Planting hosts in the fall in the ground

Planting hosts in the fall in the ground

Hosta is a non-flowering perennial plant distinguished by its leaves. They come in a variety of sizes, colors and shapes. This is an unpretentious plant, so even a novice gardener can grow it. There are two planting periods: spring and autumn. From the article you will learn how hosts are planting in the fall.

Hosta: planting in the ground in the fall

In addition to the planting process itself, you should also know about the general rules for growing hosts. You need to understand how to choose planting material, as well as where to plant a new plant.

Planting hosts in the fall should be carried out in the first half of September.

The general rules are as follows:

  • In autumn, it is best to plant the plant in the first half of September. Thanks to this, it will have time to get stronger before the onset of the first cold weather.
  • Choose a material that has at least a few buds.
  • Plant the hosta in the shade as it can burn the leaves in the sun.
  • For planting, choose a permeable soil in which water will not stagnate.
  • Fertilize the soil before planting.

By following these simple rules, you will help the plant to take root in a new place. With the right location and planting time, the plant will be healthy.

The lighter the hosta leaves, the more light-requiring. If the foliage is dark green, then plant the hosta in the shade, if it is light, then you can plant it in the sun

The planting process is very simple:

  1. Before planting, loosen the soil and clear it of weeds.
  2. Then, dig holes about 30 centimeters deep. Adjust the distance between the holes depending on the size of the seedling.
  3. Fertilizers need to be poured into the hole, then a seedling should be placed on the fertilizer and sprinkled with earth on top.
  4. The land needs to be tamped and watered.

The planting process will not be difficult even for a novice gardener. It is thanks to the unpretentiousness and simple process of growing the host that it is popular with summer residents.

Just like planting hosts, caring for it in the fall is simple:

  • The care includes weeding the ground, removing weeds as well as old leaves.
  • The host is frost-resistant, but in cold winters it needs additional shelter. You can use agrofiber for this.
  • So that the hosta does not grow too much, it is recommended to separate young shoots from it every 4 years.

Top dressing is carried out three times. One of them is carried out in the fall after the end of the flowering period.

The unusual leaves of the hosta attract the attention of those people who appreciate the unusual plants. In total, there are several thousand of its varieties. And among such a variety, anyone can choose a variety that suits him.

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