In the modern world, it is difficult to find a garden plot without flowers. To decorate flower beds, gardeners make compositions in advance and plan plantings.

Planting flowers according to the lunar calendar in 2022

This work is carried out annually. To make their work easier, gardeners use a calendar for sowing flower seeds. Why do we need such data, and what is the benefit of following the calendar recommendations? Experts and those who grow flowers just for fun know that each crop requires certain care and conditions. In our climate, many flower varieties cannot grow without human help. And the lunar sowing calendar for flowers for the year contains information about favorable and unfavorable days for sowing seedlings, picking, watering and fertilizing. There is useful information in it for any action of the gardener.

Planting flowers according to the lunar calendar in 2022

Planting flowers according to the lunar calendar in 2022


seedling calendar

Almost any kind of flowers is grown in seedlings.

Planting flowers according to the lunar calendar in 2022

This is especially true for exotic or very demanding varieties. The only exception are flowers that do not tolerate transplantation. In this case, they are grown by direct sowing in the ground.

Seeds of annual, biennial and perennial crops are sown for seedlings. We list the advantages of the seedling method:

  1. Annuals in this case will bloom earlier, and varieties with a long growing season will have time to please with their flowering before frost.
  2. It is possible to get high-quality plants from very small seeds. If such seeds are sown directly into the ground, then they may either not sprout at all, or give very weak plants. Another strong argument is to pay attention to seedlings of flowers with small seeds. They need good lighting from the first days of sowing. Therefore, when growing seedlings, there is a guarantee that the grower will provide seedlings with enough light.

There are several reasons why gardeners in 2022 use the flower planting calendar for seedlings:

  1. The calendar contains the exact dates of favorable days for sowing garden flowers for seedlings.
  2. The basis of the calendar contains knowledge about the change in the phases of the moon and the influence of the luminary on the development of plants. It is impossible to avoid this influence, and it is very easy to use it with benefit if you have a calendar table.
  3. In 2022, the recommendations of the flower sowing calendar will be especially useful when growing new varieties.
  4. Each month, there are several days indicated on which it is recommended to carry out certain work. This allows gardeners from regions with different climates to choose the most suitable numbers.

To explain the structure of the calendar, let’s turn to scientific data.

Flowers and lunar rhythms

The influence of the moon on the growth and development of flowers is very great. After all, the movement of liquids on Earth depends on the position of the Moon in the sky. Flowers, like other plants, are nourished by water.

Planting flowers according to the lunar calendar in 2022

If we take into account the influence of the planet on flower crops, then you need to remember that during the period of the growing moon, the juice moves up. When the moon is waning, the movement changes direction towards the roots.

The lunar calendar tells gardeners good days for planting flowers. This is a day in which the sap flow is directed upwards to the leaves, and the roots lose their elasticity and become pliable. In this state, they tolerate the transplant more easily, and the flower takes root well.

Also, gardeners have noticed that if you sow seeds on an unfavorable day, then you can not wait for a good result. Even high quality seeds produce poor germination.

Briefly about the influence of the moon on the development of flowers, we can say this:

  1. Growing is the period from the new moon to the full moon. At this time, tall and flowering varieties are planted. They also plan to sow plants with a high stem, but bulbous plants should not be disturbed at this time. With a transplant of indoor flowers, it is also better to wait.
  2. Waning – from the full moon to the new moon. Now the roots are growing well, so it’s time to cut. At the same time, bulbous and tuberous flowers are planted or dug up for storage.
  3. On the days of the new moon, plants are given rest and try not to do any work.
  4. The full moon is the time for collecting seeds and cultivating the land.
  5. Eclipses are also included in the list of unfavorable days for landings or other events.

To more effectively apply the recommendations of the lunar sowing calendar, consider what types of flowers are allowed for sowing during the year.

Astrologers’ advice

The moon goes through its cycle every month. Depending on the phase of passage, the types of work that gardeners can carry out on the site change. We are interested in the question of when to plant flowers according to the lunar calendar.

Planting flowers according to the lunar calendar in 2022

Let’s start from the beginning of the year.


A month with short daylight hours and low temperatures. Therefore, the list of flowers for sowing is limited. At the beginning of January, the lunar calendar recommends sowing the following types of flowers for seedlings:

  • carnation Shabo, so that the plant blooms already in May-June;
  • tuberous and ever-flowering begonias for the same purpose;
  • aquilegia, clematis, perennial delphinium, primrose, perennial violet, irises, lavender, backache and varieties that require seed stratification (stimulation by low temperatures);
  • perennials with tight seeds, covered with a dense shell.

The second half of January is suitable for sowing lobelia, zonal and ivy-leaved pelargonium, heliotrope, elegant cineraria. You can continue sowing primrose.

To make it easier to navigate by day, a small table has been compiled in which important days are indicated.


A more favorable month for sowing due to the increased amount of light. In February, seedlings are already starting to grow:

  • snapdragon (antirrhinum), coleus, Turkish cloves, fragrant tobacco, gray-haired levkoy, salvia, passionflower, narrow-leaved lavender, seaside cineraria, viola, daisy;
  • carnations Shabot and ever-flowering begonias, if you did not have time to do this in January;
  • flyers for hanging containers – petunias, verbena, tunbergia;
  • fuchsia, cyclamen, balsam, gloxinia for indoor plantings and in the garden.

The end of February is favorable for container marigolds, nemesia and gazania.

It is convenient to adjust the planting of flowers according to the lunar calendar for February 2022 according to the table.


The busiest month for gardeners. In addition to flowers, plantings of other crops are planned in it. In order to wait for the flowering of their pets in time, they plan to sow in March:

  • annuals – ageratum, godetia, levkoy, aster, gelchizium;
  • salvia, snapdragon, fragrant tobacco – in addition to the February sowing;
  • all types of petunia – ampelous, terry annual;
  • bluebells, annual phloxes, iberis, climbing kobe, verbena, lobularia (alissum).

The flower planting calendar table will help summer residents in a busy month of planting.


In April, many gardeners begin direct sowing into the ground. To speed up germination, the seeds are pre-soaked in water.

Important! The date of sowing, according to the lunar calendar, is considered from the day the seeds were soaked, when development processes begin in them.

But for flowers grown from seedlings, the flowering period begins earlier, so the recommendations of the flower planting calendar for 2022 remain relevant.

In April, seeds are sown for seedlings:

  • fast-growing – sweet peas, zinnia, marigolds, annual phloxes, clarkia;
  • perennial – delphinium, aquilegia (catchment).

You need to choose a day, taking into account the recommendations of the moon.


Gardeners consider this month the most capricious. The most important time for planting flowers can be very cold or very hot. During this period, most often the seeds of annuals with a short growing season are sown directly into the ground. A great option is to cover the seedlings with a film. In May, perennial bushes are also divided and seeds of asters, marigolds, daisies, cornflowers are planted. Corms bloom well if they are planted on suitable dates of the lunar calendar.


Landing is scheduled in June:

  • decorative flowers – balsam, amaranth, begonias, coleus;
  • biennials for seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse – Turkish carnation, forget-me-not, viola, daisy, hesperis.

In the second half of the month, the remaining seedlings, which were sown in the spring, germinated tubers are planted.

The lunar calendar for sowing flowers advises in June 2022 to adhere to favorable days for planting.


An ideal month for cuttings of phlox and roses. If the bulbous leaves turn yellow, you can start digging. Gardeners during this period divide the roots, cut and remove faded flowers. But these habitual works also need to be coordinated with the lunar calendar.


With the end of summer, gardeners will not be able to relax. In August, it is time to plant perennial tubers in order to achieve flowering next year.

Important! It is recommended to plant flowers at the end of summer that do not require painstaking care.

These include carnations, mallow, delphinium or chamomile.


Autumn rainfall has its advantages. Flowers have time to adapt to spring and bloom much earlier. Such plants are distinguished by good hardening and health.

It’s time to plant bulbs – daffodils, tulips, crocuses, hyacinths, snowdrops.

It is best to do this on certain days.


In the deserted garden for flower growers, the planting of bulbs, which did not have time to be immersed in the ground earlier, and the digging of tuberous perennials continue.

The calendar recommends planting work with flowers on fertile days.


November is notable for its unstable weather. But this does not prevent gardeners from continuing to plant flowers. During this period, seeds of calendula, lavatera, mignonette, asters, marigolds are sown. With such a sowing date, seedlings appear very early in the spring, even with wet and cold ground. Planting is carried out on days when the vibrations of the moon help the plants.


A good time to plant flowers in the winter garden and on the balcony. At the same time, a new season of sowing seeds for seedlings begins. Some summer residents use an interesting option for sowing seeds in the snow. This requires a layer of snow of at least 25 cm. Seeds are sown in the thickness of the snow, then covered with a layer of soil and again a layer of snow. Such a “layer cake” protects the seeds from the invasion of rodents and birds.

It is better to open the new season according to the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

You can accurately determine the sowing date of your favorite flower, even if it is not in the list of the article. For this, there is a general table of the sowing calendar of flowers for 2022.

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