Planting dill seeds
Dill is a plant that contains many vitamins and nutrients. Planting dill does not require special knowledge, since often this crop is sown by itself and germinates the next year. But to get an early and bountiful harvest, you need to make an effort.
How to plant dill in spring
This crop tolerates cold and even light frosts well, so it can be planted in early spring. But the seeds must first be prepared for planting, as they germinate slowly.
Planting dill is sometimes not necessary, as it often reproduces by self-sowing.
The seed must be wrapped in a damp cloth and left for 48 hours. Care must be taken to ensure that the cloth does not dry out. Swollen seeds should be spread out on a dry surface and left for 15 minutes. With this preparation, seedlings will appear within 2 weeks.
You can soak the seed for 3 days in a gauze bag in hot water. During this time, the water must be changed at least 5 times. This disinfects the seeds and speeds up the emergence of seedlings.
In order for the plant to feel good and give a bountiful harvest, you need to provide it with suitable conditions:
- long daylight hours;
- plenty of sunshine;
- moistened earth;
- loose fertile soil.
The plant can grow in slightly shaded areas, but still prefers sunny places. Dill can be sown when the snow melts in the beds. Sowing can be done every 2 weeks to keep fresh greens constantly. It is better to prepare the garden in advance, even in the fall. The land must be dug up and fertilized.
In the spring, the ground needs to be leveled with a rake and grooves should be made at a distance of 20 cm from each other and carefully watered. The depth of the grooves should not exceed 2 cm. Then you need to plant and cover the seeds with light soil. It is not necessary to water the garden too much so that the seeds do not sink deeper into the ground.
Planting dill seeds for the winter
To get fresh herbs as early as possible in the spring, it is better to sow dill for the winter. In the fall, even before the soil freezes, you need to prepare a bed and plant dill to a depth of 3-4 cm.When cold weather approaches, you need to cover the bed with mulch.
When shoots appear, they need to be thinned, otherwise they will be too thick. Care consists in moderate watering, loosening, weeding and hilling. With this method of planting, fresh vitamin greens can be obtained much earlier.
Dill greens can even be grown in a box on a windowsill. The main thing is to provide the plant with good lighting and feed the dill in a timely manner.