Planting and caring for Lankaran acacia

Planting and caring for Lankaran acacia

Lankaran acacia belongs to the legume family. It is also called albicia or mimosa for the leaves that fold and droop at dusk. This unusual specimen may not grow everywhere. Delicate plant loves light and warmth, needs careful care.

Description of Lankaran acacia

Albizia is native to subtropical latitudes. It also grows in the south of Russia. Blooms from mid June to early September. Small yellowish flowers with long pink, white or red stamens are puffed among the carved leaves. Inflorescences fade gradually – each flower blooms for only one day. Depending on the variety, the tree can be covered with white, pink-white and red flowers.

Lankaran acacia – light-loving plant

In the photo, the flowers of Lankaran or silk acacia look like the crests of strange birds. These fluffy panicles and delicate two-feathery leaves give the tree an exotic touch. Fruits, 5-6 seeds, are in legume pods up to 20 cm long. Acacia is an excellent honey plant. However, this capricious plant grows successfully only under certain conditions.

Silk acacia is cultivated as a tree and as a shrub. It is thermophilic, therefore, in harsh conditions, it is grown only as a shrub at home.

Acacia species of this species live up to 70 years. Up to 30 years, it grows, then the growth stops, aging begins.

Planting and caring for Lankaran acacia

To grow silk acacia, you need to know its features:

  • She is afraid of frost – temperatures below –12 ° C are dangerous for her.
  • The root system of the tree is strong, but shallow and vulnerable.
  • The tree does not tolerate shading, it is thermophilic. Favorable summer temperature + 26-27 ° C.
  • The soil is needed fertile, sandy loam or with a small admixture of lime.
  • From the 2nd year, the plant begins to be fed with complex fertilizers. This is done only from May to July 1 time / month.
  • Silk acacia is drought-resistant. It is watered infrequently, but abundantly.
  • In the spring, before flowering or immediately after it, the crown or bush is thinned out, removing unnecessary and diseased branches.
  • If a shrub form is grown, the pot is taken large and deep, drainage must be placed on the bottom.

Favorable conditions cause acacia to grow rapidly. By the 4th year of life, she will reach 5 m.

Albition is propagated by cuttings, root shoots and seeds. The easiest way is propagation by cuttings. Cuttings with 3-4 buds are suitable for this. They are planted in early May in the ground, when the ground has already warmed up. The distance between plantings is 1,5−2 m. Not all plants have shoots at the roots. If protruding roots appear, they are separated and transplanted. Seeds are sown in containers to a depth of 4 mm in February. By May, the seedlings will be ready for planting in the ground. For planting in a pot, a mixture is suitable: sand, peat, turf soil (1: 2: 3).

Silk acacia hardly gets sick. Hypothermia is dangerous for her – it causes spotting, and low air humidity is fraught with the appearance of a spider mite.

The unusual beauty of Lankaran acacia will become a bright accent of the garden area, filling it with honey aroma and hum of bees.

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