Planting a peach in autumn: rules and main features

Peach attracts the attention of gardeners with its amazing taste and pleasant aroma. The yield indicators of this fruit crop depend on the correct choice of a suitable variety and compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. From our article you will learn how to plant a peach in the fall.

Why autumn planting is better

Planting a peach in autumn: rules and main features

Many gardeners are accustomed to planting seedlings of fruit crops in the spring, believing that over the summer, young trees will have time to take root well and get stronger. However, autumn planting has many advantages:

  • choosing planting material in autumn, it is possible to evaluate its vegetative shoots;
  • lack of direct exposure to sunlight;
  • rooting occurs during the period of rest and dormancy of plants;
  • a fragile seedling is not attacked by harmful insects;
  • favorable price for seedlings of varietal crops.

When planting a varietal peach in the fall, there is a high risk of freezing of the fruit crop. So, planting fruit trees in the Central Black Earth, Nizhnevolzhsky and North Caucasian regions is possible until mid-October. In areas with a difficult climate – Siberia, the Urals, the Far East – it is better to transfer the planting of peach seedlings in open ground to spring.

Video “Peach planting in autumn”

From this video you will learn how to properly plant a peach seedling in the autumn.

How to plant a peach correctly / Planting a peach in autumn / Rules for planting peach seedlings

Preparatory stages

Peach refers to capricious and heat-loving fruit crops. In order for the plant to quickly acclimatize and successfully take root, it is necessary to pay due attention to the choice of planting material and the determination of its further place of growth.

Selection of seedlings

According to the recommendations of experienced gardeners, when choosing a seedling, it is necessary to select zoned varieties. Planting material is better to buy in local nurseries.

The height of a peach seedling should not exceed 1,5 m, while the width of the trunk should be about 2 cm. Taller and more massive fruit crops do not take root well and have weak immunity. The discrepancy between these parameters indicates that the agricultural technique for forcing planting material was violated.

The root system of a peach suitable for planting should be highly branched and not overdried. In addition to the main root, there are 2-3 lateral ones. The more powerful the root, the faster the tree adapts to new growing conditions.

2-year-old seedlings take root most successfully. The distance from the root neck to the grafting site is 6–8 cm. In this case, the bark of the tree should have a smooth glossy surface.

Autumn planting makes it possible to assess the condition of the planting material. Carefully inspect the plant for cracks, open “wounds” and signs of the presence of harmful insects. The presence of dried, yellowed or twisted leaf plates is considered the first sign of a fungal disease. When buying a knowingly diseased tree, you should not place high hopes on it.

Planting a peach in autumn: rules and main features

landing pit

The peach tree grows well on the southern, western and southwestern side of the garden plot. This fruit crop loves the sun, but is afraid of a draft. It is best to plant a seedling near the fence or wall of the house, thereby protecting the plant from the cold wind.

The level of occurrence of groundwater should be no more than 3 m from the surface of the earth. Otherwise, over time, the root system of the fruit tree will begin to rot, which is fraught with the death of the plant. Peach should be planted at a distance of 3,5–5 m from other tall trees. Don’t forget to choose the right neighborhood. Planting a peach near an apricot, apple, pear, cherry, sweet cherry and walnut is not recommended.

Peach quickly takes root, grows well and develops on loamy and chernozem soil with a low level of acidity. If sand and clay predominate on the territory of the garden plot, then when planting, you need to make good drainage.

As for the planting hole, its dimensions should be 75–80 cm deep and 60–70 cm wide. The height of the drainage layer is 10–15 cm. Broken red brick, gravel and crushed stone can be used as drainage.

10–14 days before planting, a nutrient mixture is introduced into the planting hole prepared in advance:

  • rotted manure;
  • wood ash;
  • peat;
  • superphosphate;
  • topsoil.

Planting a seedling

Planting a peach in autumn: rules and main features

Now let’s look at the algorithm for how to plant a peach in the fall. 24 hours before planting in open ground, the root system of the seedling is immersed in water.

To stimulate root formation, it is recommended to add “Kornevin” or “Heteroauxin” to the water.

  1. Form a recess in the planting hole. The size of the recess should correspond to the parameters of the root system of a young tree.
  2. Pour a bucket of settled water into the formed hole. Wait for the liquid to soak into the soil.
  3. Inspect the root system for damage. Carefully cut off broken, injured and dry roots with a garden pruner.
  4. Set the seedling in the center of the planting hole, carefully straighten the roots.
  5. Cover the plant with soil. Make sure that the root neck is on the surface. The distance from the ground surface to the root collar should be at least 4 cm.
  6. Compact the soil, tie the seedling to a support and form a side along the perimeter of the trunk circle.
  7. Plentifully water the seedling and mulch the soil in the near-stem circle with peat, straw or fallen leaves.

A properly organized planting of a seedling of a fruit crop helps the plant quickly get used to a new place of growth and survive the coming winter.

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