Planting a pear in the fall and further tree care

The fruits of the pear tree are tasty, juicy, healthy, and therefore loved by many. They are oblong, convex. Color – bright yellow, green, red. Almost every personal plot has such fruit. Moreover, there are a great many of its varieties. There are even fruits that are stored all winter. So the happy owners of this plant will be with vitamins almost all year round.

Planting a pear in your backyard does not differ in any particularities. But still, it is better to know how to plant a pear and take care of it correctly.


time, climate

The pear tree loves a dry, stable temperate continental climate (central Our Country, Ukraine, Central Asia, Mongolia, Canada). When summer is hot and winter is cold. That is, where there are no strong temperature differences during the season. The northern, harsh climate is completely unsuitable for this plant. Such conditions will simply destroy him.

Professional gardeners advise planting a pear in the fall. Until the first frost, when the leaves fall. Better if the weather is still warm (September, October).

The optimal time for planting pears in the spring is the end of April.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

Any planting of a fruit tree begins with the selection of a quality seedling. Take this issue seriously so that your work is not wasted. The best pear additive 1-2 years of age. Perform a careful inspection. The tree must be strong, whole, elastic. Roots – no rotten areas. A dense root system will allow the plant to grow faster. The trunk with branches is healthy. If there are damaged areas, remove.

Planting a pear in the fall and further tree care

How to prepare a seedling:

  • Remove all leaves from the tree. Since the roots of the plant are not yet working, and the foliage draws moisture onto itself;
  • Soak the roots of the additive in water for a day. This is especially true for trees that have a slightly dried root system. If the upper part is also dried up, then the entire plant is completely immersed in moisture.

Planting site, soil

Pear is a lover of light, warmth. Choose for her the south side of the garden. The plant is better to immediately attach to a permanent place of residence. It doesn’t take transplant well.

Since the tree grows large, has a powerful tall trunk, a wide crown, then take care of the space for it. Some varieties are up to 20 meters tall. (Average height – 10-15 meters). It is advisable to plant it away from other fruit trees.

The soil needs loose, fertilized, allowing air to circulate well. Should contain sand with a small amount of clay.

Planting a pear in the fall and further tree care

Landing technology

How to plant a pear? Start by preparing the hole. It should be a little more roots. Its depth is up to 80 centimeters. For the autumn landing, they dig a hole in a week or two. For spring – it is prepared in the fall.

Since the soil is needed loose, the top layer of the earth is discarded in one direction, and the lower (dense) layer in the other. Fertilize this soil with organic matter: humus, peat. They will saturate the soil with nutrients, as well as increase its friability. In addition, mineral preparations of phosphorus and potassium are added. Acidic soil is lime. Everything is mixed.

Step back from the center of the pit about 30 centimeters, drive in a wooden peg. Its height is up to the lowest branch of the seedling. Make a mound around it. Plant a pear near the stake (north side). Its root neck should be either level with the ground, or rise above it by 5 centimeters. Sometimes the place of the neck is very noticeable – this is the transition of the color of the trunk from dark to lighter.

Straighten all roots carefully. Cover with fertilized soil, compact well. When pouring earth, shake the seedling so that it is firmly established. Proper landing – when the tree cannot be pulled out with force.

Planting a pear in the fall and further tree care

Next, loosely tie the stem of the plant to the support. Make a near-stem circular hole, water abundantly. The last stage is to conscientiously mulch the circle. Make sure that the mulch is around the trunk all season. You can use manure, grass, humus.

If the soil sags, it is necessary to add it. Because this can lead to drying out of the roots. Planting a pear deep can cause disease, even death.

Video “Preparing a pit and planting a pear”

This video will tell you more about how to properly prepare a hole and plant a pear seedling.


What should be the care of a pear?


Mature pear trees tolerate dry soil well. However, they still need to be watered. The best moisture is rain. If this is not possible, then the near-trunk circle is watered. 2-3 buckets of water per year of plant life. Optimal watering: the first time before flowering. Second time after. The third – in the fall, after harvest. In dry weather, water as needed. Pour in water slowly so as not to wash the roots. Humidification with a sprayer will still be effective.

Planting a pear in the fall and further tree care

The soil under the plant requires stable moisture. It helps to keep a thorough mulching. For aesthetics, mulch can be sprinkled on top with small gravel, freshly cut grass. Sudden changes from drought to abundant watering will lead to cracking of the fruit. If the groundwater is shallow, then you need to water less often. Since the root system of these fruit trees is powerful. Deep roots are able to extract their own moisture. In winter, the lower part of the trunk should be covered with snow.

Additional fertilizing

In the care of a pear, soil fertilizer is of great importance. It depends on how the tree grows. When it bears fruit abundantly, it needs more feeding. If it grows, there is no need to fertilize. Perhaps the plant is overfed.

When fertilizing, the composition of the soil is taken into account. Therefore, it is desirable to do its agrochemical analysis. If this is not possible, then the fertility of the land can be judged by dense, wild thickets (burdocks, nettles) growing nearby. So food should be moderate.

An approximate recipe for annual pear feeding in fertile soil:

  • 3-4 kilograms of organic matter (for example, cow dung);
  • 40 grams of ammonium nitrate (or 15-20 grams of urea);
  • 50 grams of superphosphate;
  • 25 grams of potassium sulfate (or 3 cups of ash).

If the soil is poor, then the amount of fertilizer is increased by a quarter. Nitrogen minerals, as a growth stimulator, are applied in the spring (2/3 of the dose). The rest – at the beginning of summer. All top dressings are applied to moist soil, or along with watering.


Pear care provides for mandatory pruning of the crown due to the rapid growth of the tree. It is enough to follow simple rules:

  • Shearing is carried out twice a year: spring, autumn;
  • Thin out the crown, removing excess, densely planted rods;
  • The branches are made the same length. Too long just shortened;
  • The lower branches are not removed, with the exception of wild shoots. It can harbor pathogens. Therefore, it is cut off immediately when it appears. The growth also negatively affects the quality of the crop;
  • For pruning, use a sharp pruner or knife;
  • Cut shoots at right angles with a quick movement;
  • The cut points are treated with garden putty.

Sometimes you can observe how a tree trunk collapses on its side during growth. So that it does not grow crooked, you must do the following. Prepare a powerful, thick wooden stake. Hammer it deep, from the opposite side of the blockage. Lightly loosen the soil, being careful not to damage the root system. Gently pull the trunk to the support, tie it tightly. Please note that the roots may rise during the procedure. Therefore, fill them with earth, tamp well. Water abundantly, then mulch, as when planting.

Now you know the main rules for planting and caring for a pear. With their careful implementation, in 5-7 years you will be able to enjoy juicy tasty fruits. If a fruit tree does not begin to bear fruit after 10 years, then a serious reason must be sought. Each of them produces about 100 kilograms of crop per season. If the fruits are not damaged, then they are stored for up to 250 days.

Take good care of your garden pet. Then it will provide you with vitamins for almost a whole year!

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