, planting and caring for it should be about the same, since the general characteristics of the species are preserved for all table varieties. Below we will tell you about how the onion should be planted, how to choose the right variety, process the seeds and what should be the subsequent care.
Timing and Methods
You can plant bulbous seeds in two runs – in spring and before winter. Planting in late autumn has a number of advantages, and most importantly, getting an early harvest of a fresh young onion already in mid-spring with the first warm rays of the sun. Not all varieties of seeds are suitable for winter onion planting. First of all, pay attention to the resistance of the variety to frost. For northern latitudes and mid-latitudes, varieties that were bred for the conditions of the south are not suitable, so always check with seed sellers for information about zoning.
Experienced experts recommend using varieties such as Arzamassky, Danilovsky, Bessonovsky, Strigunovsky and others. Planting onions before winter should be done with dry sets so that the heads do not begin to germinate ahead of time. As for the timing of landing, everything is individual here. On average, the sowing period lasts from October 15 to November 15. Although in some regions it is better to land earlier or later. The main thing is that the seeds have time to take root before the onset of stable frosts, but do not begin to germinate. Then good spring shoots are provided. You can plant seeds in separate holes or in ridges with a distance of about 7 centimeters. For winter planting, the seeding depth should be 5 centimeters.
Planting onions in spring is technologically not much different from winter sowing. It is necessary to plant a seedling after the retreat of frost. Each region will have its own timing. In the south, the soil is ready for ground work already in early to mid-March. In the middle latitudes and in the north, you will have to wait until mid-April-early May. In order for the plants to grow well, it is important to prepare the soil in the fall. For spring planting, it is recommended to buy fresh sets in professional stores. Firstly, you will be sure of the chosen variety, and secondly, storing seeds from autumn at home is quite problematic.
We prepare the planting material
Before planting an onion, it must be carefully checked and prepared. If the seeds of the desired varieties were stored with you for a long time in a cold, dry room at a temperature not higher than + 18 ° C, then before planting the seeds, it is necessary to warm them up so that growth processes begin in the heads. Warming up the seeds should be carried out gradually in several stages. First, onion heads are left for 2-3 weeks at a temperature of +20°C. After that, it is necessary to create conditions with a temperature of + 8- + 10 ° C for 30-40 hours. This will help keep the bow from shooting and activate the growth of the young plant. In no case do not overheat the sets, then the yield may noticeably decrease. If long-term preparation of the onion for planting is not possible, then before planting it can be soaked in hot water (up to 50 ° C) for 10-15 minutes and transferred to cold water.
To get quick shoots and a good harvest, many gardeners use growth stimulants. Nutrient solution can be prepared with preparations Zircon, Rost-1, Humisol. These products are suitable for all varieties of onions. Also, don’t forget to sort out the seeds. Rotten, soft, blackened, cut specimens are not suitable for planting.
There should be no signs of plant diseases on the heads (whitish bloom, brown spots), otherwise the disease will attack the young onion. Soaking onions before planting will help protect you from such troubles. Copper sulphate protects well from fungal infections. For 10 liters of water, take 1 teaspoon of the product. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is also suitable for processing.
Video “How to land correctly”
We plant onions
This culture loves to observe the correct crop rotation. The best predecessors are tomatoes, pumpkin, parsley, dill, zucchini. It is not recommended to plant seeds after garlic, carrots and other representatives of this species. In order for the bulbs to grow as large as possible and not interfere with each other, it is important to observe the distance between the seedlings. On average, it should not be less than 6 centimeters, but it all depends on the variety of onions, the shape and size of the head.
The scheme for planting onions is quite simple. Seed heads should be planted carefully with the roots down. Bulbs must be completely covered with earth. Depending on the variety and personal preference, you can plant the seeds in individual holes or continuous rows. The soil should be loose and warm. Plot the site in a sunny and quiet place.
Preplant care necessarily includes soil treatment with organic and mineral fertilizers. Vegetables love fertilized and fertile soils. Wood ash and ground chalk help stabilize the acidity of the earth. Mineral fertilizers are not recommended to be applied in large doses. It is better to stretch the planned amount of top dressing for the entire growing season and make everything in 3 doses. We discussed the timing of planting onions above.
Plant care consists in timely watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds. Moisture is important for the formation of lush greenery and an elastic head, but in no case should the planting be transfused. Especially before harvest. Wet bulbs will not store well and will rot quickly. You need to loosen the earth 1 time per week. If the soil becomes hard, then the underground part of the plant will not grow well.
With insufficient growth of greenery, the application of urea and mullein should be included in the care. When the plant reaches 15 centimeters in height, it is important to carry out preventive spraying with copper sulphate. Such care will protect the site from fungal diseases.
Harvesting and storage of crops
If the preparation of the onion for planting and subsequent care were carried out correctly, then the harvest will certainly please you. Harvesting is planned for September, when the feathers no longer grow and begin to fade, and golden poured heads peek out from under the ground. Before harvesting, the ridges are not watered for 2-3 weeks. The day for digging up the crop is also important to pick up dry. After harvesting, the onion must be cleaned of roots and tops. They are cut off not at the very root, but leave 1-2 centimeters so as not to damage the bulb itself and provoke rotting.
Then the crop must be dried well. For this, a ventilated room or a canopy on the street is suitable if the weather is sunny. You can not leave the onion in the open sun, it will begin to turn green. After 2-3 weeks of drying, the crop is placed in boxes or wicker baskets, rejecting all unhealthy and spoiled heads. Onions should be stored in a cool, ventilated area. Do not put crops in plastic bags. Your main task is to provide air access, otherwise the processes of decay will begin. It is good to store onions in the closet in limbo.
Video “Sowing onions from seeds”
The video popularly describes the basic techniques that must be followed when planting onions in the beds.
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