Planting an apple tree in autumn in the Moscow region: choosing a place and soil, reviewing varieties for the region

It’s no secret how useful apples are. These fruits are loved by both adults and children. Probably, in every garden in the Moscow region you can see at least one variety of this fruit. Like planting any other trees, an apple tree requires certain features. A variety of varieties makes it possible to choose the type that will appeal to the whole family and will bring undoubted benefits, thanks to the rich composition.

Variety choice

When purchasing apple seedlings, one should take into account the timing of fruit ripening. If we talk about precocity, then all varieties of apple trees can be divided into summer, autumn and winter species.Planting an apple tree in autumn in the Moscow region: choosing a place and soil, reviewing varieties for the region

In terms of size and height reached, apple trees are:

  • Vigorous – 8-10 meters;
  • Medium-sized – 4-5 meters;
  • Weak-haired – 3-4 meters.

For the Moscow region, the most popular varieties of tall trees are: Antonovka ordinary, Grushovka Moscow.

In order to get low trees, you should pay attention to dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks. The height of such trees will be from 2,5 to 3,5 m.

An important feature for the apple tree is cold hardiness and wintering. Indeed, in our climatic conditions, a harsh and frosty winter is not a wonder.

The most resistant to low temperatures are:

  • Cinnamon striped;
  • Grushovka Moscow;
  • Antonovka common.

In addition, such varieties tolerate the winter well: Cinnamon new, Cowberry, Marat Busurin.

Resistant to scab (a common disease that affects an apple tree in the Moscow region) are:

  • Veteran;
  • Orlik;
  • Imrus;
  • Oryol striped;
  • Sinap Orlovsky.Planting an apple tree in autumn in the Moscow region: choosing a place and soil, reviewing varieties for the region

Columnar apple trees are considered worthy of the attention of gardeners. They come in various sizes and grow in the form of a single trunk. As a rule, in autumn they are densely strewn with apples. They do not need to be cut, as these specimens grow almost without branches. The fruits ripen quickly. But the period of existence is relatively short, averaging 16 years.

The following apple trees can be attributed to varieties of summer ripening: Borovka, Moscow Grushovka, Breading, Mantet, Melba, Sergiana, Orlov.

By autumn: Delight, Daughter of Wagner, Anise striped, Cinnamon new, Cinnamon striped, Daughter of Cinnamon, Oryol striped, Autumn striped, Autumn Susova, Zhigulevskoye, Cowberry,

By winter: Antonovka vulgaris, Marat Busurin, Daughter of Mekintosh, Orlovskaya Zarya, Ostankino, Bryanskoye, Enchantress, Asterisk, Veteran, Imrus, Kulikovskoye, Renet Chernenko, Spartak, Welsey, Multivitamin, Pepin saffron, Pepin Orlovsky, Moscow Red, Chashnikovskoye, Alesya , Gift to Grafsky, Winter beauty, Moscow winter, Moscow later, Memory of Sikora, Memory of Syubarova, Sinap Orlovsky, Orlik,Planting an apple tree in autumn in the Moscow region: choosing a place and soil, reviewing varieties for the region

It is best to opt for varieties of small size, they have good yields and they require less care. And due to the fact that they take up less space in the garden, this allows you to plant several species at the same time and enjoy an excellent assortment of apples.

Video “Characteristics of apple varieties”

From the video you will learn the characteristics of fruitful varieties of apple trees.

Landing times and times

An apple tree can be planted both in spring and autumn. In the cold season, this is done after all the leaves have fallen. In the spring, it is necessary to have time before bud break. The main thing is not to miss the right moment.Planting an apple tree in autumn in the Moscow region: choosing a place and soil, reviewing varieties for the region

It is better, of course, to plant trees in the fall. In this case, if there was damage to the root system when the seedling was dug up, it has time to recover during the autumn-winter period. And already during the growing season it is good to eat useful microelements.

The most suitable period for planting seedlings in the fall is mid-October. In regions where winter can bring -30 degrees, it is better to transfer the planting date to spring.

Preparing a place to land

For an apple tree, the ideal soil is one in which there is normal air circulation, while the occurrence of groundwater is observed at a level of two meters at least. Soil with rubble or marshy is not entirely suitable. 

A distance of about three meters is maintained between the trees, an interval of 6 meters is observed between the rows. About 30 days before planting, the pit itself is being prepared. To do this, a recess of 0,7 m is dug, round in shape, with sheer walls.

Planting an apple tree in autumn in the Moscow region: choosing a place and soil, reviewing varieties for the region

It is important not to mix the fertile layer with the bottom. A stake 5 centimeters thick is constructed in the middle of the resulting pit, and the length is calculated so that 40 cm should peek out of the pit. So that the stake does not rot for a long time, it is pre-fired.

For soil to have a good indicator of fertility, a mixture of pre-deposited topsoil, peat, compost, humus, rotted manure and organic fertilizer is required. In cases where clay inclusions predominate in the soil, a small amount of sand is added to the same mixture. The created “cocktail” fills the hole to the top and so that a small slide is visible. The mound is made on the basis that over time the soil will sag, and the planted apple trees will be in the funnel. The part of the earth that remains from the lower excavated layers is scattered between the rows.

There are several features for the formation of the necessary pit in order to plant a seedling in it in the future and apply fertilizer correctly:

  • When clay components predominate in the soil, the depth of the pit must be increased, and the dimensions themselves must be larger. A drainage layer is laid out at its bottom, which can be made from tin cans (empty), stones, leftovers or scraps of wood. The root system will develop well and receive the necessary amount of oxygen.
  • If the drainage layer is not provided, then the pit should be made wider. This prevents stagnation. When watering, the water can be absorbed and not provoke rotting of the root system.
  • If the soil is sandy, then it is necessary to provide a layer that would hold water. It can be made from clay or silt.
  • If groundwater occurs at a depth of about 1,5 m, then the pit itself should not be dug. The soil is simply dug up and, as a rule, this is quite enough. Then they make a small depression and it is important not to forget to fertilize. After these procedures, plant a tree. The roots are evenly sprinkled with earth.

In the case when groundwater is close enough to the surface (about 1,5 m), the recess is not dug, on the contrary, the apple tree is placed on a mound.

seedling planting technology

Having dealt with the features of the landing site, you should consider the very technique of this process.

It is important to carefully study it before burying a seedling. After all, if the cut points do not have a white tint, but are painted brown or brown, this indicates damage to the root system. Most likely, it was frozen or dried. All injured segments must be removed.Planting an apple tree in autumn in the Moscow region: choosing a place and soil, reviewing varieties for the region

In the hole that was prepared a month before disembarkation, a small hole is formed, and a tubercle is made at its bottom. This is done so that the root system is not damaged or burned when fertilizers are applied.

The seedling itself is placed so that the planted log is located on the south side of the tree, and the root neck of the trunk itself rises five centimeters above ground level. It is important not to deepen the border of the transition, this is the place where the light green bark turns into brown. As a rule, this place is clearly visible. It is also not recommended to plant above this line, because the root system may not receive the necessary moisture, especially on hot days.

It is very convenient to work in pairs when planting an apple tree. One person can hold the seedling at the right height and straighten the roots along the earthen hill, and the second person can cover the root system and lightly tamp the top layer of soil. So that all the voids are filled, when instilled, the seedlings are shaken a little, if this is not done, the roots will begin to dry out.

So that the apple tree planted in autumn does not settle, it is necessary to tie it to a peg, this is done with plastic twine for a free figure eight.

Pour several buckets of water into the hole and be sure to mulch the soil. This can be done using the remaining earth or humus. Be sure to apply fertilizer to the soil.Planting an apple tree in autumn in the Moscow region: choosing a place and soil, reviewing varieties for the region

Watering is carried out once a week. This process is completed in August. In case of soil subsidence, the apple tree itself can be pulled up a little and fixed at the border of the root collar.

There is nothing difficult when planting various varieties of apple trees in the fall, you just need to dig a hole correctly, taking into account the soil in which the tree is planted. The apple tree does not require special care, the watering process is very standard, as are the fertilizers used.

Video “Growing and caring for an apple tree”

From the video you will learn how to grow and care for an apple tree.

Apple Growing Tips and Apple Tree Care

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