Planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds and seedlings
Cucumbers are one of the main vegetables in our gardens. But it can be difficult to grow them: sometimes they get sick, sometimes they don’t set fruits. Yes, and sometimes you have to invest a lot of money – to buy seeds, fertilizers, protective equipment. And now is the time to think everything over in order to save well

Varieties of cucumbers for open ground

All cucumbers can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic. First, in order to start fruiting, insects are needed. But this often causes problems. During the rain, the bees practically do not get out of the hives, and without them the cucumbers are not tied. And we are seriously losing crops.

But paretnocarpic cucumbers do not need bees – they form fruits without pollination at all (1). And even in rainy summer they give a wonderful harvest. So you have to choose them. Moreover, they are suitable for both outdoor cultivation and greenhouses.

And this is not all the delights of parthenocarpic cucumbers. Their yields are much higher! And all because the ovaries are formed one at a time, like bee-pollinated varieties, and in bouquets, sometimes 20 pieces in the bosom of each leaf. 

However, in every barrel there should be a fly in the ointment, and it is. Parthenocarpic cucumbers are sensitive to heat. In extreme heat, when it is above 25 ° C outside, their ovaries fall off. But this is easy to fix – you just need to mulch the soil with light material: sawdust, straw or hay. Such mulch reflects the sun’s rays, and the soil does not overheat. In addition, moisture is retained in the beds longer, which also slightly lowers the temperature around the plants. 

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The scheme of planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds

Cucumbers are grown in two ways: in spreading and on trellises. For the spread option, there are 3 landing schemes:

  • square-nested – in this case, the holes are made at a distance of 60 – 70 cm in a checkerboard pattern and 3 – 6 seeds are sown in each, and when they sprout, leave 3 of the strongest;
  • ordinary – in this case, the row spacing should be 100 – 110 cm, and in a row the seeds are sown at a distance of 15 – 20 cm;
  • two-line tape – in this version, the tapes are made at a distance of 90 cm from each other, in each tape – 2 rows at a distance of 60 cm, and in a row the seeds are sown at a distance of 40 cm (2).

In the case when cucumbers are grown on a trellis, the distance between rows should be 70 cm, and in a row – 30 cm.

The scheme of planting cucumbers in open ground seedlings

The scheme for planting cucumbers in open ground with seedlings is no different from sowing seeds. You can use any of the above options.

Cultivation of cucumbers in open ground

Traditionally, cucumbers are grown in open ground in two ways – in spreading and on a trellis.

In spread

This is an option when the whips lie on the ground. On the one hand, this method is very convenient – you sow the seeds in the holes, you water them once a week, and after a month and a half you collect the fruits. A total saving of time and effort. But this is only an appearance.

Cucumbers that lie on the ground are very quickly affected by diseases – powdery and downy mildew. This is not surprising, because the spores of pathogenic fungi are in the ground, and they get to the plants with soil particles after rains and irrigation. And the larger the area of ​​​​contact with the soil, the stronger the infection. And the cucumbers in the spread lie completely on the ground! And their leaves are very close to the surface. 

Infection occurs even faster if there are wounds on the leaves or shoots. And they will be, and in large numbers, when we start harvesting. Because it is almost impossible to climb into continuous thickets of cucumbers without damaging the lashes and leaves. And summer residents are well aware that the leaves of cucumbers begin to become stained and dry at the very moment the crop ripens. But not because the time has come – we ourselves provoke infection.

On the trellis

In order for cucumbers to bear fruit for a long time and not get sick, they must be grown on supports. The easiest option is to outline the rows, drive in strong stakes along the edges and pull the rope. When the cucumbers begin to build up whips, they need to be tied up – then they will twist along the support themselves. By the way, this is how they grow in nature – they curl through the bushes, and do not crawl along the ground.

Cucumbers on supports do not have contact with the soil. And so that the spores do not fall on the plants with spray, as the vine grows, the lower leaves must be cut off.

By the way, this method of growing has another huge plus – saving space. Cucumber lashes reach a length of 1–1,5 m, and when they lie on the ground, each bush occupies an area of ​​2–3 m. And in an upright position, with a planting pattern of 70 cm between rows and 30 cm in a row, each plant occupies only 0,5 .4 m. 6 – XNUMX times less! 

And, of course, picking cucumbers when they grow on trellises is much more convenient.

Prevention of diseases of cucumbers in the open field

As you know, the best way to stay healthy is prevention. This also applies to cucumbers. It is impossible to cure them of powdery or downy mildew, but preventing infection is easy. There are 2 ways.

Hay. First, hay is a great mulch. Moisture is stored under them, and it also protects against splashes, namely, with them, as you found out, fungal spores get on plants. Secondly, the hay on the soil surface begins to decompose gradually and the hay bacillus actively begins to multiply in it. This bacterium will secrete a natural antibiotic – subtillin, which inhibits the development of many pathogens, including powdery mildew.

But where can a city dweller get hay? It can be replaced with grass. For example, the one that remains after mowing the lawn. Or go to the nearest meadow and pick it up there. A couple of days in the garden, and the grass will turn into hay. But it is important that it be without roots and seeds, otherwise you will have a bunch of weeds in your cucumbers. 

The optimal thickness of hay mulch is 5-7 cm.

Trutoviks These mushrooms are not only spectacular, but also effective – as a disease prevention. On their surface live microscopic fungi – trichoderma. She, like the hay stick, will release antibiotics, and several types at once – glitoxin, satsukkalin, trichodermin, viridin, which kill the causative agents of many diseases, including powdery and downy mildew.

In addition, trichoderma actively decomposes organic matter in the soil, and this is additional nutrition for cucumbers. And this fungus stimulates the production of cell sap in plants and thereby increases their immunity.

Propagation of trichoderma is very simple. It is necessary to collect tinder fungi in the forest, any one is possible, but real tinder fungus is better – it is found most often and there are always more useful mushrooms on it. At home, the tinder should be well moistened with a spray bottle, put into bags and tied tightly.

After about 3 weeks, the tinder fungi will be covered with a green coating – this is trichoderma. The longer the tinder fungus will be in the bags, the more it will be formed. That is, such packages can be stored indefinitely.

When preventive treatment of cucumbers is needed, the tinder fungus with trichoderma must be taken out of the bag and ground through a meat grinder without a knife and mesh. Then place the mass in water at the rate of 1 tinder fungus per 10 liters, strain and sprinkle the plants. One bucket is enough to process 2 square meters. m plot. And you can start such treatments from the moment the cucumbers have the first real leaf. And then every 2 weeks.

Hay and trichoderma are one of the best means of prevention. And most importantly, no chemicals and absolutely free! 

Popular questions and answers

We talked about growing cucumbers in the open field with agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova.

When to plant cucumbers outdoors?

Cucumbers are very thermophilic, they do not tolerate frost, so they must be sown after May 25. If you grew them with seedlings in order to get a crop earlier, it will be possible to plant them on the beds already on May 10-15, but, of course, under cover with a non-woven fabric.

What should be the temperature of the soil for planting cucumbers in open ground?

Seeds of cucumbers germinate already at a soil temperature of 13 – 15 ° C, however, under such conditions, they can germinate slowly – up to 15 days. It is better if the earth warms up to 20 – 25 ° C.

When to open cucumbers in the open field?

Cucumbers are covered with a non-woven fabric if they are planted with seedlings in the first half of May. If it is warm during the day, then the shelter can be removed and returned only at night. It is finally removed when the threat of spring frosts has passed. In the middle lane – after June 5th.

How to tie up cucumbers in the open field?

When the shoots reach a sufficient length and begin to lie down, to them, at the very base, you need to tie a rope with a free loop, and attach its other end to a rope or wire stretched between the stakes. And the escape itself needs to be twisted around the rope a little. Then he will curl himself.

Is it possible to grow cucumbers in open ground in the suburbs?

In the Moscow region, it is better to grow early-ripening varieties and disease-resistant hybrids in open ground. Well in such conditions, they showed themselves: Bobrik, Dream of a summer resident, Kuzya, Lukhovitsky, Wonder-peanut, Zyatek, Boy with a finger, Prestige.

Is it possible to grow cucumbers outdoors in Siberia?

Can. However, not all varieties are suitable. The best option is early varieties that are resistant to temperature extremes and diseases. The best varieties for such conditions: Serpentine, Firefly and Smak. And you can also recommend hybrids: Zabava, Zhuravlyonok, Groom, Bride, Madam.

Sources of

  1. Dictionary of botanical terms. Under the general editorship of d.b.s. I. A. Dudki // Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 1984
  2. Shuin K.A., Zakraevskaya N.K., Ippolitova N.Ya. Garden from spring to autumn // Minsk, Uradzhay, 1990 – 256 p.

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