Ifeion is an exotic plant with flowers in the form of stars. It reaches a height of 20 cm. It is planted both in the garden and in a pot as a houseplant. The flowers have a pleasant aroma, but the leaves resemble the smell of onions.
This single-flowered, undemanding plant is easy to grow at home – in a pot or in a flower bed.
Ifeion fascinates with its beauty and tenderness
After buying, do not keep the bulbs without soil for a long time, otherwise they will dry out. Plant them at the end of August. One onion no more than 1 cm in size, so plant several pieces in a pot at a time to a depth of 3-5 cm. Add peat, chopped bark or sawdust to the ground. Place additional drainage at the bottom of the pot and make some holes. Shoots will appear in the 2nd month. Blooming will begin in winter. The color palette is varied.
Ifeion is also grown in flower beds. The place should be sunny, sheltered from the wind. Plant the bulbs in late August or early autumn to a depth of 5-6 cm, the distance from each other is at least 8 cm. Cover the flower for the winter. The plant will begin to bloom in April. Repot it every 3 years – dig up the onion, separate the children from it and plant in prepared soil.
The plant is warm and light-loving, so place the pot on the sunny side. The temperature of the content is at least 20 ° C. In good light, it will bloom profusely and for a long time. Water it when the top layer of the earth is dry. Watering should be regular, but not plentiful: the soil should have time to dry out. Stop watering after wilting leaves.
Feed the plant with mineral fertilizers from the end of winter to the moment of flowering. After the flowers appear, stop feeding it. In late summer, remove dried foliage and move the pot to a dark place. Moisten the ground from time to time. When new leaves appear, place the flower again on the sunny side.
If you are growing a plant in a flower bed, the care conditions will be different.
It needs:
- in watering;
- top dressing;
- in removing weeds;
- in a shelter in the winter;
- planting the bulbs every 3 years.
The flower bed must be protected from the wind.
If you take the wrong care, do not fulfill basic requirements, the flower will get sick.
As you can see, ifheon is an unpretentious plant that does not cause trouble when growing. Even a novice gardener can handle it. The flower grows quickly, forming dense thickets. Its flowers will remind you of small stars.