Planting and caring for gooseberries in the Moscow region: the secrets of a good harvest

Gooseberries in the regions of Our Country are usually grown in many household plots. The homeland of this beautiful shrub is distant sunny Africa. Under natural conditions, it is found in Asia, America and the Caucasus. In addition to great taste, gooseberries are rich in vitamins, sugar and acids. Today you will learn which variety is better to plant in the Moscow region, how to properly plant, what is included in the care of the crop, how to prune and fertilize yourself.

Top Grades

Breeders in the process of fruitful work managed to obtain more than one and a half thousand varieties of this crop. Summer residents have the opportunity to plant any modern thornless gooseberry variety in the Moscow region in spring or autumn. Due to the absence of thorns, the subsequent harvesting process is greatly simplified. Next, we will talk in more detail about the types of gooseberries that are adapted for planting and growing in this region. Planting and caring for gooseberries in the Moscow region: the secrets of a good harvestThe peculiarities of the local climate are a long severe winter and a small number of very warm and sunny days. Therefore, each variety is necessarily endowed with such qualities as winter hardiness and a developed root system. Let’s talk about which thornless and large-fruited varieties are best planted in your area in spring or autumn.


Berries of this variety have a sweet taste with some sourness. They grow in clusters. They can be eaten fresh or used for canning.


The gooseberry variety has single and almost imperceptible thorns. The berries are naturally endowed with a beautiful dark purple color and look somewhat reminiscent of a pear shape. They grow in clusters of several. This type has a high content of useful pectins and has excellent taste.

Northern Captain

An excellent variety of gooseberries, from which, among other things, they make delicious wine. This type of favorite berry cannot boast of great taste, but is indispensable for the production of wine. Externally, the berries are painted almost black and have a shiny wax coating on the surface. Planting and caring for gooseberries in the Moscow region: the secrets of a good harvestThey are arranged in a brush of 3 pieces. The northern captain has advantages such as resistance to fungal diseases and a high degree of yield.

Ural shipless

The fruits of this gooseberry variety have a characteristic sweetish taste with spicy sourness. Shrubs are tall and powerful. The pluses can be safely attributed to strong immunity to major diseases, in particular, to powdery mildew.


Representative of a large-fruited species of favorite berries. The fruits are located on bushes of medium size, with medium-sized and thin thorns. Each fruit has a beautiful burgundy color, weighs about 6 grams and has a sweet, tart taste with some sourness. Planting and caring for gooseberries in the Moscow region: the secrets of a good harvestFor this type of culture, the formation of a bush is required. It does not require special care, shrubs can be planted both in spring and autumn, and also consistently give a rich harvest.

Belarusian sugar

Another large-fruited gooseberry variety. It is convenient for planting in a personal plot of any size, as it is quite compact and squat. Differs in the early period of fructification and good frost resistance. The berries are usually colored in a pleasant green color, weigh about 9 grams each and are endowed with a pleasant sweet taste. Belarusian sugar has a good immunity to infections and does not need complex care.


An excellent development of English breeders is the result of crossing 3 varieties – a species called Invicta. It is somewhat similar to yellow. Only mature berries have a yellow-green skin. The leaves are colored light green. Planting and caring for gooseberries in the Moscow region: the secrets of a good harvestThe bush is quite sprawling and vigorous with a large number of shoots. The fruits can be called medium in terms of size. Their ripening period falls on mid-July.

Gingerbread Man

This interestingly named shrub is tall and grows very fast. On the shoots you can see thin and small spikes. The berries are traditionally painted in a noble dark brown color, have a rounded shape and reach a weight of up to 8 grams each. Planting and caring for gooseberries in the Moscow region: the secrets of a good harvestThe advantages of this type include high immunity and the possibility of obtaining a good harvest from each bush. When carrying out maintenance in order to increase the degree of productivity, regular pruning is required.


These are shrubs of an unusual rounded shape. Their numerous shoots are quite thin and have thorns.

Ripening of delicious berries occurs in early July. They have a rich red color and a rounded shape. The pulp is endowed with a pleasant sweetness and sourness. The advantages of this type include resistance to infections (such as powdery mildew), winter hardiness and the ability of fruits to remain on the bush for a long time.


A gift to our compatriots from German breeding specialists. Such shrubs are of medium size and fairly long shoots. They ripen oval, dark red fruits with a matte surface, each of which weighs about 5 grams. When consumed, berries give everyone their unforgettable sweet and sour taste and aroma. This gooseberry variety has a consistently high yield.


The result of the work of Ukrainian breeders. It is a vigorous and slightly sprawling shrub with straight shoots, which can be planted on your site in spring or autumn.

From it it is possible to collect round-oval fruits with a fairly strong skin of medium thickness. They have an exquisite dessert taste. The advantages of this type can be safely attributed to its high frost resistance, good immunity, productivity, the ability of berries to stay on the bushes for a long time.

Video “Varieties”

From the video you will learn about the best varieties of gooseberries.

Types of gooseberries

Planting and care

Experts advise planting a crop, if possible, after all in the fall, and not in the spring. Since in this case the shrubs will have the opportunity to strengthen their roots before the arrival of cold weather. And then in the spring they will rapidly grow and develop. But you can plant plants in the spring, and not in the fall. After purchase, it is able to overwinter in damp paper or a pot, being in a room with cool air.

Bushes should be planted where groundwater does not come close to the surface. For culture, loamy, clayey, sandy, sandy loam types of soil are suitable. The roots should be well straightened. The root neck is deepened into the ground by no more than a couple of cm.

Further, it is advised to make mulch from fallen leaves or peat, then cut the shoots in half.Planting and caring for gooseberries in the Moscow region: the secrets of a good harvest

Care involves spraying the shrubs with boiling water from a spray bottle before the first snow comes off the site. Such a care procedure will reliably protect your crops from pest invasion. With the advent of spring, fertilizing such as manure infusion should be introduced into the soil. Maintenance also includes updating the existing mulch layer. Since in no case should the drying of the earth be allowed. The obligatory care of shrubs includes watering. A watering hose will help you with this. Watering should be carried out only with warm water. Autumn care involves the introduction of another top dressing, the role of which is usually played by mullein infusion. This is necessary to get a good flowering next year and a rich harvest of delicious berries.


The obligatory care of the bushes also includes autumn pruning. Its purpose is to remove old shoots. If you do not make room for new branches, then in a few years you will get a neglected shrub with small, few and tasteless fruits. Therefore, all old shoots should be cut carefully and completely. Allowing the bush to continue to grow and fully develop.


To build quality green mass and roots, your crop needs nitrogen fertilizers. Suitable such as urea and saltpeter. The first top dressing is applied when the annual shoots grow to 5 cm. The procedure is repeated after a couple of weeks. Ammonium nitrate is used in the amount of 70 grams in 3 sets. For 2 – 3 year old bushes, you need to feed with such a preparation at the rate of 0 kg per plant. Half of the fertilizer should be applied in the spring, the rest in May. When scattering top dressing, it is recommended to retreat from the base of the bush about 3 meters. Planting and caring for gooseberries in the Moscow region: the secrets of a good harvestUnder four-year-old shrubs, it is advised to add phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen-containing top dressing. Each bush requires up to 10 kg of rotted manure or compost. It is recommended to use potassium sulfate at the rate of 0 kg for each crop and superphosphate, the consumption of which in granules is 35 kg. Before the ovaries begin to form and after harvest, your plants will need to add saltpeter.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn about the secrets of growing gooseberries.

Gooseberries – the secrets of growing

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