Planting eggplant in February 2022 according to the lunar calendar
Eggplants in the middle lane are grown exclusively through seedlings. And so that they have time to give a harvest, it is important to correctly calculate the timing when to sow seeds for seedlings and plant plants in open ground and a greenhouse. We analyze how to properly plant eggplant in February 2022

Favorable days for planting seedlings at home or in a greenhouse

Regardless of where the seedlings will be planted – in a garden or a greenhouse – it should be no more than 70 – 80 days old. The seeds germinate for about a week. Another 3 – 4 days should be laid for soaking and germination. Based on these data, it is possible to calculate the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings.

When to sow. If there is a greenhouse on the site, eggplants can be moved to it at the end of April. Therefore, seeds for seedlings should be sown in the first half of February.

If it is supposed to grow eggplants in the garden, and they are planted there in the last days of May – the first decade of June, then the seeds for seedlings should be sown at the end of February.

What to sow. Eggplants hate transplanting, they react very painfully to damage to the roots, so you need to sow the seeds in separate cups. The optimal embedment depth is 0,5 – 1 cm. It is better to take large cups immediately, with a volume of 0,5 liters. In small, 200 gm, they will not be able to live to move to the beds, they will have to be transplanted. And this will certainly lead to damage to the roots, no matter how hard you try. As a result, eggplants will be sick for a long time, the ripening of the crop will be delayed.

What kind of soil is needed for seedlings. Many summer residents buy soils in garden centers, but more and more often they fail – either mold will appear, or diseases will attack seedlings. So it’s better to cook it yourself.

The ideal option is a mixture of garden soil, sand and humus in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. To this must be added 4 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate and 2 cups of wood ash, which will not only provide plants with nutrients, but protect them from blackleg – this disease affects eggplants quite often (1). Mix everything thoroughly.

The finished mixture must be steamed over boiling water or calcined in the oven – the high temperature will kill pathogens.

Preparation of seeds for sowing. In order for the seeds to sprout quickly, amicably and give strong sprouts, you need to do a few simple operations.

  • disinfection: dip the seeds for 20 minutes in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate, and then rinse well in warm running water – this will kill the infection on the surface;
  • germination stimulation: soak the seeds in aloe juice (pre-mix it in half with water) for a day – after that, the eggplants will sprout together, the sprouts will be strong, and the crop will ripen even in rainy and cool summers;
  • germination: wrap the seeds in a damp cloth, put them in a container, cover it with a lid or film and put it in a warm place with a temperature of about 25 ° C – when they peck, you can sow.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in open ground

Eggplant is one of the most heat-loving crops; they absolutely cannot stand frost. Even low positive temperatures are a big problem for them – they stop growing. Therefore, it is not worth rushing to land.

The earliest time when eggplant can be sent to the beds is the beginning of May. But provided that the earth is well warmed up. In this case, they will need to be covered with a non-woven fabric throughout May, until June 10 – until this date there are still frosts.

The second term is the end of May. This is during a long cold spring. And again, cover is required.

It is most reliable to plant seedlings from June 1 to June 10 (2). In this case, it is not necessary to cover it, there will be no more frosts.

How to determine landing dates in your area

Here you need to focus on the weather. The optimum temperature for the active growth of eggplant is 25 – 30 ° C. And they really do not like sudden changes in temperature, when it is hot during the day and cold at night. Therefore, the most reliable option is to plant them in open ground in late May – early June.

In early May, you can land if the spring turned out to be early and warm. But in any case, they need to be covered with a non-woven fabric.

There is another trick – you can cover the soil under the eggplants with a black film – it will give extra warmth.

Tips for caring for eggplant seedlings

The main thing that seedlings need for good growth is an abundance of heat and light. Therefore, put them on the brightest, southern window in the warmest room. If the windows face other parts of the world, you will need lighting with phytolamps for 12 hours a day.

Eggplant seedlings should be watered every 5-6 days, so that the earthen lump is completely wet – this culture is more moisture-loving than tomatoes and peppers (3). Water should be at room temperature – cold tap water should not be watered!

Once every 2 weeks, it is useful to feed eggplants with any liquid organic fertilizer.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about growing eggplant seedlings in agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova.

What varieties of eggplant are suitable for growing in the middle lane and the Moscow region?

Eggplants are very thermophilic, so it is best to choose early varieties – they manage to produce a crop in a short summer. Mid-season and late fall into the cold nights of the second half of August, and at temperatures below 15 ° C they stop growing, therefore, the crop will not ripen for them.

Is it possible to grow eggplant by sowing in open ground?

Since eggplants are very thermophilic, they can be sown in the middle lane no earlier than May 25th. But in this case, they will not have time to produce a crop – even early varieties ripen for a very long time. Therefore, they are grown only through seedlings and are sown among the very first – already in February.

What varieties of eggplant are the most delicious?

The most delicious are varieties with white fruits. They are never bitter, and the taste is often reminiscent of chicken or mushrooms.

Sources of

  1. Fisenko A.N., Serpukhovitina K.A., Stolyarov A.I. Garden. Handbook // Rostov-on-Don, Rostov University Press, 1994 – 416 p.
  2. Pantielev Ya.Kh. ABC vegetable grower // M .: Kolos, 1992 – 383 p.
  3. Shuin K.A., Zakraevskaya N.K., Ippolitova N.Ya. Garden from spring to autumn // Minsk, Uradzhay, 1990 – 256 p.

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