There are several ways to plant an apple tree if groundwater is close. For example, some gardeners make a special hill or install a wooden box into which soil is poured. You can also dig a hole, fill it with concrete, and lay fertile soil on top. The main landing methods and instructions are described in the article.

What level of water is considered high

The critical level of groundwater is considered to be 1,5 m. if the water comes above this level, planting apple trees on such soils is definitely not worth it.

And this is the maximum allowed value. In some cases, the limit should be even lower:

  • planting apple trees on a vigorous rootstock – water up to 3 m;
  • medium-sized (semi-dwarf) – up to 2,5 m;
  • undersized (dwarf) – up to 1,5 m.

To determine the height, it is necessary to make several observations – after heavy rains, in the autumn and spring periods. It is important to understand how high the water rises and how long it takes to return.

To do this, you can navigate the groundwater in the well. If it is not there, you will have to dig a small well. Another option is to interview neighbors who have experience in growing apple trees and a well on the site.

Groundwater influence

Planting most apple trees with high groundwater is not recommended. Mature trees give quite powerful roots, which can reach a depth of 3-5 meters, and often 7-10. If they are constantly in contact with groundwater, this can lead to negative consequences:

  • cooling of the root system;
  • freezing in winter;
  • lack of the required amount of oxygen;
  • death of soil bacteria;
  • violation of the soil structure;
  • leaching of humus, nutrients.

Prolonged contact with groundwater leads to rotting of the root system. In fact, it cannot perform the main function of absorbing nutrients. Apple trees lag behind in development and may even die.

Planting an apple tree if groundwater is close

Before planting, you need to make sure that the groundwater is suitable for a height of no more than 1,5-2 m

Therefore, before planting, you should carefully check the depth of occurrence. This is especially important if there is a well on or near the site. Subsequently, it is quite difficult to deal with high waters – you will have to lift the tree with special devices, make an embankment. After that, it will hurt and produce less crop, so it is easier to prevent the problem than to correct the consequences.

Varieties of apple trees that are not afraid of groundwater

There are several varieties of apple trees that are not afraid of groundwater. Summer varieties include:

  • Orlinka;
  • Isaev;
  • Mantet;
  • Melba;
  • Grushovka Moscow;
  • Suislepskoye;
  • Dessert;
  • Medunica;
  • White filling;
  • Antonovka golden;
  • Anniversaries;
  • Wonderful.

Autumn varieties of apple trees that can be grown with close groundwater:

  • Bessemyanka;
  • lingonberry;
  • Michurin;
  • Autumn joy;
  • Blueberry;
  • Chosen One;
  • Dessert;
  • Anise scarlet;
  • Petrova;
  • Sweetness;
  • Young naturalist;
  • Brown striped;
  • Korean;
  • Strefling;
  • Antonovka.

Among the winter varieties of apple trees that can be planted if groundwater is close, the following can be distinguished:

  • Aport is red;
  • Seliger;
  • Northern synapse;
  • Orlik;
  • Peaceful;
  • Babushkino;
  • Belarusian raspberry;
  • Welsey;
  • woman;
  • Lobo;
  • Smuglyanka;
  • Beauty Moscow;
  • The hero.

Planting columnar apple trees can be planned in almost any area. Their roots are shallow, so they will not reach the water anyway. Such trees live up to 15 years, but they bear fruit well and are easy to care for. Therefore, summer residents often choose them for planting.

Important! If the apple tree variety is tall, its roots reach a maximum depth, reaching up to 10 meters. Planting such crops in areas with close waters cannot be planned. Otherwise, after a few years, the roots will grow to a great depth and partially “float”.
Planting an apple tree if groundwater is close

Rossiyanka is one of the varieties that can be grown in wet areas.

Planting an apple tree at a high groundwater level

If the water comes up quite high, planting apple trees can also be done. There are several ways to do this, for example, make a hill or make a box. And you should follow the general landing rules:

  1. Plant quickly so that the roots do not have time to dry out.
  2. Pre-hold in a mash of water and clay with a few drops of a growth stimulator.
  3. During planting, the roots are carefully straightened to fit freely.
  4. They should be covered with loose earth, without stones.
  5. The wells must be well watered with settled water, giving two buckets each, and mulched on top with compost, mowed grass, straw or other materials.


To land in this way, proceed as follows:

  1. Dig a hole 100 cm in diameter, 80 cm deep.
  2. Completely fill it with concrete.
  3. Pour a layer of soil on top before planting. It must be at least 1 m high.
  4. Add compost or humus, wood ash.
  5. Then plant the seedling, carefully straightening the roots.

As the root system develops, it will quickly rest against concrete, and then go into horizontal growth. Further, in the first years after planting, it is important to ensure that the roots are not exposed. As necessary, add new layers of fertile soil.

On a hill

Instead of concrete, you can land on a hill. To do this, an embankment of fertile soil is made on the surface (ratio 2: 1: 1: 1):

  • sod soil;
  • humus or compost;
  • peat;
  • sand.

The dimensions of the hill should be the same as for the usual planting of an apple tree in places without groundwater. Its height is at least 100 cm, and its width is 60-70 cm, depending on the length of the roots.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Choose a landing site. Clean and level the area.
  2. Make a soil mixture.
  3. Drive a stake 1,5 m high in the center.
  4. Make a mound for planting the specified dimensions.
  5. Put the seedling in the center, sprinkle with soil, deepen the root neck by 5-7 cm.
  6. As the hill settles, they pour it in, making sure that after planting the roots of the apple tree do not become bare.


In places with high groundwater, apple trees can also be planted using a wooden box with dimensions of 1 * 1 m or 1,5 * 1,5 m (depending on the size of the seedling). Then fertile soil is filled up and planting is started in the usual way, as described above.

Planting an apple tree if groundwater is close

The box can be made with your own hands from improvised materials

Soil is also sprinkled over the wooden sides so that the edges are not visible. Add more soil as needed. Thanks to the box, the hill will have a permanent structure, in addition, an embankment will be formed. Therefore, even if the groundwater is too high, the root system can be saved from constant contact with it.


If you choose apple trees that are resistant to high groundwater, after planting, they must be properly cared for. You can focus on the advice of experienced gardeners, described below.

Additional fertilizing

Top dressing is given 2-3 times per season. In early April, nitrogen compositions should be applied (the amount is indicated per tree):

  • ammonium nitrate – 30-50 g;
  • urea – 100-150 g;
  • nitroammophoska – 30 g.

On the eve of flowering, re-fertilize:

  • urea – 25 g;
  • potassium sulfate – 40 g;
  • superphosphate – 50 g.

During the formation of the ovaries, complex fertilizers containing boron are given. In autumn, after harvesting, they are fed with wood ash, 300 g per 1 m2. This is especially important for apple trees planted in a site with close groundwater.


Tree pruning is carried out regularly. In the spring, all old, broken, frozen and dry branches are removed. In autumn, they start forming pruning. For old trees over the age of 15 years, it is necessary to do a rejuvenating haircut. Moreover, large branches are removed 1-2 per year – no more is needed, otherwise the apple tree will suffer greatly.


Young seedlings are given water quite often – 1,5-2 buckets every 10 days. If a prolonged drought is established, the frequency is doubled. If the soil does not have time to dry out, water is not given. Also, do not water in between rains. Excess moisture and groundwater is dangerous for the root system of the apple tree.

As for mature trees, they are watered 2-3 times per season, when there is no rain for a long time. Up to 8-9 liters of water are given per apple tree. It is recommended to pre-defend it indoors or under the sun.

What to do if the roots have reached groundwater

Sometimes it also happens that the planting of an apple tree was done a long time ago, and then groundwater reached its root system. In this case, the problem can be solved in several ways:

  1. In autumn, cut off all branches with a diameter of more than 1,5 cm. Cut the crown short, level the central trunk with it.
  2. If the tree is no more than seven years old, it can be lifted by the stem above the soil using special levers.
  3. Make a new graft of a tree – after 3-4 years it will give a good harvest.
  4. You can also form a drainage. To do this, they lay pipes made of plastic or ceramics, put them on a slope, after which the water goes into a lowland or other specially designated place. The method is quite laborious and expensive.
  5. You can also make ditches to divert water. To do this, trenches 1,5 m deep are dug along the perimeter of the site. Groundwater enters them, from where they go along the natural slope to the lowlands or to the well.
Planting an apple tree if groundwater is close

If the apple tree is young, it can be saved from root rot by lifting the trunk with special levers

If in the planting pits water makes its way from under the clay layer, it is enough to dig a trench on both sides along the rows of trees. They are made with a slope of 5-7 cm. This is necessary so that the groundwater immediately drains to the right place.

Where the trenches are connected to each other, bundles of rods up to 2 m long should be laid. Otherwise, the ditch will quickly become covered with silt and cease to fulfill its function of removing moisture.


Planting an apple tree, if groundwater is close, is not very difficult. Pre-measure the level of occurrence, which will correctly determine the place for the garden. Then they make a hill, a pillow, or install a wooden box. Caring for such trees is standard, but it is important to periodically sprinkle the soil.

Landing at groundwater – good advice

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