Since autumn, real gardeners have been thinking about how they will plant seedlings for the next season. After all, a lot needs to be done in advance: prepare the soil, collect organic fertilizers, stock up on containers for seedlings, choose seed material. Planting cucumbers for seedlings is no exception. In order to enjoy fresh cucumbers in 2022, the owners are already starting to prepare for the new garden season. What stages the preparation consists of, and what non-traditional methods of growing cucumber seedlings are known today – everything in this article.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

How soil is prepared

As you know, the best soil for cucumber seedlings is a self-prepared substrate. Therefore, already in the fall, the owner must determine a place on the site for future cucumbers. Onions and garlic are considered the best cucumber precursors, but cucumbers can also be re-planted in the same place.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

This mixture should be 40% of the same land in which the seedlings will be planted subsequently.

A lot has been said about how to properly prepare the soil for seedlings of cucumbers – there are a lot of videos and recommendations from experts

The soil for seedlings. How to prepare the soil for seedlings

Briefly, this process can be described as follows:

  1. On the ground, the top layer (sod) is removed from the site.
  2. The soil is placed in a linen bag and put in the cold for one month (so that the frost kills all weeds and diseases).
  3. The rest of the time, the soil should be kept warm, not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms develop in the ground, it must rot.
  4. Before planting seeds, sand, peat and sawdust are added to the ground, this will give it the necessary looseness and nutrients.
  5. A few days before sowing cucumbers, the soil is watered with a weak solution of manganese.

How seeds are prepared

Seeds for cucumbers should not be chosen fresh, from the last harvest, but two or three years ago. Almost all seed material today is treated with fungicides and antibacterial substances, so that their effect is maximum, seeds must be bought fresh.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

If the owner prefers purchased seeds, it is better to purchase them in late winter or early spring.

When planting seeds for seedlings, the following rules are followed:

  • first, seeds of early parthenocarpic or self-pollinated hybrids are sown in pots, which are then planted in greenhouses or greenhouses;
  • after 2-3 weeks, seeds of bee-pollinated cucumbers intended for open ground can be sown.

What are cucumber seeds planted in?

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

In 2022, no new products are expected among containers for cucumber seedlings. Standard methods:

  • disposable plastic cups;
  • paper pots for cucumbers;
  • peat glasses;
  • peat tablets.

Everyone probably knows how to use disposable cups – in order to transplant their seedlings into the ground, the containers are cut.

Peat glasses are also no longer considered exotic, you just need to crush the containers before planting in the ground so that they decompose faster and do not interfere with root growth. But you can learn how to use peat tablets from the video instructions:

When to sow cucumbers for seedlings. Sowing seeds in peat tablets.

Important! In peat cups, the soil often dries up, this is due to the fact that peat absorbs moisture too much. To prevent “thirst” in cucumbers, the cups are placed in a plastic tray, where excess water will accumulate, which the plants will feed on.

Alternative methods

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

Now there are many master classes and videos on how to grow seedlings in unconventional ways. Among the most popular are the following:

  1. Planting cucumber seeds in egg shells. In principle, this method does not differ much from the standard method of growing seedlings. The only difference is that the plant will not be able to stay in a small shell for a long time, its roots will not fit in containers. Against the usual 3 weeks, such seedlings will grow on the windowsill for only 7-10 days., but even this period is sometimes enough to get the very first, early cucumbers as quickly as possible. Seedlings are planted along with the shell, this is the advantage of the method – the roots of cucumbers will not be affected during transplantation. Only the shell needs to be gently kneaded so that the roots can grow through it.
  2. Seeds in “diapers”. “Diapers” are made from polyethylene, cut into small squares. A little earth is poured into one corner of such a square, a cucumber seed is placed there and the earth is sprinkled a little with water. Then the “diaper” is folded into a tube and tied with an elastic band. Now this bundle needs to be placed vertically in a low long box and wait for shoots.
  3. Cucumber seedlings in sawdust. For this method, you need to take ordinary flower pots or plastic pallets, on the bottom of which lay plastic wrap. Pour sawdust on top, which must first be doused with boiling water. Put cucumber seeds in the recess at regular intervals and cover with sawdust. Sawdust must be constantly watered to keep it moist, and fertilized with cow dung dissolved in water.
  4. In newspapers. One of the most economical ways is seedlings planted in newspaper pots. From newsprint, you just need to roll up the cups and plant cucumber seeds in them, as in a regular container. It is necessary to transplant cucumbers into the ground directly with paper cups, but you need to take into account that after getting wet, the newspaper tears very easily – the transplant must be done very carefully.
Attention! All these methods have been tested by thousands of gardeners, and they have a right to exist. Hundreds of reviews and dozens of video reports speak of the effectiveness of alternative methods.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

Here is a video about planting seeds in the shell:

Eggshell cucumbers: planting seeds, growing seedlings. Part 1.

Planting seeds in cups and caring for seedlings

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

Soil is poured into prepared glasses or pots and watered with warm water. Now germinated seeds can be placed there. They are carefully transferred to the ground and sprinkled with a small layer of soil.

Now it is better to cover the cups with polyethylene and put in a warm place. The film will create a “greenhouse effect”, regulate humidity and maintain temperature. Under such conditions, the seeds will germinate faster – the first shoots can be seen already on the third day after planting the cucumbers.

The film must be removed when the first shoots appear. If you miss this moment, the seedlings will turn yellow and become frail. When the cucumbers begin to grow, the earth will need to be poured several times into the cups.

It is very important to monitor the soil moisture and the temperature in the room. The optimal condition for seedlings of cucumbers is a temperature of 20-23 degrees.

Also, seedlings need to be fed several times.:

  1. When the first leaf appears.
  2. On the day the second leaf appears.
  3. 10-15 days after the second feeding.

Fertilizers for feeding seedlings are sold in specialized stores, but you can also prepare it yourself: superphosphates, bird droppings, potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate. All this is mixed and added to the soil with seedlings.

When to sow and plant seedlings

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

In 2022, as in previous seasons, many gardeners pay attention to the lunar calendar. For sowing seeds of cucumbers next season will be favorable following days: 

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2022


Without exception, all farmers need to take into account the climate in their region of residence and the growth rate of certain varieties.

Advice! In order for the cucumbers to be healthy and tolerate the transplant well, the seedlings need to be hardened off. To do this, a week before landing in the ground, it is taken out to the balcony, into the yard or open the window.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

In the 2022 season, no special novelties and rules for growing cucumber seedlings are expected.

Advice! The main thing to remember is that it is possible to plant seedlings in the ground only when the plant has developed strong roots and two dark green cotyledon leaves have grown.

And you can learn about new methods and exotic methods of growing cucumbers from the video:

Cucumbers. Planting seedlings of cucumbers “in a diaper”.

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