Single clove garlic is a material for planting a plant that has certain differences and a number of advantages compared to a regular clove. This method of crop propagation is now very popular among gardeners, it helps to get a rich harvest and renew it.

Single-toothed garlic is planted by planting the best air bulbs
What is single clove garlic
Single-tooth winter garlic is a set, which is a round or slightly elongated clove grown from seeds formed in the air bulbs (arrows) of the plant. Their culture throws out around the second half of July. If the material for the future garlic falls into the ground in autumn, then the next year, with the advent of summer, it turns into full-fledged garlic heads of excellent quality with multiple cloves. The single-prong method of growing garlic, although considered more complicated, is still regularly used by vegetable growers. It allows you to preserve natural immunity and important varietal qualities of the crop, is characterized by increased resistance to cold, practically does not get sick and is not affected by pests. But mostly it produces more garlic than can be harvested by planting ordinary cloves.
As you can see in the photo, single cloves of garlic are small in size – 1-2 cm. Their mass can be from 1 to 5 g, depending on growing conditions and variety. A single tooth (sevok) is just one clove of culture, rounded on all sides, which looks like a drop from below, and slightly flattened from above. The color of the head of a single tooth, depending on the variety, is from white to slightly purple. The shell is multi-layered and dense.
Air bulbs of garlic used to produce single cloves may differ in shape. There are round, oval, elongated specimens. Single teeth are quite small, their size is comparable to oats or barley.

Sometimes one-toothed garlic looks like large peas
Methods of Use
Mainly single-tooth garlic is bred in order to preserve the varietal qualities of the plant and get more yield. One-tooth is widely used in cooking, the vegetable helps to give a special taste and aroma to fish and meat dishes, marinades, salads. It is allowed to be used in conservation, harvested for the winter. The leaves of the plant have a pleasant taste with a subtle spiciness and are also used to prepare snacks and salads.
Pros and cons of planting garlic with single cloves
If we compare the planting of a single tooth and ordinary garlic, then the first option has a number of technological advantages.

When growing a single-tooth culture, the result is as good as possible
- high yield of single-tooth;
- large sizes;
- high commercial qualities;
- good immunity odnozubki;
- harvest for the next year;
- high degree of rooting;
- good winter hardiness.
- material cost;
- the duration of obtaining a single tooth;
- the complexity of the process.
Selecting the right variety
One-tooth is not a specific type of garlic, but a common planting material (sevok) of a crop that can be obtained from any of its varieties that can form arrows during development. But there are some that are best suited for this. It is most profitable to plant single cloves of garlic in the fall of the following varieties:
- mid-season German (German);
- large-fruited Sofievsky (Sofievskij);
- winter Alkor (Alkor);
- precocious Lyubasha (Lyubasha);
- early Promin (Promin).
Growing garlic from cloves
As mentioned above, in order to grow single-toothed garlic, bulbs are required, that is, small seeds that ripen in the inflorescences of the culture. It is from the material obtained in this way that it is subsequently possible to grow full-fledged heads. This must be done in accordance with the technology, which will be discussed later.

Growing, single-toothed garlic forms a vegetable of the highest quality
Disembarkation dates
Most often, single-toothed garlic is planted before winter, so that next year it can be harvested. At the same time, care is required similar to the situation with winter plants. Spring planting is allowed only in warm regions, taking into account weather forecasts.
The schedule for the work with a single tooth is as follows:
- winter – planting falls between September 20 and October 10 (one and a half months before the first frost);
- spring – sowing is carried out in favorable weather, starting from the second half of March.
Site Preparation
To get the maximum result from planting single-toothed garlic, special attention should be paid to the preparatory process. An important point is the preparation of the site, which includes a number of manipulations:
- getting rid of all weeds and debris;
- digging or plowing the land;
- garden fertilizer.
If a single tooth is planted in the spring, then in a few weeks it is recommended to level the future beds, shed with a solution of copper sulfate and cover with a black film for a couple of days.
Preparation of planting material
Attention should also be paid to the preparation of planting material. 3-4 weeks before the work, the single tooth is soaked for a day in a growth stimulator (Rostok, Biomaster). Then it is wrapped in a cloth made of cotton material, and then in a plastic bag. Single-toothed garlic packaged in this way is put in the refrigerator and kept for a month at a temperature of +5 ° C until roots 1 cm long appear.
Landing scheme and rules
A vegetable is planted in the soil at its temperature of about +2 ° C according to the standard line pattern. The bulbs are deepened into the furrows by 5-15 cm, depending on their size. The larger the head, the deeper it should be placed. Rows (lines) are made with an interval of 20 cm. The sowing rate of single-toothed garlic is about 7 kg per 1 hundred square meters.

Single-tooth planting is carried out carefully, trying not to damage its fragile root system.
Caring for single-toothed garlic
In order for the harvest from garlic cloves to be as high as possible, the gardener will have to make some efforts and organize high-quality planting care. Basically, it consists in watering, frequent loosening of the soil, weeding and fertilizing. It is also useful to mulch beds with cloves of garlic with humus or peat, which helps save the cloves from drought, pests and diseases.
Moisturize garlic regularly. He is in dire need of moisture, especially in the first few months after planting. Because of this, if there is not enough snow in winter, it is specially raked into the beds. Starting in April, they start weekly watering garlic cloves with warm, settled water, while increasing their frequency with the onset of heat.
Top dressing is applied already when shoots of a single-tooth appear. For the first time in April, ammonium nitrate is added to the soil, then in the second half of May and in the first week of June, garlic is fertilized with nitrate. In summer, you can water the beds with a solution of ammonia.
They start harvesting after the stems of the single-tooth fall, around mid-September. After digging, the heads are dried for a month, sorted out and put away for storage in a warm and dry room.
Diseases and pests
Despite the fact that garlic is often used by gardeners as an insecticide and is able to repel many insects, garlic itself is sometimes also subject to various kinds of ailments. In particular, this happens due to non-compliance with agricultural technology, violation of crop rotation or the use of low-quality material for planting. Among the diseases that can affect a single tooth, there are:
- fusariosis;
- black spot;
- bacterial rot;
- rust;
- downy mildew.
Among insects, the most dangerous single-toothed garlic are:
- onion moth;
- stem nematode;
- onion root mite;
- secretive proboscis.
If any insect or disease is detected, it is necessary to immediately begin to fight them with chemicals or folk remedies. And in order to prevent this, it is better to initially comply with all the requirements for growing and planting.
Possible problems in growing
If the planting of single-toothed garlic is carried out on time and in accordance with the requirements to take care of it, then there will be no problems during cultivation. The only thing that can make the result worse than expected is the incorrect organization of the storage of material before planting. The dug-out single-tooth will be at rest only at the optimum air temperature (+ 5-10 ° C) in a ventilated and dry room.
In addition, judging by the reviews of experienced gardeners, the loss and poor quality of the seedlings may increase if it is not dug out in time and also planted in the spring.

In the case when the single-tooth does not have time to share, it forms a large head, suitable only for processing.
Single-toothed garlic, when properly planted, shows the best result in terms of yield and commercial qualities of the crop. Planting material can be grown independently, then the growing process will be a little more complicated and longer in time. And you can buy sevok in a specialized store, in which case it will be even easier to cultivate it than in the usual way.