Planting bell pepper for seedlings: timing, video

One of the most popular crops to grow as seedlings is pepper. It can be easily grown at home. In addition, planting pepper bushes for seedlings does not require large physical or material costs from you. You just need to prepare in advance, and then there is nothing complicated. It is important to plant them only on favorable days for planting peppers. Planting with pepper seeds brings good results, and you know that the resulting fruits are environmentally friendly.

Rules and terms of planting seedlings

The main thing is timeliness. It is better to immediately provide pepper with proper care. For this, the seeds are soaked. It is necessary to begin preparations for growing seedlings long before spring. There are cultivation technologies, according to which it is possible to sow as early as February. At the same time, there is no need to try to sow too early, because there is no benefit from overgrown plants. Such peppers will grow more slowly than those planted undergrown. 

Planting bell pepper for seedlings: timing, video

It is necessary to carefully calculate the timing of planting pepper bushes for seedlings. The main difficulty lies in the fact that there are no specific deadlines that you can focus on, there are only a number of recommendations. It is also important to provide proper care. For example, you will need to consider:

  • landing method;
  • characteristics of the region;
  • features of the site for cultivation and much more.

If you have chosen early varieties, then they ripen from the moment of planting for 100-110 days. In order to enjoy the fruits at the end of July, then you need to plant a seed in March – April. When calculating, it is taken into account that pepper seedlings are planted in a permanent place when the plant has reached the age of 65 – 70 days. Each plant will need 3-5 days to adapt to new conditions.

Planting bell pepper for seedlings: timing, video

If you want to reduce this number of days, then you will have to use larger containers for seedlings. This will make it possible to protect the root system from injury during transplantation. It is better to consider this factor even before landing. Only you can give tomatoes the right care.

Those wishing to plant in sheltered ground should sow 20 to 25 days earlier than for open ground. In order to produce early sowing, that is, plant peppers in February, such plants must be grown exclusively in a heated greenhouse. After all, this is a thermophilic culture and it is very demanding on the presence of light, the temperature of the soil and the environment.

If the seedlings are grown on a cold windowsill, then keep an eye on the temperature difference between the air and the soil where the pepper grows. In the event that the temperature is not high enough, hypothermia of the root may occur. Then the plant does not absorb water, and the soil freezes, resulting in rot, fungal diseases.

As a result, in such conditions, she simply dies. If your room temperature reaches above 20 degrees, you need to provide additional light. The so-called “additional illumination” can be produced using fluorescent lamps.

Care of seedlings

To orient yourself in time, determine the time when you plan to land in open ground. To do this, you can consult with farmers in your region, take into account your previous experience. From the received date it is necessary to subtract the time required for growth. This factor is very important in terms of pepper care. If you are not sure about the correctness of the calculations, then you can calculate the optimal growth time by planting this vegetable for seedlings in several stages. The difference between each should be 7 – 10 days. And do not forget to take into account the characteristics of different varieties. You can learn about their features from the information on the packaging or on the Global Web. Seed germination – 12 days.

Planting bell pepper for seedlings: timing, video

Anyone can plant seedlings, because it is not so difficult. But you need to take good care of it. If you used a film, then when the first gatherings appear, it must be removed. And move the container to a warm and bright place. Otherwise, the plants will overgrow, will be weak and will not be able to resist diseases.

Seedlings require regular watering. Intervals should be no more than two days. The evening or morning hours are best. While the plant is still weak, it is better to water it with warm water. The soil should always be moist, do not let it dry out.

As soon as the pepper gets stronger, the ambient temperature should be up to 22-27 degrees. This way you can achieve better growth. When 3-4 main leaves are formed, then the plant needs 22-25 degrees during the day, and 16-18 at night. Do not forget about loosening the soil, this is done before watering and to a depth of 5-7 cm. Planting and caring for pepper are not so complex procedures, but the harvest will please you for a very long time.

Landing in the ground

If you are worried about how to plant pepper in the ground, then there is nothing complicated. It is necessary to wait until it warms up to a temperature of +15 + 16 ° C. Favorable days for planting this vegetable crop directly into the ground are the end of spring or the beginning of summer. In the video at the end of the recording, you can see how professionals plant peppers in the ground.

Before planting, it is necessary to water the soil and make small holes in it. The distance between adjacent plants is 0,25 m, and between rows is twice as much. You can add potash fertilizer. It is placed directly in the hole.

Planting bell pepper for seedlings: timing, video

Then fill it completely with water. After soaking up water, seedlings can be planted, they are planted at the same depth at which they grew in the box.

If seedlings are planted in a peat pot, then the level should be 3 cm below ground level. At the same time, the soil around the pepper is compacted and watered. You also need to tie up the plants.

The best option is when seedlings are planted in a greenhouse. If this is not possible and there is a need to plant pepper directly in open ground, then such planting requires additional insulation. Compost often acts as a heater – these are not rotted leaves, dry hay.

Planting bell pepper for seedlings: timing, video

There are many technologies, but they all boil down to the fact that thanks to such compost, warm beds are created that provide good yields and protection of fruits. Manure is not recommended. The film will save from freezing. Today there are many devices for fixing it. There are special wire arcs up to 1 m high. The video below tells and shows how to properly plant peppers in the ground.


Regardless of the variety of pepper you choose, agricultural technology is practically no different. Prepare your seedlings first. To do this, you can buy ready-made plants or plant seeds. If you decide to grow seedlings yourself, then you need to soak and warm the selected seeds.

A great way to weed out bad seeds is to soak them in a salt solution. Those that pop up are thrown away immediately, and the rest are used. After that, pepper seeds are planted for seedlings. To do this, use homemade or purchased pots. No more than two seeds are placed in each. After the seedlings have grown, they can be planted.

Planting bell pepper for seedlings: timing, video

Before planting peppers in the ground, accustom the plants to the sun. Otherwise, non-hardened plants may lose the green part. Do not forget that after the pepper is planted in a greenhouse or open ground, it must continue to be looked after.

So, agricultural technology involves its pruning. It is necessary to remove the upper, longest shoots of the bushes. This is done so that other leaves are not shaded. You can not wait for the full ripening of the fruit and pick them a little underripe. Vegetables grown by one’s own hands are twice as tasty.

Video “Planting sweet pepper seedlings”

The video demonstrates the planting of sweet pepper seeds for seedlings, according to an interesting technology using special seedling tablets.

How to grow peppers. Planting seedlings

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