Planting and caring for apricots: how to plant in the middle lane

Previously, apricot was considered an exclusively southern plant, today this fruit crop is grown even in the Urals and Siberia. Planting and caring for apricots cause some difficulties for beginner gardeners. From our article you will learn how to plant and grow an apricot.

Optimal landing time

The timing of planting an apricot seedling depends on the climatic zone. In the Moscow region and regions of central Our Country, seedlings planted in open ground at the end of April successfully take root. Gardeners of the Volga region recommend planting seedlings of this fruit crop in late March or early April. For planting take northern, winter-hardy varieties. In the Urals and Siberia, frost-resistant apricot varieties are planted. Planting time is the end of April or the beginning of May. To protect against late spring frosts, young trees are covered with non-woven material.

Planting and caring for apricots: how to plant in the middle lane

It is necessary to plant fruit trees in the spring – before the start of active sap flow and swelling of the kidneys. Otherwise, the plant loses a lot of energy for adaptation and recovery.

Video “Preparing the pit and planting a seedling”

From this video you will learn how to properly prepare a planting hole for a tree and plant a seedling.

Preparation of pit and planting of seedlings

Seedling selection and soil preparation

When choosing planting material, carefully inspect the seedling for bark damage and signs of decay. One- and two-year-old crops take root faster.

The optimal height of a young tree suitable for planting is 1–1,5 m. Low-growing crops are considered the result of improper cultivation, tall ones – an excessive amount of nitrogen-containing dressings in the soil.

Planting and caring for apricots: how to plant in the middle lane

A healthy seedling has one main root and 2-3 lateral ones. Lateral branches should be evenly spaced along the trunk of the tree. Unsuitable for planting is considered an apricot with branches with sharp corners of discharge. With abundant fruiting, such branches can break off, which is fraught with the death of the fruit tree.

Apricot feels comfortable in chernozem or loamy soil with neutral acidity. Seedlings that are planted in peat or sandy soil take root slowly and bear fruit poorly.

Landing hole requirements

Apricot is a light-loving and heat-loving fruit tree. When choosing a place to plant a seedling, it is recommended to take a closer look at areas of the garden that are open to the sun. At the same time, the area must be protected from drafts and wind. The level of occurrence of groundwater is 2,5–3 m. The proximity of groundwater negatively affects the development of the root system of a tree and its productivity.

Planting and caring for apricots: how to plant in the middle lane

According to experienced gardeners, apricot is considered an individual fruit crop. The plant does not tolerate the neighborhood with cherries, cherries, pears, peaches, apple trees and walnuts. As the apricot tree grows, it forms a wide and spreading crown. For this reason, when planting seedlings of fruit trees, it is recommended to keep a distance of 3–4 m between the planting pits.

Planting hole for apricot should be at least 70-80 cm deep and 65 cm wide. At the bottom of the pit, drainage is laid out from broken bricks, gravel or crushed stone. The height of the drainage layer is 5–7 cm.

The landing pit must be prepared in advance. If you are going to plant an apricot seedling in the spring, then the pit is prepared in the fall. The soil will have time to be well saturated with air and moisture.

Planting and caring for apricots: how to plant in the middle lane

How to plant

Upon completion of the preparatory work, you can start planting a seedling. You need to plant an apricot tree as follows:

  1. Soak the root system of the seedling the day before planting. The tree will be saturated with moisture, biological processes will be restored in the roots.
  2. Prepare a creamy consistency mash of clay and manure. Soak the root system in the prepared mixture. Let the root dry well.
  3. Make a hole in the center of the planting hole. Pour abundantly with water. Install the wooden support.
  4. Place the seedling in this recess. Carefully level the root system. When the root lies unevenly or there are creases, the young tree may die.
  5. Sprinkle the root with earth, carefully tamp the soil. The root neck should be at a level of 4-5 cm from the ground.
  6. Tie the seedling to the previously installed support.
  7. Form a hole. Water the tree liberally along the edge of the tree trunk. You will need at least 2 buckets of settled water.
  8. Mulch the trunk circle with humus, peat. Mulch height – 4 cm.

Planting and caring for apricots: how to plant in the middle lane

Now let’s figure out how to plant an apricot in the fall.

Autumn planting is no different from spring. The planting hole is prepared 3-4 weeks before planting the seedling in open ground. When making a mash of clay and manure, keep an eye on the consistency of the mixture.

So that the apricot planted in autumn does not freeze during the first frosts, the clay mash must be very thick. After drying, a layer of clay and manure of at least 3 cm remains on the roots.

Further Care

At first, caring for an apricot planted in open ground consists in timely moistening of the soil. At the same time, overflow and drying of the soil is not allowed. The frequency and amount of watering should be determined by the degree of drying of the soil.

 Planting and caring for apricots: how to plant in the middle lane

When signs of insect pests appear, the fruit tree is treated with insecticidal preparations or time-tested folk remedies are used.

Planting and caring for apricots: how to plant in the middle lane

Apricot is a fast growing fruit crop. With proper care, the first time gives an active increase – 1 m per year. Crown pruning is carried out in spring and autumn.

The first year after planting a seedling in a permanent place of growth, no fertilizer is needed. The tree absorbs the micronutrients that are in the soil.

Features of growing from the bone

Novice gardeners are wondering if it is possible to grow an apricot from a stone. When propagating a fruit crop by seeds, it is necessary to take into account the varietal characteristics of the plant. So, the following apricot varieties are suitable for central Our Country and the Moscow region: Honey, Edelweiss, Saratov ruby, , Alyosha, Hurricane, Tsarsky, Northern Triumph, Samara, Hardy, Aquarius, etc.

The collected seeds are thoroughly washed and filled with water for 24 hours. The bones that float to the surface of the water are thrown away, the rest are planted in the ground. In this case, the depth of the hole is 6–7 cm. The beds are preliminarily watered abundantly. After planting, the holes with seeds must be mulched with humus or compost.

Planting and caring for apricots: how to plant in the middle lane

You can plant apricot seeds in spring, summer or autumn. The deadline for planting in the fall falls in mid-October.

Experienced gardeners recommend focusing on the weather conditions and climatic features of the region where the culture grows.

Care for young seedlings consists of watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening the soil.

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